Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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as long as you have the base game down.. I think at this rate the modders might take over. but over all, minecraft is at the end of its life as a whole, and personally a release of TFC2 would be great. I just don't know how much traction it will regain. I stop in every month and lurk all of like the 2 new post and to see if TFC2 has become a thing yet. 


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On 8/3/2017 at 8:55 AM, Bioxx said:

Sorry guys, I've been pretty bad about working on TFC2 for a while. I really should update you guys more on things when that happens. 

Edit: I might do a release with what we have right now, which isn't very compelling and missing a LOT of content just to see if I can get myself back into things. Let me know what you guys think and I'll think about it.

Thanks for the update! I'm interested in trying out what you've done so far.


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On 8-3-2017 at 2:55 PM, Bioxx said:

Sorry guys, I've been pretty bad about working on TFC2 for a while. I really should update you guys more on things when that happens. 

Edit: I might do a release with what we have right now, which isn't very compelling and missing a LOT of content just to see if I can get myself back into things. Let me know what you guys think and I'll think about it.

First off thanks for all the time you have put in TFC in general, i have had many hours of enjoyment from this mod, and thanks for the update on this i have been looking forward to the new version or news about it.

Personally i dont mind a release with a lot of missing stuff, especially if it could potentially help you get extra motivation to work on it, 


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I would gladly test play bare-bones early build. It would be nice to see what features have been implemented so far and get a sense of where things might be going. Plus, the feed back probably would be good motivation for Bioxxx.

Hope to hear more soon!


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It´s ok to test things when they are not complete. Member when you had to make a pre-tool with a  stone and a stick from the floor in tfc1? I member.


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there will always be anons lurking in the forums so take your time, we don't mind :P


but hura! Really interested in the world gen that you made. from the screenshots a while back it seemed amazing. :D


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for those who wanna poke at the dev progress, watch bioxx's twitter and the github for tfc2. (other lurkers can post the links for those places, too lazy. lol. )


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I'd love to test pretty much anything with TFC2. If it's just some world gen with some torch crafting, I'm happy to help test that, as I always was in early TFC days.


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Do you know when a possible release date for an alpha version could be? I know it may not be anytime soon but a rough estimate would be awesome :) 


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Ok so right now, I don't want to release anything until I have the firepit completed along with a raw implementation of the temperature code. Ideally I could have this done in 1 or two days if I wasn't busy with other stuff. I think that these are the only features that really feel that I need in place before I'm willing to push something. 

Animal AI is virtually nonexistant atm so there isn't much threat in the world besides vanilla baddies spawning(i'll do something special with them later). But with some basic cooking and knapping in place, there's at least some basic gameplay elements.

We aren't too far off from a release but I don't like to give release dates on stuff because I'm notorious for missing my own internal targets. 


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Yay! I'm so happy right now :D About release dates - they often do more bad than good to creator and waiting people alike so that you don't give them (especially if you know that often you can't keep up to them) is smart thing to do, so please don't worry about that.

Edited by Narmo

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As one of the aforementioned lurkers, hell yes we're interested.

What you're saying you have so far/will have at early release is at least of more interest than vanilla. And heck, once farming changes (if those are still a thing?) plus metals and the resulting equipment are'd be pretty much right back up to par with TFC1, with the addition of more interesting world-gen and the mobs as a bonus; even if they're not fleshed out yet, they add to the atmosphere.


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That's awesome to hear. I'll be sure to download the first release, as soon as you push it out, but take your time, as you Need it. :) Waited over 2 years for this, a few days more aren't bad anymore.


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So bored right now. I revisited all my old games, nothing that I could play for more than a few weeks.

Played the whole Half-life 2 series.

I really need TFC2.

I do appreciate all the time and effort you put into development.

I am again in the process of recertification, this time Network +. After 4 hours of studying I need something to relax my mind, 

Terrafirmacraft has been for me the relax game for a few years now.

Once again thank you very much for this amazing game.


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On 3/28/2017 at 10:33 PM, TonyLiberatto said:

So bored right now. I revisited all my old games, nothing that I could play for more than a few weeks.

Played the whole Half-life 2 series.

I really need TFC2.

I do appreciate all the time and effort you put into development.

I am again in the process of recertification, this time Network +. After 4 hours of studying I need something to relax my mind, 

Terrafirmacraft has been for me the relax game for a few years now.

Once again thank you very much for this amazing game.

Lmao tony. XD


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I'm not so keen on it being release right now. What you are going to get right now is some interesting looking islands, and some of the basics for growing things. Yes some of the islands are pretty but it's pretty much like playing cast away. Since they are islands I wouldn't mind some tropical storms. I digress, at least if there was a bare bones release version, maybe it could create a focus for discussion so people don't go on talking about trains on small islands. There's a joke on kawaii that there's three highways. H1, H2, and H2O. Also I think there are too many warm weather savanna animals, and that the animals are too big for the islands. Sure there were elephants found on an island IRL but they were tiny. They need more birds, rodents, and canidae. And none of theses...


Edited by Stroam

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God, that's such a relief
Haven't heard of any sufficient news for months, but this...

This is GOLD
And I really mean it

Never have I been so hyped about TFC2 as from now on


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4 hours ago, Sugar_Fox said:

God, that's such a relief
Haven't heard of any sufficient news for months, but this...

This is GOLD
And I really mean it

Never have I been so hyped about TFC2 as from now on

Don't get too hyped. Like I said, there is very little gameplay to be had at this point. I'm just trying to get some basic stone tier things setup before release. Other than giving me some very valuable feedback, there won't be a whole lot to do other than explore until I get more features in. TFC2 is in a VERY Alpha state currently.


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56 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

Don't get too hyped. Like I said, there is very little gameplay to be had at this point. I'm just trying to get some basic stone tier things setup before release. Other than giving me some very valuable feedback, there won't be a whole lot to do other than explore until I get more features in. TFC2 is in a VERY Alpha state currently.

Too late
Can't stop my hype now


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I, too, have invested in a one-way hype train ticket, even if it is doomed to crash. I would understand the inevitable crashes before we have something playable, of the literal and figurative varieties 


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On 3/31/2017 at 1:11 PM, Bioxx said:

Don't get too hyped. Like I said, there is very little gameplay to be had at this point. I'm just trying to get some basic stone tier things setup before release. Other than giving me some very valuable feedback, there won't be a whole lot to do other than explore until I get more features in. TFC2 is in a VERY Alpha state currently.

Jokes on you! I'm pumped with just exploring the terrain generation and checking out the gravity mechanicsif they are still in. if not oh well that you showcased years ago. :D  I need no gameplay


Edited by fallonsky
tiny text

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