Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Cocofang

  1. First of all a list of my questions: Why does failed clay forming not return the clay?Why can't uncooked clay items be returned into pieces of clay? Same for clay Blocks if those are intended to stay)Why do all Clay Items cost the same amount of Clay?Why can't you fill molten metal directly into the right molds (from vessel into pickaxe mold)?Why does the metal not cool down while in the Vessel. It should be needed to reheat it perhaps.Why can alot of filled items (molds) not be placed anymoreWhy 2D-Sprites instead of 3D-Models? It looks weird if you look down from the top.Why no clay bricks and Flower Pots while we are at it? And my suggestions: Remedy the first three points by actually returning a the clay when you fail to form it correctly, Returning the clay lost of the Item by putting it into the crafting grid and perhaps by refunding clay pieces if you craft something that does not need the entire amount of clay (e.g. 1 ingot Mold costs 3 pieces of clay, thus you are returned 2 pieces after crafting it.)In regards to the third point, you could actually introduce a specific clay crafting table used to craft block-sized clay objects. This is a wooden table with a 5x5 (or perhaps 3x3) crafting grid inside. Inside this crafting grid you place pieces of clay to create certain objects (the Crucible, perhaps the Clay Block itself, block-sized clay storage, etc.) You place the clay inside, and than operate a handle attached to the table to craft it (consuming parts of your food/water and taking a bit of time)The remaining points are pretty self-explanatory.
  2. Rope Integration?

    Nah sorry just my stuff that's in my head. Not good with code
  3. Rope Integration?

    Two new plants: Hemp and Cotton. Hemp is mainly used for ropes. Cotton goes to yarn (just like sheep wool). You can now make cotton/Wool Ropes, but they require alot more work and processing than hemp ropes. Ropes are used: -as a type of ladder -general crafting ingredient. -Perhaps as a way to introduce vanilla leads (or custom leads). Animals should (depending on the type of animal) fight back a bit. -In crafting a straw sleeping roll. Oh and yeah i know yu are talking about the Ropes+ mod. Just wanted to randomly mention my stuff. I feel like for firearrows we could perhaps use Tar. (created by cooking bark in a closed pot. Perhaps also craft torches using this). TBH I have a really big idea for an "adventure update" (moving all fantasy mobs into specific designated areas, implementing poisened and burning arrows (and perhaps other weapons) using spider glants, tar and perhaps poisenous plants too, as well as very optional bosses that you could whip your endgame equip out for.
  4. That was exactly my Plan. Use the table for big Clay Objects. objects that take an entire block of minecraft Space. Like the Crucible (already in game). Other ideas could be storages that are useable for Liquid OR Items (depending on what you put into them). Perhaps make it the only way to attain vanilla Clay blocks. (create a 4x4 within the table) Cook them and get Hardened Clay (don't need to keep the colouring mechanic obviously) And give it a nice additional function: Uncooked Clay Block can be chiseled without creating dureability loss on your tools, allowing you to create blueprints easily! And for each piece of chisel-grid you take out of it you gain a tiny piece of clay. Those work like the Emerald Shaards in "Legend Gear" and auto-combine into bigger pieces if possible with 32 tiny pieces making a normal piece of clay ---> Even if you take apart the entire Clay Block pixel by pixel with the chisel, you would regain your entire Clay, making it an amazing tool to make prototypes for Blueprints.
  5. I meant something like this (but less modern) for bigger Clay objects: You would from the object by putting clay into that crafting grid. And than craft it buy operating it a few times. Regarding 6: Mainly to put down half filled Molds. but i think i can agree with you. You can just take the Ingot out fo the mold once it's cooled. Regarding 8: For a clay based form of Building block, that only requires you some lucky flux-based stones, a saw (using your first metal on a saw and not a pickaxe) and enough clay. For Clay brick Blocks. Regarding 2: In the version I've downloaded i was still able to create Clay Blocks (2x2 from Clay) Regarding 7: Kinda sad
  6. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I didn't include that one since it's probably really hard to do wthin minecraft regarding breeding animals for food: They allready drop more meat than in Vanilla. I guess that would end up as finetuning.
  7. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I actually enjoy the idea of day/night being based on the month. Obviously don't go to extremes with it. I'm also slightly annoyed by the fact that every server uses 8-day months, resulting in a whole year passing by in just one day. I would actually enjoy if the following would be standard: -30 day months. -30 minutes a day. -Day/Night ratio based on month (1.3 : 0.7 in total summer and 0.8 : 1.2 in total winter) Without sleeping or Server downtime this would result in 7.5 weeks for one year. Which I would call the perfect speed for this game.
  8. Water source improvement

    A few rules for finite Water spreading from source blocks: -Every generated block is a source block. -Source Block are created by vanilla rules (two adjacent source blocks) -Finite water slowly dries up if not connected to a water source that's above or on the same level. Speed depends on the blocks it's placed on. Vanishes Quite quickly on things like dirt, sand,gravel. Slightly slower on cobble. Lasts quite some time if placed on Smooth Stone (raw or smoothed) -Finite water can't grow higher than the source block it's coming from. Those would actually be enough to make really cool finite water things as well as making it believable. Only problem would be sluices. With the "Water never raises above it's source block" you at least couldn't totaly overflow the sluice area.
  9. Writing/Paper/Books/etc.

    I was thinking about more ways to write things (like meal recipes) down. Here's what I came up with: -You can write on placed write-able objects if you right-click them and carry "Ink and Feather" with you. The Ink will be consumed while writing has a durability that lasts a certain amount of symbols. Once something is written it cannot be removed. To gain ink, one might consider removing squids and make them their own recipe. Squids are ugly, behave weird and underwater content is pretty non-existing anyway. Write-able objects all share certain properties. If readable while holding them you need to shift-rightclick. All of them are place-able by right clicking. Punching a placed object drops it on the ground. Usually mistakes cannot be redone. Paper (and perhaps Papyrus): -One might consider changing sugar canes back to reeds. -You might consider allowing Paper to made by saw dust (which could be a byproduct of using the saw aswell as something gainable by "recycling" certain wood products) -If above isn't done, all paper is just made using reeds. -the process of making paper could actually be made more realistic. -Placeable on flat surfaces and Walls. -Readable while holding in your hand. (Still only write-able if placed) -While written on paper obviously can't be used for plans anymore it can still be used for kindling fire. Plans: -Pretty much the same Just an extension of paper. -Can just be placed and aren't readable. Thus just serve decoration. Folder: -Placeable on flat surfaces only. -Readable only if placed. -Comes with no initial paper. -Reading it allows you to add paper, write stuff on paper in it and remove pieces of paper from it. Can contain up to 64 pages (or whatever number you want). -Plans can also be added into them which only displays the plan while reading it, thus nothing special. Book: -Place-able on flat surfaces only. -Can be read while in your hotbar. -Requires a special block(or entity) to create it. Binding a book can be a lengthy progress and mistakes made while doing it are irreversible. Pieces of paper (written or unwritten) as well as plans can slowly be added to it and then be bound together. While you still can write into it, it is not recommnded as mistakes could ruin your entire book (since you can't take pages out of it again. Signs: -Work like normal Signs. By far not perfect, but I hope that I slightly managed to deliver the idea of a more advanced Writing system,
  10. *CLOSED* European terrafirmacraft server

    While I am currently searching a european-based server that is up to date, this one has two downsides: -Server is quite empty. (even though we would make +2) -The seed. The spawn point is surrounded by ocean on 3 of 4 sides. Not cool edit: If you are still looking for a good seed, I'll help you with your search.
  11. Writing/Paper/Books/etc.

    Well TFC's compatibility is allready quite low Thanks for the welcome. And note taken on the believable thing.
  12. Gem Cutting

    No no, socketed stones And thanyo put a Gem into the socket and have a cosmetic ornate in the middle of your stone
  13. Gem Cutting

    Apart from whatever fuss will be done with gems in the future, I would still lvoe for the Chisel to have a "Socket" feature, where you are allowed to put a socket directly int he middle of a raw, smooth (and perhaps brick) stone. If you rightclick this socket the Gem will go in there, looking neat. The size being based on the quality and the visual appeal on the type of Gem I mean there enver can be enough cosmetic Building options
  14. Hello, I've noticed that there is quite a heavy jump in available (gravity free) Building materials, once you obtain pick and chisel. Thus I wanted to suggest Stabilized Cobblestone. To create this type of Stone you mix a normal rock with Clay. This block will behave just like Smooth and Brick stone, but it's visual design is a lot closer to cobble stone. It looks like cobblestone, with slightly bigger pebbles within the structure. The outlines of those pebbles are in clay color for every of those stones. That means now you have Log and Stabilized Cobble for Building before you get your Pickaxe. With your pickaxe the amount of available Stabilized Cobble will obviously up and you can get raw stone. After you get the chisel everything is back to normal. But the chisel gets a few additional recipes: Using the chisel together with Stabilized Cobble, Raw Stone or Smooth Stone now will also yield a Brick Block. Cocofang.