Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ratch

  1. Handling your wood, Carpentry and logging.

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. So, we have all these different types of trees. different colors and possibly qualities in TFC2. Well we have all these different woods and really nothing to do with them outside planks and Logs. TFC1 used to have a "quality" to different trees. some trees had a better Charcoal output than others. To my knowledge that's mostly gone now. so what do we do with this excess wood or colors we like? Carpentry! Unless you play on a TFC server with Bibliocraft you are really limited to what you can use excess/Favorite woods for. Basically you're choosing the color of you house if you build with planks. even stone has more uses than Wood. So why do we not add in carpentry to TFC2? we can have a small array of furniture. tables, chairs, ect. other things could be made by carpenters as well but let's get to the Idea for use. How do we do this? well my thoughts are we bring our log to the sawmill to make planks. earlier versions for low quality woods could be a handsaw. now we have X planks and we bring those to the Carpenter's workbench, choose a recipe and then have a similar crafting gui as the anvil. the tool is the Chisel and maybe a plainer. now the wood quality can add a variable to the finished product. we end up with a simple wooden item or a frame for a more luxurious version. any skilled carpenter can make a wooden chair. the Pros take cushioning and leather from their respected professions to make a softer chair. If Staves, Wands or such are implemented. Carpenters can make those easily. take a stick to the workbench and you can make a wand shaft, possibly from bone but thats a little different. a log could be made into the staff shaft. this staff shaft could also be used by a bowyer to make bows. sticks could also be used to make arrow shafts. all done by our friendly Carpenter. The main focus of this suggestion thread is handling wood more carpentry than logging but, a simple logging skill could be implemented. the skill elvel just determines axe degradation(based on current TFC1 information) tools may be completely different in TFC2 but having a logging skill that helps preserve the Axe you use is not a bad thing. I would like to get some more discussion on this. I'm not very knowledgable with carpentry. my knowledge is all game based so someone with better knowedge could explain the process better and possibly give actual names for carpentry tools and/or workbenches.
  2. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. While i was posting my Carpenter thread i thought about this idea as well. While all the threads thus far have been focused on the crafting side has anyone given thought to non-crafting combat? not everyone joins a server wanting to be a crafter or hermit that does everything. some people just want to get on be part of a community and kill stuff. maybe that Magic dude needs Zombie flesh and bones for his project. the butcher needs carcasses so he can fill meat and hide requests. Why should they have to go out, risk their life on something they may be bad at when a player that is good at it can do it for them and just get compensated. This brings me to the simplest skill implementation out of the suggestions. I'm not saying this from a standpoint of coding being easy, but form the stand point that there is no extra stuff added. most of whats it would take into account is already in TFC1. with weapon skills all this would be is a modifier to your damage. this is already calculate in TFC1 with smithing bonuses. if those carry over then a soldier character could enhance these further he's mastered <weapon> so a master crafted version would deal more damage in his hands than a novices. TFC1 adds the mace, so you could potentially have 4-5 skills. if you include armor. and armor could be broken down to light and heavy if the Devs want. for ease of coding a general armor skill would be the optimal choice. So you could have, Blades, Mace, Archery, Armor. a little expansion could also be Daggers, Swords, Mace, Archery, Light Armor, heavy Armor. Having martial skills will just improve Single and multiplayer experiences in this mod. If the Devs already stated they were going to add this well then i feel dumb and this thread can get deleted without complaint.
  3. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    DarkAgeCraft Minecraft user name:_ratch_ Your Age:29 Your Time Zone:GMT -6 (USA Central Time) Location Country and State:USA, Kansas Tell us a bit about yourself:gamer for over 15 years. been playing MC off and on for the last 5. I also recently got into youtubing. Once i'm happy with my recording i'll be getting my videos uploaded. How can you help us:+1 player EDIT: copied over from the DarkAgeCraft forums. some minor edits.
  4. Mr. Insanej would it be possible to add Bibliocraft to the Mods? I play on the server currently have been for a few days. me and my IRL buddy. however, we thinking of quiting until reset. hunting for resources is very tedious. I personally would like to have Bibliocraft its got compatibility with TFC and my Tavern would look better with chairs and Potion bottle shelves.
  5. Quality bows! Become a master bowman!

    True, Not going in depth with fletching was the intention. its why i suggested it being added to Bowyer instead of its own skill. different tips i think would suffice. if TFC goes into the amount of customizing via skills as people a hoping, Bow users may want some more with arrows since they can do so much with their bow. TiC keeps it simple but very customizable. the Tip will determine the armor piercing capabilities, shaft determines weight which affects range and the Fletching is accuracy. with mods there are only 4 fletchings. and 2 are the primary usage. Feather or SlimeLeaf(additional mod). base TiC has Leaf and Feather. so yes i agree that fletching should be made simple but it could still have some complexity added. Bone or Wood shafts, quality could affect the weight/range of the arrow. a bent shaft is not going to be very accurate or fly that far. and then the tip would deal with armor piercing in the way you suggest. and fletching can be just feathers. its simple enough but still has a complexity to change the outcome of even a master crafted bow.
  6. Handling your wood, Carpentry and logging.

    I understand where you're coming from. And i agree, this was something i didn't consider and why more voices would be able to refine this. Furniture was just my example. and TBH are you going to tell me that after you hit a progression point you're happy with at the moment you don't want to have a "pretty home". I currently have a tavern on a server. its bland and the chisel mechanic is tedious and IMO boring. it can really have some great results but not everyone can be a master with the chisel. and since the mechanic that allowed you to copy the chiseled item as a blueprint. well there is no way to mass produce chiseled items anymore. Not to mention chiseled blocks are not fuctional. the pretty chair would be functional, you could sit in it instead of looking at it. BiblioCraft is one of my go to mods in MC. once i hit a certain point i like to take a break hang out and meet people. having a place to do so in your town/community if not unheard of. and RPers will RP they want a tavern where they can sit and drink and get a meal before continuing on. furniture would have a purpose i guarantee it. Maybe not with a hermit player that like the "do it all myself" play style, but the suggestions you made were great. the practical things involving barrels, chests and maybe a sleeping bonus. Furniture would get used, and it doesn't have to have quality on it. But it would get used. Bibliocraft makes its way into a lot of mod packs. Furniture will get used i guarantee it. not to mention maybe instead of wasting the good wood on chairs so you can level carpentry. make low quality chairs. Sell them off to players that will be personalizing their homes. you have XP from chairs so now you can make better barrels, chests, ect. with your increased skill level and better materials. I love BiblioCraft, I get chairs, alternative storage(potion rack for instance), ect. its sad that the server i'm on doesn't have it.
  7. Quality bows! Become a master bowman!

    What about Fletching? would it be implemented with bowyer or a separate skill. The possibility of it just going along with Bowyer is optimal. Arrow tips can come from a smith. sticks are readily available and there are not a lot of options for the actual fletching. Tinker's construck as a default has Leaves and Feathers. I'm not sure what could be added to this. Shafts could be changed. maybe you take a stick to the shavehorse and it is how you get the Shaft? this could also add a quality variable to the shaft. I could also be dumb and not have the correct working bench but for simplicities sake the shavehorse could also be where you make shafts. What other types of Fletching is there? i know modern arrows have synthetic options but i'm not certain anything else aside feather and mayde leaves were used "back in the Day" tips and shaft quality were the arrow factors. but i could be wrong.
  8. Magic!

    TL:DR: Magi-tech, use gems and Precious metals for different tools, Teleporting Crystals. I would love to see Magic in TFC2. I also would like to see degrees of magic. For instance, there is a few degrees involving metals why not magic? i like the ideas of ritual magic and gem magic. i would like to see alchemy play a bigger role and some kind of Magi-tech(gates/portals/Golems). with the Progression looking the way it is i feel some form of fast travel system(gates/portals) should be considered. because i for one don't want to have to tear down my settlement just to go to the next island for the progression system. I also feel it should not be something out of reach until late game. even if just a simple Teleport Gem is used at first to get you to and from two locations and then later on in higher tiers of this you could make a gateway network. On top of this, Magi-tech could be the magicians combat skill as well. making wands, staves, "buff" jewelery, maybe golems and ofcourse the Teleporting/gateways.Currently we have useless metals. these are the "precious metals" that have little to no use. Platinum for instance has no use in TFC1, gold and silver is only used in small quantities. So if they are funneled to the Magic side like in Magi-tech there would be a demand and use for them. Elaboration on the Teleport Gems. Gems come in 5 types currently, maybe six. now MC is about Mining, Minerals, gems and tools. this is also why i feel a magic system involving spells should be avoided. MC is about tools, therefore a Magi-Tech Skill(like TC) should definitely make it into the the new TFC2. and part of this i suggest Teleportation Gems. these would be a tool to teleport you to a location. this requires materials to make. Also requires you to travel to the location. now there are some other mods with these in it i don't remember the mod but it was in a TolkienCraft2 modpack i played some time ago. depending on how gems are implemented in TFC2 tiers could be made based on Gem Quality. and different tiers could have distance limitations. maybe there are three tiers(example) Chipped, Normal and Exquisite. Chipped gems have a short range, maybe 1km. great for back and forth between the first islands. then normal maybe its goes higher to say 5km. this could easily reach the next tier or two. and then Exquisite would be the best at like 10km. allowing you to reach the later tiers of minerals. and to be more Multiplayer-specialization friendly maybe make the crafting the teleporting gems skill restricted but the use by anyone. this way Magi-techs could set up a shop on their server to sell port gems and other magic tools. Because, i for one don't want to pack up my entire base and move to a new island constantly. one move is acceptable to go from lowest tier to the next but the amount of time it takes to just move from stone age to Bronze age is stupid long and shortly after that move you now have access to tools that weren't previously there. so your house goes from dirt, logs, and thatch to stone/bricks and actual planks.this is a very quick leap as well.
  9. Metal Tiers

    Sorry to resurrect this but i agree with this statement from the first page. I was just thinking the same thing. I love the advancements in TFC1 with the skill system. but i feel that the original idea people put in my head of TFC being a more "hardcore Survival" doesn't hold up. as i said to my friend just now it feels more like a "try not to die smithing mod" And i agree i would love to see the level of detail in other aspects of the game. with it being ancient and medieval based, i feel metalurgy and smithing should have a more spotlight. this changes if magic is added. regardless some more detail in other areas would really set this apart from TFC1. like say one of my advancements for cooking is buying a cooking pot and being able to make stews along side sandwhiches and salads. maybe add a oven to bake bread and other baked goods. I would love to see advancement with brewing, even if its included in the Cooking skill or its own skill. its been awhile since i played TFC. i played mostly around the first implementation of Ingots being able to stack in the world. the server i played on died out so i didn't play again for some time later after the pit kiln was implemented(loved that change.) If TFC2 can maintain some of TFC1 but vastly improve on multiple aspects of skills and progression i can say it will be my goto non HQM mod.
  10. Alchemy...

    Regardless whether you refer to it as Potion-Brewing or Alchemy, even with access to the Vanilla items to brew with, 1/3 to 1/2 of the potions are useless due to the change in HP/Food/Energy system in TFC. and all the Potion Plugins for Bukkit just give you potions by command... I am a Alchemist or Mage by default in most any game i play. And i would love to full fledge use Potions in TFC for most things. but the Offensive Splash potions don't even make a Mob Flinch... If i could Code Java, I would Make a TFC Potions Plugin... BUt alas I do not Code, and so the Potions don't get TFC-ized...
  11. Alchemy...

    I miss it. the Server i am on has an NPC Mod that allows me to purchase the alchemy items but I cannot make them. I don't have a Patch of land thats a Herb Garden for making a slue of Potions to sell to players. We got Bukkit functioning on the server and have Towny and maybe Factions, but i am looking at mayke something Bukkit for the Alchemy? I am looking for something to suggest to the owners and operators of the server i am on.
  12. I would Like to Join. ign: _ratch_ I will not have Bans because i just bought Legit MC about 30 minutes ago. I LANed with my Buddy for some time. EDIT: A side note, do i need those other Mods installed, except Server marked ones ofc. I have SmartMove, TFC and my Forge is the 486 version. MC 1.4.6
  13. Meals?

    Anyone else confused? i do know you cannot put raw Meats in the preparation area. but what else can i put in it? i am assuming this gives a reason to grow crops? the Changelog is not very clear and i havn't found any details on the wiki. i am not in a hurry to get results. i started a new world using a seed i used for 52e so i am hoping to have some good results.
  14. Sequoia Saplings

    The new system he added makes Saplings grow randomly in the world.
  15. Meals?

    The issue comes is unless your Changing the number of days in your SIngle Player Year, Growing crops and Trees and such is just too time consuming. so people playing on a server that has 365 day years, are going to be mildly screwed due to the long wait for crops. and now with the Wild versions gone have fucn mowing the lawn =3
  16. Meals?

    How do i get rid of the Preparation area? i destroyed the block under it and nothing. I even tried beating it and nothing....
  17. What to do now -_-;

    Ok so my seed put me near a massive body of water with a easy to find Clay source and a short walk from a Sequoia Forest. I made an ocean front home with Sluices and found that my stone under the clay was not the right kind for a Stone anvil. so i went slightly into the Sequoia forest and found Diorite. so a small encampment i made. eventually after some time and my first pick i built a little home and added a forge and bloomery. took me a little bit to figure out the Charcoal pits... but that produced for me nicely. however the firepit grew to it own building when i discovered that you can build a builing and put a door one to make the firepit and to check on the charcoal. after 1.5 mine shafts i moved my mining operation to try and locate copper. my second shaft produced a Zinc vein on the ceiling of a Cave. i still havn't mined it all out. my third shaft produced me a nice sized copper vein about Y=99. then furhter down i found caves... that gave me a Tin Vein. and now i am rocking a bronze anvil with a couple copper and zinc tools. and i am wearing a copper chest piece so i could play with armor crafting. i plan to move that to be bronze and a bronze helm and be all Greek xD So i have this massive Ravine that should put me close to y=10+ and my spiral staircase is how i get down there. i don't want to splunk with ladders so ill be getting some Vanilla Planks to continue my spiral with. ill need to make some more V Support beams to. then ill run around with torches and see what ores i can find lol. my Mine shaft started in Diorite and then went to Decite... so thats fun to try to get veins from xD my Seed was made in 48j, i am now using 52e. so the restored chest sizes are awesome xD wish i could deconstruct my old anvils though... that copper anvil would be nice to return to resources...
  18. Finding clay problem!

    yeah, the world i have i started on a beach 10 seconds from Clay and i am next to a Massive Sequoia Forest lol. Zinc is the common Ore i would find in Rocks... finally got enough for a Pick and chisel. and the Sequoia trees provide me with easy charcoal... took me so long to get Copper that i am lost on what to do now lol... i found a vein that gave me a entire large chest(the restored size ones) full of Native Copper. and then some. i made a Copper Anvil, and a copper chest piece and a copper pick. my new mine where i found this goes right into a frakin cave system thats above an underground ravine ; thats my next monster... oh and the cave system provided Tin so i have a bronze anvil now.