Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Ace5

  1. Easy. for Limewater, fill a bucket with water, then add flux into the gui slot. there's only one there when you add liquid, but you will probably need a good amount. (Think it's 24 for a full barrel, not sure.)I don't think the mortar one is actually the case. as I recall. You craft a single sand block, over a piece of flux, and a water bucket below. need the 3x3 crafting grid though.

    It was changed in 79.7 update so you can't make mortar like that anymore. I think I may have figured it out, I'll have to do some testing first.


    EDIT: I figured it out. You make the limewater then place the sand in the liquid slot. I knew it was something stupid that I missed. Bloody hell, that's a huge nerf to mortar though. Gone are the times where you can make 8 stacks in a few minutes.


  2. Limewater is now only crafted in a barrel. Ratio is 2 flux to each bucket of water.
    Mortar is now only crafted in a barrel. Ratio is 1 Sand to each bucket of lime water gives 1 mortar. Must be sealed for at least 8 hours to complete.


    I'm not sure how to do this. Could someone quickly explain? I'm sure this is something I'm just not getting.


  3. Amazing mod! Absolutely love it and it's likely I'll never play without the overhaul installed. It takes a lot of work to make other mods compatible using crafting manager but it's worth it. I've very appreciative to the amount of work the developers have put into this mod and all that surrounds it.

    Some pros include:

    The smithing system

    Buildings take effort

    The world bloody matters!

    Location, location, location


    Caves are nice and open

    Lack of instant gratification

    Mountains feel like mountains

    Lots of variations in rocks and wood types

    Ore gathering


    Animals feel real

    Learning about the world is beneficial


    Some cons include:

    Riddled with teduim

    Useless/unfleshed out features

    Too time consuming

    Unbalanced weapons

    Removal of some fitting vanilla features and leaving unfitting features in


    I left out a few cons since it's still in beta but I felt that I needed to list some to be more balanced and less biased. I can go into detail about what I listed if you want but I think most of them are obvious to most people playing.


    I used to be a mod for a simi busy forum(100~ posts per day) and I always found it annoying when a new commer would create lots of small threads so I thought I'd post everything I wanted to ask/my concerns in one thread and this seemed like the most general place to ask. I can of course separate this thread if I'm asked to.

    Thought I'd add that I've been visiting the forums for quite a while now and I've been looking into a lot of threads but I gathered a lot of questions that I find answers to and figured that it was time to post.


    1. I'm from Australia and I wanted to have a playthrough in my hemisphere. I couldn't get a world to spawn me in the southern end so I ended up teleporting myself there. I read through the majority of the wiki and didn't see any mention that some trees don't spawn in the southern hemisphere. I traveled 16km from N-S and 10+km E-W(I took different routes so I wouldn't cover the same ground) and never saw the majority of the trees I have always found when covering 1/8th of the amount. I went into a creative world to fly around for a while and didn't see anything either.

    If this is a feature I would have prefered that the info was in the wiki here, I didn't find the info in the change logs either. That's a lot of hours just walking and I feel robbed. I'm used to knowing exactly where to get douglas fir but I'm assuming that there was a change or it doesn't spawn in the southern hemisphere. Could someone clear things up for me?


    2. There seems to be a problem with the config in regards to some settings or I don't understand what I'm doing. I changed the trees growth value to 0.7 assuming it would make trees grow 30% faster but it was making trees grow faster than vanilla. That was in 79.4, I have reverted the changes since.


    3. In the search for hickory and douglas fir, not once did I see the lush green biome that I usually settled down in. I thought it was cool that I figured a place where I could plant crops all year round without fearing the cold weather. Since it doesn't matter anymore I think I can post this bit of information. 7600-7800 in a lush green biome, the weather is never too hot or too cold. It's rare for a fully fleshed game to teach me something like that without outright telling me. Was this removed for balance reasons?


    4. When I teleported to 8k in the southern hemisphere I found something I hadn't found before, a gabbro filled biome which I didn't think much of at the time. I found a cool little area I wanted to settle down in and did so. After making a prospick I leant that the major bottleneck in the progression of metals had been removed. I was finding nickel everywhere, I didn't even bother marking a few of them down since it was everywhere. I also found a chunk of exposed graphite(but this was probably pure luck). I think this is a major flaw and goes against the last builds design. Is this on purpose?


    5. I really like building places for functions and features, like a smithy. The recent change to brick break speed seems to be a feature that holds players back more so instead of encouraging to make better tools. It's quite an unfair punishment for misclicking/misplacing a block. I read that this was so on multiplayer you couldn't have apposing players easily demolish your buildings or something along that line. I mainly play single player now and this feature is useless for me. The config has a lot of different options, would this be something you would consider adding to the options?


    6. So much ocean. I could draw a picture of how much ocean I found when covering 26km+ in survival and the crazy distance I traveled in creative. From N-S the majority of land seems to always be in a straight line with a few large land masses here and there. E-W feels so empty. I this a vanilla mechanic? It's very anti exploring, thought I'd bring that up.


    7. I've seen the older version of the mod being played and how it's progressing. I like where the majority of the mod has gone but I'm also weary as to where it's heading. I've read the comments of a lot of users and they seem to be, I don't know, kinda scared that there will be another large absents of development if they speak out about some things in the mod. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Either way, I think that the developers need to keep in mind questions like 'This feature may be cool but how does it weigh on the cool/awesome/innovative/creative to useless/tedius/unncessary scale?'.

    Another is how a lot of changes are removing different things that one may want to make. For example, there's no 'logical' reason to make an underground rail system if it takes so long to tunnel out a large area and keep it lit. The time and effort it takes would be too long compared to the how much it would save you. You can't keep the tunnel lit because torches die out. A lot of changes are making less useful things to make. I can understand villagers and pistons being removed(which removes a large number of things to build) but some things seem to have little thought put into them other than 'this will make the game harder, so it's in'.


    8. Must've missed it in the log on the whole falling blocks break ALL non solid blocks part. I built my building under a small cliff. I planned to remove it after I had a place to live. I did remove it and half my roof was removed with it due to some of the blocks falling down. Just thought I'd point that out so others don't repeat my mistake.


    I have a few more things to say but I'll leave it at that and open other threads if I think I need to.

    I look forward to talking to everyone here.

    Have a great day.


    EDIT:Just wanted to add a small segment.
