Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Lycake

  1. Monster balance

    The damage is fine, I just think that the armor of them should be adjusted. Maybe they could spawn with higher tier armor if players near wear also better armor. This way you would always get enemies balanced in regards to your own equipment
  2. Downloading Issue

    The new launcher is just a .jar file ( ). Right click->Open with... -> Java
  3. Unable to update TFC (Solved, I think)

    I'm not sure for what servers you were looking for, but there is no TFC for 1.5.2 yet as far as I know (neither client, nor server - correct me if I'm wrong). So the servers you found were probably no TFC servers...
  4. TFC launcher help

    Right clock-> open with-> java
  5. Noob Question

    There are no noob questions. I was confused, too, at first. You can't If you want to build a shelter -> get wood
  6. Server help

    Oh right my tip to use the launcher was pointless because it's a server problem. Sorry for that^^ I highly doubt that. I'm most certain it's a problem with your server setup. The server can't find a specific method - means it does not exist. I don't know what ou installed, or where, but it was not TFCraft.These are basically the steps you need to do: a) get minecraft_server.jar for 1.5.1 delete META_INF folder of the server jar c) Copy all forge files into the jar d) copy all API files into the jar e) start the server once f) Copy the whole zipped (do NOT extract the files) into Serverpath/mods try again and feel free to ask anything if you still got problems
  7. Not sure about what caused your bug, but you're using an old (nearly ancient) forge version. The version recommended for 76H14 is Try updating. Also check your player API version if a forge update won't help
  8. Launcher not Launching

    No usually you are not supposed to do anything. It should work like this. We could need some error reports. Open up a console, change to the directory you saved the launcher in and type java -jar TFCLauncher.jarYou should now see some errors popping up in this window.Post them if you need more help greetz, Cake
  9. TFC launcher help

    by standard this should be %appdata%/tfcraft
  10. [Solved] Server does not stop saving!

    Found it. It wasn't caused by chiseling. It was the forge. If it runs out of coal and the temerature drops to 0 it will start memory leaking. If I put a coal in and start it again it will stop. We make sure the forge is always running now (From time to time the forge goes out and stops lagging after 2 mins though if nowbody refuels it)
  11. Hey guys, me and my friend were playing on my server (server in this case is "open to lan" while playing singleplayer) and suddenly my fps drops to 5 fps and it was unplayable. After checking the logs I saw, that the server just saves the world and then.. saves it again.. and again.... Other worlds work fine, it's just this one. Restarting everything did not help. I did nothing (walking around in our house) and my friend was detailing a stone with a chisel when it started. We are not using any mods (that are not neccessary for TFC - using the newest launcher). Does anybody know about this bug and how to fix this? We just started with TFC again and it's still awsome, but if we have to start over again.... :/
  12. I saw that this bug occured to some vanilla minecraft players. It was caused by an ad-/spyware program on your pc. Check if you have a program called "RelevantKnowledge" installed. If so - uninstall it. I also advise you to run some antivir and antiadware programs in that case - there will probably be more.. they'll never come alone If that does not help I'm out of ideas at the moment. I'm not a fan of these wannabe "fixes" but If you got the time and are frustrated try a) reinstalling/force download minecraft and/or reinstall java. greetz, Cake
  13. Server help

    This is a Forge method. You are either missing forge completely or it is installed wrong. The easiest way is to use the TFC Launcher, in that case you don't have to install anything
  14. [Solved] Server does not stop saving!

    Still couldn't get it working. This sucks :/ This is definitely a TFC bug but I wasn't able to reproduce it so far..
  15. New Launcher Help

    That's not an answer to my question but I guess you are using windows -.- If you have Java installed (which I think is the case here since you have probably played vanilla minecraft before trying TFC, right?^^) the option in Windows would be "Open" to run the jar, not "Run". So just try opening it. If it asks you with what program you should open choose youre jre.. it's probably something like "Java Platform binary".
  16. New Launcher Help

    Yea there is.. it's called java (JRE). My guess is you already have a working java version installed JAR means Java ARchive and is one of the "executable" files for java. What system are you using? (Windows/Mac?)
  17. New Launcher Help

    There is no bat in the new launcher. Just put it whereever you want and execute it
  18. [Solved] Server does not stop saving!

    Okay there seems to be some kind of leak and that's causing the server to save (why?). It says that a world is leaking and that probably a mod is caching the world wrong. However I tried your method. Copying both folders doesn't help. If I spawn far away so that our house-chunk is not loaded, it works, but as soon as I'm coming close to the house it starts again. Not copying the region folder works, but well.. I could also start a new world then. Reinstalling TFC didn't help (wasn't really expecting something but I tried anyway). It seems that the bug occured when my friend was chiseling the blocks around a forge - which sounds to me like a potential bug source. Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce it so I'm not 100% certain that this was the cause. I uploaded the map. Maybe someone can test it so at least I know if it's a problem of the map or a problem of me/my minecraft/my java/my idk..... Our house is at around x: -32 z: -4760 not far away from spawn.
  19. Can't connect to my server / others can

    Yes it is. Universal 1.3 for 1.4.6. But it works now. I completely deleted the .minecraft folder and installed everything again. Now it works. seems like the older TFC version I installed sometime before caused these issues although I did use a new minecraft.jar and deleted the old TFC from the mod folder.
  20. Hey guys, I got a weird problem here. I played TFC two or three months ago and now I wanted to try it out again with some friends. We installed everything the same way. I set up the server and it worked fine.. at least for my friends. They can connect to the server but I can't. I instantly get a end of stream in my server window displayed any time I try to connect. In my Minecraft window nothing is displayed, just the "Done" button to get back to the main menu. I'm using these versions for client and server. My friends got exactly the same: MC 1.4.6 MCP 7.25 FML Forge Also I use this version of TFC TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build75 I just got a new router and maybe I overlooked some settings which cause this issue, but I doubt it. I tried localhost, LAN-IP, both with port and without (using 25565 so it shouldn't matter). Nothing works. If anybody got an idea what the problem could be - might it be a router setting or a TFC problem (maybe I got a wrong version?!) - I would be very happy. Thank you in advance Lycake
  21. Using torches as a firestarter

    Using torches as fire starters is not a good idea. It would render the firestarter almost completely useless (except for the very first time). The problem is that torches burn indefinitely - if they would burn down at some point, I would support your idea
  22. Coal, Redstone, Obsidian?

    Yes it is
  23. Server problems as always

    Do what salvatos said and also: What tells you that the minecraft_server.jar is corrupt? Your WinRAR or similar or java when you try to open the .jar?! Please try to look at your grammar if you post again - it was damn hard to understand what you were writing. It doesn't need to be perfect (I'm doing lots of mistakes myself), but please use at least some of these: . , ! ? greetz, Cake
  24. Does clay only appear in certain biomes?

    You really have to find clay often so just look around some more. If you've found clay once, it will last a long long time. Make sure to clear your inventory before you go clay hunting so you can take as much as possible in one trip. greetz, Cake
  25. Possible Amazing future mod combo

    Looks great so far