Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RobinOfLocksley

  1. WAILA Support

    Thank you sooo much
  2. [Solved] torch can't give light while in my hand

    To make torches create light while it is in your hand, you would need to install the dynamic lights mod : To make Terra firma torches ligth up in your hands you need to add "terrafirmacraft:Torch" to the confing . Hope I could help you
  3. Just A Little Archery Tweak.

    Well, you don't go into the woods, search for a few hours and find a deer. You first need to find tracks and follow these tracks, until you will eventually find the deer. And since the deer does not stand still, and also is on the move, it may take some time.
  4. Just A Little Archery Tweak.

    Interesting video Dominicator. But the methode used in this video was mainly used for combat. I rather use the bow to hunt in Terra Firma Craft. For hunting this methode may be accurate enought, but it certainly is too loud. In reallife a deer for example is able to "jump the string". That means he jumps at the slightest sound, the bow make, when the arrow leaves the string. So when native americans whent hunting, they took extra precaution, the sneaked up to their prey quietly, they drew back the string slowly an took aim steadily. It was a small process, but it was necessary. They stalked the deer vor maybe three days an when the are careless for just a second, all their work was in vain. So I think the way the bow is coded is the closest you could get to realism.
  5. Firepit Construction

    I agree. Upon reading those two topics, I rethought my idea. So the model is not going to change. That means a player could still walk over the fire, without taking any damage at the moment, this needs to be changed. But the model not beeing changed, does not mean my idea is totaly useless, you could still throw some stones down with the sticks to make a fire.Also the 2d model would seem fine if we think of it like an dakota fire hole. You dig one block down and place the stones and sticks in, when you light the fire the block you dug will respawn with the fire on top. This also solves an other problem. Many times, when I throw down sticks, I end up picking them up, before I have the chance to light it.
  6. Firepit Construction

    Thank you aliceingame. Well that is unfortunate. I hope Bioxx changes his mind
  7. Firepit Construction

    Thank you, but do you have a link to the topic maybe?
  8. Firepit Construction

    The idea is good, what if cooking food is generally displayed from the out side? In the beginning maybe just by being stuck on a stick. Somewhat like this?
  9. Firepit Construction

    Charcoal is created by burning wood in the absence of oxygen. In a campfire, the wood is exposed to oxygen so all you would be left with, after it burned out, is ashes. But I really like your second idea, maybe the burned out texture could be kind of an ember texture and the actual burned out texture would be greyer. If the fire is burned out, depending on how long you have fired it, you would be left with ember for a shorter or longer periode of time. You could still cook on the camp fire and do everything as normal, until the ember cools down. If there is still ember left, your fire has the chance of autoigniting when adding sticks again. If you placed the 8 stone and instead of placing the sticks you place stones on the next block the fire pit would turn into a 4x4 pit and you would need 16 stones and 8 sticks. This would be like a bornfire and you would have a more fuelgridboxes in the GUI. You are right, i did not think that throught, I do like the idea of tinder being required.
  10. Firepit Construction

    Thanks Oh, I didn't know that paper does not act as a tinder. But straw is even an even better tinder, I had not thought about that. The only problem I see is balancing. Straw is on of the first resources you would encounter in Terra Firma Craft. This takes away the challenging ascpect of the fire lighting. An alternative would be sawdust, maybe a byproduct of making planks, since you need to have entered the metal-age to acquire a saw. P.S.:I created the models using Techne.
  11. Archery Overhaul

    Arrows do not need feathers necessarily, they won't be the most accurate arrows, but the would work. Leaf or even straw are not quit the materials you would need for fletching :DThere could be an easy way of getting feathers, by making them spawn on the ground sometimes, similar to stones, but not that frequent. When you take a walk in nature you will also eventually find a feather.
  12. Another World

  13. Archery Overhaul

    What if you don't have fixed recipes for fixed bows, but you could customise them. First you select the wood, hickory or walnut are better than willow for example. Then you create a selfbow, here you can chose how thick the limbs are for example (thinner limbs = faster shooting, but less durability). Depending on your needs you create the type of bow you need . If you want as small and mobile bow you can operate on horse back, you would make a compostie bow. If you are rather looking for range you could make a longbow. Each bow has its advantages and disadvatages. From this point your bow is shootable, but not very efficiently. So you need to upgrade it, by backing it with either sinew, or rawhide, adding horn or bamboo/sugarcane. Here again we have pros and cons for each update. Sinew, while enhancing durability also enhances the bows power, but would be rather difficult to make. rawhide is obtained more easily, but only enhances durability. So rawhide would be better as a short term solution, while sinew is better on the longrun..... I hope you get my idea.
  14. Standalone TFC?

    Why don't you try setting up a Kickstarter page and see how things go? If you get sufficient funding you could start making a standalone game. I personally would love to play/pay it
  15. Shellfish

    I like the idea, maybe clams could also spawn on seashores. They could be rendered similar to stones in Terra Firma Craft.When picking up a clam, you would have a chance to either find it emtpy, rotten or fresh.Empty shells were often used as tools in the past, so for example you could use an empty scallop shell instead of a knife, when scraping leather. Eating the rotten clam will result in poisoning, but you could clean out the shell to use it as a tool. A fresh clam would have to be cooked before eating. I think this would be a great addition to Terra Firma Craft.
  16. Decay Mechanics

    Thank you Bunsan.The nbtedit mod is a very usefull tool and I was able to create the result I wanted with it.But unfortunately, upon further testing, I came to the realisation, that no matter how many or which ntb tags I add, the result is always the same : <terrafirmacraft:item.Fish>.withTag({foodDecay: 0.0 as float, foodWeight: 0.0 as float, "Processing Tag": {Brined: 1 as byte, Cooked: 0.0 as float, Dried: 4 as short, CookedProfile: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] as int[], FuelProfile: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] as int[], Pickled: 1 as byte, Salted: 1 as byte}, decayTimer: 663}) Just the decayTimer varies. It seems that the timestamp really is the problem. I will try to somehow add this via minetweaker, although I do not think, that this is possible. If anyone has any futher suggestions feel free to add them.Thanks
  17. Decay Mechanics

    Hello, first of all Terra Firma Craft is an amazing mod. But in my Opinion there is a lack of diversity, when it comes to fishing. So I decided to use the Aquaculture mod by Shadowclaimer ( works pretty well with the TFC bioms and stuff, but the problem is that you can't eat the fish, because of the TFC food overhaul. In Aquaculture the fish have to be crafted into fillets before the can be cooked. If I change the recepie with Minetweaker, so now instead of turning into a raw fishfillet the fish would turn into raw fish from TFC my problem would be solved and I will just have to change the image of the raw fish to a raw fishfillet. I was able to change the recipe and have controle over the weight, but the state of decay doesn't seem to work. Here is my code: recipes.addShapeless(<terrafirmacraft:item.Fish>.withTag({foodWeight:10.0 as float, foodDecay:-24.0 as float, decayTimer: 613 as float}), [fish]); Every time I craft this recip, there is the correct item with correct weight and decay in the "product box" (right of the crafting grid). But as soon as I take it out it turns into a "Pickeld Salted Dried Fish" with no weight or decay at all. Can you help me please? Thank you