Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by yubyub96

  1. That's fine, just make note of which ones in your documentation.

    On a semi-related note, if anybody knows how the hell to use CTM I can get as far as making it recognize a block but it gives me this

    There's like one thread on the MCforums that even comes close to being helpful, so I guess nobody knows anything about CTM and there certainly isn't any documentation in the author's thread that I can find.

    Thanks a lot for letting me use your textures, but first i gotta talk with the others making johnsmith textures for TFC before posting anything.

    And for the CTM, i have tried to do some textures but its quite hard,i think theres a tut on the optifine thread, i will try to make some for johnsmiths and tell you how it went.


  2. HI some of you may remember me from my better forest topic, well i have been playing TFC since april, and i loved every moment of it, i just think this is way better than vanilla, the only time i use vanilla is to build stuff on creative, and the trees.... Yeah! the trees, i think vanilla trees look way better than TFC trees(but whit less variety of course), and no it doesnt mean i hate TFC and it should be deleted from every single hard drive in this world, it just that their look could greatly improve.

    Heres a better example of what i mean:

    Here are some pics of my TFC world (autumn)

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Now look at my vanilla creative world

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Look at how vanilla leaves have lighting and have dept too, they look good, and in TFC they appear without lighting and without dept, i dont know if this is caused by the fact that you can walk trough them, but i really think that TFC should improve that because it can look very bad when you have a massive forest.

    Thats one of the very few things i dont like about TFC.

    PS: i think that autumn colors should be changed to a more sutile ones(dont know if its my TP) because in autumn no tree looks just plain duck yellow.


  3. Well this looks interesting.

    First i will rage over it because i like to make my houses very far from the spawn,im quite bitchy when it comes to choose a place for my home,so i will dig a hole in the ground hoping not to encounter any curious mob going into that hole(i know i died in night because i havea horrible luck, you know, Murphy's laws).When day comes i go out(after happily hearing all mobs die at sunlight, and then i start like if i just spawned, and i get myself at least a pickaxe so i can then go into the journey of finding my way home,which will take me like a week IRL.but every time it gets to night time i build a shelter and keep it in there, with my bed in it and so on, so if i die i wont have to start again(!!!murphys law in action!!!!) wait! my bed didnt worked again =(

    Quit life.


  4. Hi, i want to ask your permission to use some of your textures on my pack,i have been making some textures for johnsmiths TP and i havent finished lots of things, mostly items and such, and since it started as a personal pack i used some of your work as placeholders for items and some other blocks(just a few) because i think they look better than vanilla TFC but i will keep making more and more textures and hopefully i will finish the pack and stop using you textures as place holder.

    i will really appreciate if you could give me an answer, thanks a lot for making such an awesome textures capt_slowpoke


  5. I have not a very clear idea, but for what i have read i think that when you spend a long period of time on a group of chunks those chunks slowly stop spawning mobs and the more and more you stay in those chunks you will get less mobs near them, and at some moment you will get no mobs, and what the protection meter does its to tell you whats the level of protection(no mobs spawning) in that chunk or in the surrounding chunks.

    Im not that sure, if someone who is completely sure reads this feel free to correct me or to tell me if im right.

    Hope it helps



  6. I saw the post on the new tab on minecraftforums, it was back in january, i remember because i had just got back to school and i was kinda sad and bored XD but when i saw TFC i could not believe it, it was awesome, i played it all day till march and then stopped playing because i had lots of installation problems.

    I remeber making a seed section on the wiki,making some textures,and i even talked to Bioxx, i got pretty excited with it, and now that i had rediscovered it i cant go back to vanilla.


  7. Well right now we are all familiar with TFC trees, unless you are new here, and I have to say that some trees are just awesome, like the douglas fir,sequoia,kapok, and willow, but what about their layout? what about forests? i have to say i dont like how forests spawn in TFC,they have low density and almost all the trees are small trees, more like the borders of a forest and not like the core of a forest itself.I think that forest should spawn with a core and a border, the core will be composed of big trees and bushes(like the one on jungles) and they should be of high density, making it hard to see the sky(but still with some little holes) and the occasional forest clearing, some big and some small, and in the borders there should be small trees and with lower density and an occasional bush.

    Here is a video that explains that with better word and in vanilla minecraft:

    Please vote on the poll, and tell me what you think.


  8. Hey, im also making an edit of johnsmith, along with blupixal, its good to see more people interested in johnsmith, i would like to see some of your tools and maybe use them on our edit?

    just as you said blupixals version of rocks is not unique, i also fixed that and made my own set of rocks. if you want to see them i can send them to you by PM.

    im glad theres people making johnsmith edits, i love johnsmith.



  9. Yeah, I'd like better images lol. But I like where you're going with this. I would like it at least to be more difficult to build structures. Not only would it be more realistic, but it would take significantly more time to be able to build a shelter. I forget the name of the mod, but there was one built that cut each block into 8 subdivisions, and that looked awesome and would be nice as a feature in TFC.

    Yeah i remember the mod, i THINK it was called RedPower. and yeah i will be putting immages for better explanation.

  10. Well whats TerraFirmaCraft about? i think its mostly for realism in minecraft and we cannot talk about such a thing without bringing up the 1mx1m walls that we've always used to make our houses in vanilla minecraft. so my idea its to have a wall like this:

    [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][] [x] = material in a normal block or collision box

    [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][] [0] =air or collision box-less space

    [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][]

    Vanilla Block ][][][ TerraFirmaCraft Blocks

    this ones will be like 1/3 of a normal block but put verticaly so one can make thiner walls.

    the crafting recipe will be like this:

    [ o ][ o ][ o ] [ o ][ o ][ o ] s= saw

    [ s ][ b ][ o ] = [ o ][ 3xWb ][ o ] b= block(Stone,cobble,wood,bricks,stone bricks,sandstone, or any mineral block)

    [ o ][ o ][ o ] [ o ][ o ][ o ] 3xWb = three wall blocks, the ones above

    Now this will give as it says above one Wb that will be put in the middle of the normal block like this [air ][Wb ][air ]

    if its put in a crafting table like this it will change its position making it easier to be placed [][][][][][][][][[Normal block]

    [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[ o ][ o ][ o ]

    [ o ][ o ][ Wb ]x=x[ air ][ air ][Wb]xxx[ Wb ][ o ][ o ]xx=x[Wb][ air ][air]xxx[ o ][ Wb ][ o ]xxx=x[ air ][Wb ][air ]

    [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxx [Normal block]xxxx[ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxx[Normal block]xx [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxx[Normal block]

    this is something very simple (like an idea in modding i have no idea) idea, and it will give a lot of ascetics and realism enhancement, also making things placeable over half-steps (like beds, torches,etc) will give realistically looking houses

    i will try to make more compensable images to explain my suggestion if someone request it

    i have made an image to make my point clearer. and crysyn i tough of that as well but this wall block wont replace the old block, its just and addition if you wish to have better houses, and the water problem, well its just something i think we can live with.Heres the image:Posted Image

    Edit: Another thing i would like to see its better building physics, if you had ever played KingArthurGold you will be familiarised with this physics. you have an squared building with 4 supports, one in each corner, if you destroy a corner support maybe that corner will fall maybe not(like a cave-in it has a randomnes) but if you destroy another one, the whole building will fall for sure, when it falls it will destroy 25%-35% of the blocks. also when you put cobble you should be abble to make supports but for buildings, just a bit thinner and if you put a support and above it cobble, it wont fall, and if you put 2 more cobblestone they wont fall, like this:


    [xx]= it falls [ok]= it wont fall [be] = support beam

    Edit: if any of you guys its familiarised with redpower 2 and its cutted blocks that are like 1/2,1/4,1/7,etc. my idea its pretty much the same but not so thin, also a GUI when placing just like in RedPower 2 will be nice too
