Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Darias

  1. Alloy Quality

    The wiki was unclear, but how do I judge the qualities of the alloys in contrast to each other? For example, is bismuth bronze preferable over bronze? (in RL, it's more corrosion resistant... ) I need to know of copper, tin, zinc, and bismuth, which is preferable to make my next anvil out of, and which alloy will give me the best tools?
  2. Alloy Quality

    Restarting the server helped... Now i can create stairs if I select 'create slab.'
  3. Alloy Quality

    My server is hosted online in some server farm somewhere. I have not had this issue previously - however I can try a server restart! Dunno why I never thought of that... Must need moar coffee.
  4. Alloy Quality

    Restart didn't resolve it.
  5. Alloy Quality

    Has anyone ever experienced the chisel not working properly? (This is not a ZOMG GET A HAMMER FFS thread) I have come into the habit mining that I mine out smooth blocks for construction later, and form the stairs into the mine as I go... However, this morning the chisel only smooths blocks... Regardless of the mode it is set on. Am restarting MC now to see if it resolves the issue. For reference, I am mining slate with a copper chisel and a bismuth bronze pickaxe, if that matters.
  6. Alloy Quality

    Dayum - Real lucky! It took me the better part of three weeks of on and off play to find marble with which to make flux.
  7. Alloy Quality

    Excellent. Finally (After ~3 weeks of playing) I feel comfortably into the game. I have functioning mines for Tin, Zinc, Bismuth, and Copper. I finally found Marble. (~5.5 KM away from home - FML) and am getting a handle on the dozen or so different uses of the tools like the chisel to get different styles of stone. What's next? How do people chose to go after the higher tier metals? Just start digging bore shafts and then probing for higher quality ore?
  8. Alloy Quality

    Is it correct that to make anything out of bismuth bronze or bronze, I need to make an anvil of that material first? I tried to make some tools on my copper anvil, and had no luck. Also - Oh i see, I might have been trying to use brass, which is only useful as an alloy prerequisite.
  9. Combining Copper Molds

    How do I combine partially filled molds of copper? Wiki / search indicates the firepit, but I'm not able to make that work, nor the forge. Do I toss them into my bloomery? Thanks in advance!
  10. Combining Copper Molds

    Mine has that Caveman, it's not functional. IIRC, it's (vertically) Air, air, trapdoor, air, air, stone. I can't open the forge UI, so I have to instead remove the stone and wait for the rain to stop. As someone suggested, I am going to test it with a bend at the first air block, and see if that resolves.
  11. Combining Copper Molds

    I had hoped the trapdoor would negate the rain, but it does not. It was really put there for security - I am terrified at the thought of a creeper getting cozy in the middle of my workshop. Boxes of ore, stone, sticks, and goodies would go EVERYWHERE.
  12. Combining Copper Molds

    I've noticed something interesting about the forge. Right now I have it constructed into my house, with a 3 block chimney, and a trapdoor in the chimney. the forge works as long as its not raining. I tried to put an L shaped rain cover stone on the roof, but as soon as the vertical line from the forge tile to the sky is broken, I can't open the forge interface. Is there a fix that will allow me to use the forge in the rain?
  13. Combining Copper Molds

    Duh... I'm an idiot. Thank you! : ) Can an anvil be broken down to ingots or picked up and moved?