Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by uwotm8

  1. [Solved] Questions about oil lamps

    Oh sorry, didn't refresh the page. Well, thanks for your attention, glad to have helped you guys to improve the mod even more.
  2. I really enjoy the new oil lamps. They're a nice substitute for torches, albeit olives are not very easy to find if you're not lucky. I play using WAILA, which as you know shows how much time is left in terms of fuel. I use to turn off lamps during the day not to waste precious fuel. As the dark comes I turn them on again, and I notice strange things happening with the oil. Before I right click on the lamp, WAILA says that a certain amount of time is left, but after I click, that time drastically decreases, kind of 15, 20 hours. Is it an intended feature or a bug? If it is a feature, does this mean that oil boils off and as such it is useless to turn off lamps during the day, since that fuel would be wasted anyway? Also, does temperature influence evaporation?
  3. [Solved] Questions about oil lamps

    I've done some experiment. I placed four rose gold oil lamps (like those I use in my survival game), put them off, checked if they still had 2000 hours of time left and 250mL of oil, then I entered the debugmode and added time with commands. After one week I checked the lamps, they were off, WAILA said there were 2000 hours left, so I right clicked on one of them. As I clicked and the lamp turned on, the timer went from 2000 to 1831. 2000 - 1831 = 169, which is the amount of hours in one week. This is odd. If you want I may attach screenshots.
  4. [Solved] Questions about oil lamps

    Of course if it is burning a few degree doesen't change anything, but this happens even when I turn off the lamp by right clicking it. Or, at least, whenever I right click I toggle the flame. Now I don't know if this is merely aesthetic, but since oil is consumed all the same... In a nutshell: is it possible to turn off the lamps so that no oil is burnt when not needed?
  5. Let's start by saying that I looked for info on the forums and the wiki, not anywhere else, because it has already happened to me to find outdated info which bought me to the disaster. You may say that I could have looked for what I'm going to ask in this topic by surfing on the internet, but I'd rather to be informed by official sources. First off, if you build a structure like with two horizontal beams connected to the same pair of vertical beams, like the one in the figure below, does it support an additional layer of stone? In the image, I follwed the legend made by Kitty in one of her posts: the black basalt smooth stone is the supported part, the marble white one is the one which would be scanned if the chert block below the beam would be broken, and the andesite grey one is where the two regions overlap. This is what I guess, please correct me if I'm wrong. This brings me to pose another question: is it there any way to mine stone above the beam (the red coloured layer in the image below)?And by safe I mean not having any chance to cause a cave-in. I couldn't find any. One last question: are cave-ins triggered by raw stone mining only, or does also cobblestone count as trigger? Thank you in advance.
  6. Doubts regarding support beams

    Well, thanks for the fast response and the advice everyone. I thought that the "exploit" where chiseling stone could have helped to prevent and protect from cave ins was fixed. As for the diagram I posted, the white line at the top was a mistake. I meant that that part was no longer protected by the beam, sorry for the misunderstanding. Also @buzzy613 I heard a lot of people saying that mining a 1×2 shaft was safe, but I'm not sure at all. Even digging the top block first caused silly silly incidents in my recent games.
  7. Skills

    IIRC agriculture skill increases the chance you get 2 seeds by breaking a mature crop, instead of 1, so that you can expand your farm. For what concerns prospecting skill, the higher it is, the lower false negatives you'll get. A false negative is when the propick says that there is nothing, but sometimes propicks can be filthy liars. Now I'd have a pretty dumb question, but I just wanna be sure: if you have an high enough smithing skill, if you want to have higher durability and damage on a metal tool, you must work an ingot on an anvil, and not pour liquid metal in a mold, right?
  8. Well, I don't know if it's just me, but I have terrible FPS drops while using Journey, independently of TFC. Since it looks it works so good for you, Kitty, did you make any tweak to the configs of journey? Even if I allocate 4 gigs of ram to Minecraft it lags...
  9. Version #: 79.10SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Moving of Limewater not possibleSuggested Category: MinorDescription: I tried to move Limewater from a large ceramic vessel to a wooden barrel, and I just couldn't transfer the fluid from the former container to the barrel. The wooden barrel contained 9 buckets of Limewater, while the vessel contained 1 bucket. So I made some tests and I discovered that you can in fact move every fluid from different containers, except for Limewater.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? Optifine, Rei's Minimap, WAILA, Fastcraft, NEI. Edit:For some strange reason I only tryed to pour Limewater from a container filled with 1 bucked to a container filled with 9 buckets only, then, randomly, I retried with 8400mb in the barrel and 1000mb in the vessel, and it worked. So, the bug seems to exist when you want to fill a 9 buckets filled container with a 1 bucket filled container only.
  10. Agriculture on different soils

    Good to know, thanks guys.
  11. Agriculture on different soils

    What about grass growth on dirt blocks, then? Does TFC use the same mechanic as Vanilla or is it there a different way to generate grass? Even after playing for a few weeks, I still can't figure it out.
  12. Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Reset of the player's inventory and statisticsSuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: I started Minecraft and loaded my survival game. The last time I played in that world was about 5 hours earlier, and there were no problems. I found my character in the same location I left it, outside my house, but it had empty inventory, all the skills to zero and nutrition values set to the default, meaning to maximum. Basically, it was just like it was killed, but as I said before, it was in the same place I left it, and the "Deaths" counter in the statistics window displayed 0. All my animals weren't lost, as well as all my items in chests and vessels. I know .79.10 is out, but it doesn't look like this "bug" was fixed. This has never happened to me with any other mod.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No. This bug occurred only once since I started playing TFC, and I have no idea on how to reproduce it.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes.If yes, which mods? Fastcraft, OptiFine, InventoryTweaks (actually, not the compatible version, when this bug occurred), Rei's Minimap and Journey Map (don't yell at me), Waila, NEI, NEI Plugin.
  13. Ok, thanks a lot anyway, after all this error shouldn't pop out very often, right?
  14. Ok, so this is not TFC's fault. I'd have another question, then: is AromaBackup compatible with TFC?
  15. No, I didn't, I followed the standard procedure, meaning Pause -> Save and exit to game menu -> Quit the game. I've lost everything, haven't I?