Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About lothair

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    For those who mention using railcraft and/or thaumcraft with TFC i have a question. How do you get around the crashes with other mod items that interact with water? Config stuff I can do, block ID changes I can do, and I can use custom npc's and/or custom stuff to trade TFC items for vanilla or mod worldgen equivalents. I set the trades to a 2 or 4 to 1 trade to keep with the "work for it" feel of TFC. But as far as I can tell anything that uses water like the steam engines and crucible that need water to work crash the moment you load water into them even with creative mode vanilla water buckets, im assuming because of TFC's changes to how water works.
  2. [B67] Bloomery Crash

    add another confirmation to this one SMP server with 4 players, only had one bloomery up, broke the bloomery block before update, built and placed new main block after and crash on right-click same with another bloomery built from the ground up for the first time after update a few chunks away at least one player experiencing crash was a full fresh install, including wiped configs the only other mods running are client side REI's and smart movement
  3. yeah i get that a bit of luck running around punching rocks would probably get me my ore faster, but i have a tendency to start a dozen projects at once, so i still grab rocks when and where i can, but im usually doing so in route to another job i was really thinking of using sluices really just to passively shorten how long it takes to get into metal, toss in some gravel so it can be skimming that while im working on other things, ie getting some crops going, setting up the starter cattle/chicken ranch, getting an idea of where i'll be mining once i get that pick, etc
  4. So i found this mod late last week and have been enjoying the daylights out of it since then, outstanding work. Have been toying around with sluices for the last couple days and wanted to clarify a couple things. Wiki, forum posts, and youtube clips all indicate sluices have to be within the boundaries of a river biome to work, but with changelog indicating worldgen no longer uses vanilla-defined biomes, was wondering if that is still accurate. have started around half a dozen game worlds, switched to creative, and flown around a bit, and so far the only areas where F3 says I'm in a river on any of those worlds has been very small water bodies at most 2 deep, and never more than two land blocks away from the water surface. Haven't found anything labeled as river any larger than around 9x9, none more than 3 blocks deep. I even found one that had a single 4-block deep spot, and in that specific spot it said ocean, heh. around each of these, i seem to get 2 land blocks of 'river', outlined by 2-5 blocks of 'swamp', then whatever predominant terrain type it happens to be in. I ran a little experiment this morning, started a new world and used creative to cheat up 7 basic straight line sluices. F3 says the entire length of all seven is within a hills biome. I know for a fact there's ore nearby, because the very first rock i broke (one block from the first sluice, 2 blocks from the edge of the min-river) gave me sphalerite filled those with gravel from a mini-river about 5 blocks from the nearest sluice and kept them full for the next 30 minutes before i had to leave for work. in that time, the sluices produced i think around 8 gems, but no ore. i was actually kind of suprised at the number it cranked out in that short a time, but is it wierd that gravel returned nothing but gems when ore within range is guaranteed?