Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by scrdest

  1. Torch Poll

    Re: lanterns, the current pumpkin ones are somewhat INCREDIBLY DAMN SILLY, but as far as making a proper one is concerned, seeing as we already have ceramics, I reckon that adding vegetable/seed oils as a resource (perhaps as a liquid, because I have a fever and the only medicine is MOAR BARRELS!), and making a large pot o' clay, filled with oil, with a Piece of String added could be a believable, long-term/infinite (as preferred) light source. Or just go with animal fat -> candles if you're feeling lazy. Could work as Butchery skill check.
  2. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    Holy fuck, I remember requesting it waaaaaay back and with zero indication of it coming to fruition, I gave up on hoping I'd get to see SummerFields in TFC. I officially love you, lipki.
  3. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    (I see what you did there, BTW!) @'unwilling to study the subject' - give us your sources. Can be in Russian, if you must, though English would be preferable. Otherwise your assertion that other participants are unwilling to study the subject are essentially non-falsifiable, and as such, is essentially merely an ad hominem argument. Which is a roundabout way of saying that for the purposes of the discussion, it's a load of bull. Perhaps I should have specified that, unlike what you seem to think, in common usage alcohol is used to refer to ethanol, not methanol. Or perhaps someone should enlighten you that even fresh, clean water has an LD50. Or perhaps I should stop pretending you're not a diehard dogmatic crusader. If someone gave you a choice of drinking either a gulp of swamp water or vodka, the latter is much more safe to drink. And that's discounting non-distilled alcoholic beverages, which have much lower PPV. If you want to keep up with the line of reasoning that 'yes, but alcohol is bad for you as well, so it's unsafe to drink if you drink too much!' - so is water. It's called water toxicity. Google it. If you have a choice between alcohol or fresh, clean water, water is quite obviously the healthier choice. However, if your choice is between dirty water, alcohol, or death of thirst, there is one option that is not likely to kill you. Hint: it's alcohol.
  4. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    If we are talking about pre-modern societies, alcohol did have an important role, since it was the only commonly available beverage that was safe to drink, at least in Western societies. Sure, it didn't have to be VERY alcoholic (in fact, due to how ethanol metabolism works, if you want to be hydrated, it's better if it doesn't have much alcohol), but it worked, even if only because the first step in manufacturing was boiling the water. As for fuel, sure, it's not efficent, but if it's the only fuel you have, it's better than nothing. Meanwhile, from gameplay perspective, it benefits more settlement-centric or roleplay-centric multiplayer, and that's always a nice thing. Besides, it's been already coded in, and it doesn't damage any other feature, so your argument is irrelevant by now.
  5. Better Movement/Gameplay

    Smart Moving mod. It has crawling, climbing, modified swimming animation... it's pretty often used on servers. I don't think we really need new animations outside of GUI, since 90% of the time, no-one except you would see it, and you would be busy checking the GUI. There's also the Improved First Person mod, which renders first person as third person with camera fixed at your face, Mirror's Edge style.
  6. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    AFAIK a meal will always be at least as good as individual components. As for randomness - so, what you want is to go to the wiki and make a fuckton of, say, Speed III meals and farm only the things needed to make it, the only skill needed being basic literacy? I, for one, enjoy cooking in TFC because you need to experiment, do research, instead of merely copying ready-made formulas blindly. Hard needs not equal good, but demanding skill to be efficent does. You can survive on inferior-quality meals, so it's not like you depend on Random Number God to decide if you are allowed to keep playing. If you want quality, you need to put some time into learning how to be good, instead of vanilla's 'Look it up on Wiki' attitude (which is fine for learning basic mechanics you need to know to play the game).
  7. [Offline] Join my server

    No. I did not use nor heard of the problem, and you wrote under the assumption people did. And with the context dropped, your point was entirely lost on me, because it seemed as if you were protesting against asking people to ban someone on the MCban. So, unless someone already knew what your issue with MCban was, your comment seemed defend poor griefers against evil corrupt banning admins, which is a thing a griefer sockpuppet would do. Cue my comment. If you made it clear you were speaking against ratfuckery employed by MCban, or wrote your comment at any other time when we weren't just griefed and starting the bans, nobody would have a problem with the comment. But a combination of bad timing and inferential distance made your comment sound completely different from intended meaning.
  8. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Looks almost half-timbered if you'd work on the wood details some more.
  9. [Offline] Join my server

    You are either one of the griefers or follow an entirely bizzare form of logic. How does banning obvious, confirmed griefers by asking someone to do that make the system corrupt? If it was unconfirmed and someone would get banned because 'my friend told me to ban him', then yes, it would be corrupt. On the other hand, we have evidence of griefing in a screenshot with a confession of one of the griefers and one of the others can be clearly shown to have been using a hacked client and be connected to a griefing incident. Yet another one was noted to have been banned from another server on an online database, so it's not much of a stretch to believe there was a possibility of him being a griefer.
  10. [Offline] Join my server

    Oh look, it's 2013 and people still haven't figured out that quite a lot of their data is stored online. I wonder if _altocaliboi_ was even whitelisted; if he was, it's a failure of the screening process. Let's see what some amateur internet sleuthing brought up: He is 16. He's been playing Tekkit. He's using or have been using a hacked client. He has an XBOX 360 with a Kinect. Somehow he is not added to a trans-server killfile yet, it appears. EDIT: There seems to be a curious fact noticeable that most of the griefers play LoL and are known on Minecraft PVP-stats sites. Make of that what you wish.
  11. [Offline] Join my server

    Hello, scrdest (IGN, same as forum name) here, mind if I hop in?
  12. No Durability / Weapon Sharpening

    @The attachment idea: I think the coolest way to resolve that would be to make the sword/mace you use for a long time be better stat-wise than the equivalent, freshly made one, but only for you (unless someone else uses it for long enough). My idea is that you could name your weapon and, once named, it would keep track of your kill count, increasing damage by a small value every X kills. It'd function as a Sword skill in an RPG, with kills needed increasing exponentially, except it would be tied to a single, specific sword, and Bioxx and Dunk confirmed skills are coming soon either way. Perhaps an object could be added that lets you manage your weapon's history with you, which would allow you to name it first and then, if you'd rack enough kills on a certain mob type, would let you choose if you want to add a trait (based of vanilla enchantments, 1 max per weapon) that would give bonus damage against that mob along, perhaps, with a custom appendix to the name - say 'Bane of X', X being the mob you killed. Additionally, to keep with scarifying death, your history with a weapon would be wiped when you die, leaving you a nice, custom weapon in legacy, which, however, would not be powerful for you anymore. Perhaps using it long enough again would re-unlock the weapon's trait, but you wouldn't be allowed to change it.
  13. Dung, sugarcane and a roof over your head

    Shithouse is a silly idea indeed, perhaps make Dung a poor man's Limestone (i.e. port the Stone Brick code over with Dung instead of Limestone and Clay/Sugarcane/Straw in place of Bricks). Otherwise, I like the idea. Especially once Temperature becomes more important, Roofs could affect how much heat do you retain.
  14. Major framerate issue.

    I had the exact same problem, but I managed to fix it: The inability to allocate more than 1G RAM is due to your Java still being the 32bit version; most likely, there is an old version of Java laying around and your computer is set to use it instead of the 64bit one - this was the cause of the problem for me. WHAT DO?: Go to this website (for instance, first thing Google spewed forth) and follow the advice to find Environmental Variables: http://www.technoon....-windows-8.html Find the PATH variable Find the string which points to your Java folder Change the string to point to the proper, new 64bit Java If you are using a laptop, make sure your computer uses your graphics card and not the integrated crap for Java Adjust the RAM to 1G-2G setting (or more, if you need) Play TFC Get killed by a spider
  15. How do you reduce lagz?

    Alright, I FINALLY tracked down and squashed all the performance problems for me. I'll make an example of myself, because I failed at pretty much every step: 1) I could not assign more that 1GB of RAM to TFC, the standalone (NOT Minecraft, which had 2GB allocated and worked fine). 2) I've had older version of Java installed. DLd a new one, both 32 and 64 bit - important later on. 32 defaulted to C:/Program Files (86x) meanwhile 64 to regular Program Files. 3) I ran the game. Nope, no changes. Still could only allocate 1GB. 4) Turns out, my Environmental Variables pointed my laptop to the old installation of Java (1.6-something). Changed it to the new path. 5) Whee, I get 50FPS! Wait, nope, still get out of memory crashes. D: 6) I go back to Environmental Variables and figure out my 64bit system used 32bit Java due to a bad path variable. Changed. 7) I ran the game again. I can have even 3GB of RAM allocated, but I get absurdly low FPS again. 8) Finally, I figure out to open NVIDIA panel and set the laptop to default to non-integrated video card. 9) 50+ FPS, no GL memory crashes, TFC runs smoothly. Whee!
  16. Brewing in TFC - SPOILERS

    Yeah, I thought I made it clear when I wrote I tested it with sugar. I am making alcohol-laced cookies for me and callisto . Now, the important question: when are you going to include drinkable booze? Because this may be the thing I need to convince Bay12-ers to set up a new server.
  17. How do you reduce lagz?

    Anybody have any idea why I can only assign 1GB of RAM to Minecraft even though my computer has four time the amount? Each time I fiddle with RAM assignment to TFC, it refuses to work above 1GB. Meanwhile, my Vanilla Minecraft instance has 2GB of RAM assigned and works perfectly fine. EDIT: Untangled the mess of PATH environmentals (it used 32bit instead of 64bit), can now assign 2GB. On the other hand, 32bit had insanely good framerates (50FPS was a norm) and 64bit's FPS is more or less equal to the number of Chunk Updates. WTF?
  18. Brewing in TFC - SPOILERS

    Are you applauding your own post, or did I guess correctly? EDIT: After I finally managed to run TFC semi-properly (stupid goddamn environmental variables and stupid goddamn RAM allocation) I tested it myself, and Sugar indeed yields Rum. ARR!
  19. Brewing in TFC - SPOILERS

    Try Sugar/Sugar Cane, which, if it works, should result in Rum. Do I get an alcohol-laced cookie?
  20. Brewing in TFC - SPOILERS

    Wow. I hoped for that, but I did not expect brewing to actually work. Well, kinda work. Also, is it me, or did one of the Whiskeys have nutrition value written in the GUI?
  21. Support/Suggestions for the launcher

    For me, editing the .bat to allocate LESS (512 max) RAM helped, since allocating more lead to 'GL: out of memory' errors. Somehow.
  22. Avoiding The Grind

    Some meditations on the issue, focusing more on grinding generally: TFC's problem is The Grind. That being a repetition of the same actions in the same context to improve the equipment you use, which in turn enables you to use equipment's functions harder/better/faster/stronger. I think the issue is that, in both cases, the only real gain of mining is the ability to keep mining some more. Then there is the fact that as you improve, the requirements for reaching the next tier are raised. So, while you can quite easily progress early on, it requires more time later on. They, however, are a simple loop of same actions. Compare with early game, where you need to make a shelter, hunt for food and so on, when there are several distinct goals, late-game boils down to a quest for endgame metals, which basically offer nothing new, except being better at the things you've already been doing. Also consider the progression from Stone Age to Metal Age: a whole new world of possibilities, with stone bricks allowing bloomeries, new tools, and so on. Various tiers of steel meanwhile change literally nothing gameplay-wise. So, to avoid the gameplay becoming repetitive, following features may be added: - new dangers as you burrow deep into the earth, lava lakes, mobs only spawning underground, perhaps? Maybe something like Dwarf Fortress' Hidden Fun Stuff? Increasing the likelihood of mine collapsing, even despite supports? - the metals having actual effects on the gameplay in a meaningful way. Special properties, aside from the normal progression? For example, IRL Platinum is more-or-less like Steel, except non-rusting and non-allergizing, so in game should be equal to steel, but has a number of major uses in chemistry, completely absent for steel (for example as catalysts for reducing organic acids to alcohols, though Nickel works too - not saying chemistry should be in TFC2, but just as an example). Perhaps during the Arcane era, they may be various reagents? Or perhaps only steel can be used to create Steam era components? (Although I'd much rather have Brass for that ). You get the idea.
  23. Summerfields and Greatwood are two great (IMO) Jolicraft-inspired, but original, texturepacks by lithiumsound, the former being sadly likely abandoned for the latter (it's 1.4.5 ready, though, lacking only vanilla anvil and fireworks). They have a charming, warm, a bit whimsical feel, which I found just perfect for a more peaceful gameplay. Now, I confess, I suck at texturing. I would be greatly indebted if someone with mad texturing skillz could port either to TFC. Because this:
  24. Would you live forever?

    ^assumes you won't forget the most of the first century of your life. Besides, given how damn fast the world changes (and we're talking only about our little blue planet), I highly doubt you'd get bored fast. Imagine what a man from XVI century could tell you if he'd live to our times: empires rising and falling, technology making a giant leap, people around you changing, adapting to the times...
  25. Would you live forever?

    Wait a second... so the whole point of not drinking alcohol is so that you may go to heaven and drink alcohol to your heart's content? Seems quite pointless.