Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by NegiMagica209

  1. Based on the awkwardness. How about gaining experience with a weapon as you use it. A skill system could be use for almost anything and as you use the weapon more it becomes less awkward to use it.


  2. a few days ago I was wondering why torches don't provide light when you're holding them, is kinda lame that I have to "plant" a torch whenever I'm walking by somewhere a bit darker. mostly when I'm hunting at night, and I have to leave a torch trail behind me... just doesn't feel right...

    It'd be nice to have and I'm sure it can be done, but for the game to have to update the lighting every time you move could cause extreme lag. I love the idea though.


  3. Thanks for the input guys I'll make some adjustments soon.

    By the way, anything that is in the On option is also in the Hardcore option I'll change it to clarify more. At the moment I have very little time to be on so I'll change it soon.

    Jivix: the idea of non stacking food is because there'd be a durability bar. That and this is based off of ideas found throughout this forum. So if you check out my cooking suggestion, there are meals that have multiple uses so it'd justify cooking since you can't stack food. It stacks because it degrades at the same time. You just wouldn't be able to stack two meals together.


  4. Well, to be honest. I made this suggestion not for what would be good options in the options menu, but to have athe ability to change the options if desired. Yes I will fine tune these exmples, but it's really just to bring light to the suggestion of being able to customize your playing experience if and only if most of this forums suggestions are included. Liek the ones stated above.


  5. Things in the On option are also/or modified in the Hardcore option. I'll change things up soon.

    I've lurked through all the suggestions and have seen many things that fit well with the TFC feel and some that are out there in the extremes and awsomes. So I came up with an idea nd posted it here ( ), but it didn't go anywhere so I decided to post it again here, but in greater detail.

    My idea is to create options in the game menu and in the world generation menu that will give the mod more customization for a wider variety of players. Some of these ideas you might bring up the argument that if people don;t want a hardcore surviving experience then why play it? Well, I say theres more to this mod so far and more to come that can also be fun doing without having to worry about living. Now I personally would love to play this game with all of its hardcoreism including the suggestions here, but some players might find some of it tedeious and frustrating so I devised a chart of menu options to customize your experience. Weither you are a normal survival player, a 'real badass player', or a casual crafter.

    Survival Setings:


    On - You will get hungry over time. Hunger effects Thirst and Exhaustion, not your Health.

    Off - You don't need to eat.

    Hardcore - Hunger will effect your Health.


    On - You will get thirsty over time. Thirst effects Exhaustion, not your Health.

    Off - You won't get thirsty.

    Hardcore - Hotter biomes and lower depths effect Thirst.


    On - You will get exhausted over time and with work. Exhaustion leads to slow movement.

    Off - You won't need to sleep.

    Hardcore - Continuous exhaustion will lead a forced sleep on site.


    On - Torches will burn out after a few days. Weather and depth will effect torch life.

    Off - Torches will not burn out.

    Hardcore - Torches will burn out after a day.


    On - Food will spoil after a few days. Cannot stack food.

    Off - Food will not spoil. Can stack food.

    Hardcore - Spoiled food will spoil other food quicker. Cannot stack food.


    On - Equipment will require maintainence to keep from degrading over time.

    Off - Equipment will not degrade over time, only with use.

    Hardcore - (can't think of anything)


    On - Wood will rot if exposed to the weather.

    Off - Wood will not rot.

    Hardcore - Rot Wood will rot other wood in piles or lockboxes faster.

    (Rot Wood can be used for compost.)


    On - Water is Finite

    Off - Water is Infinite

    (Hardcore would be flooding, which is in the environmental options below.)

    (This is probably very hard to code.)


    On - The lower you are the harder it is to breath.

    Off - No need to worry about oxygen levels.

    Hardcore - Pockets of Methane and Sulfuric Gas will sufficate you.

    (Quickly, find a low tech way to conquer the hardcore problem which includes was to harness these gases as well.)


    On - The location of Campfires and so on are effected by climate, air, weather.

    Off - Stable heat at any hieght or weather condition.

    Hardcore - (Can't think of anything.)



    On - Cave-ins have a chance to occur in non- supported caves.

    Off - Cave-in's won't occur.

    Hardcore - Cave-ins lead to instant Death if on top of player. Cave-ins occur more frequently. And have a chance to happen in supported caves as well.


    On - Landslides may occur in rainy weather.

    Off - Landslides won't occur.

    Hardcore - (Can't think of anything.)


    On - Hurricanes may occur. Damages trees, puts out heat-based items, chance to knock down fence, signs, and glass.

    Off - Hurricanes won't occur.

    Hardcore - (Can't think of anything.)


    On - Blizzards will occur. Freezes both standing and flowinf water. Damages livestock and crops.

    Off - Blizzards won't occur.

    Hardcore - Blizzards damage players exposed to it.


    On - Sandstorms occur. Dries up shallow water. Covers things in sand. Damages livestock and crops. Makes the Thirst bar deplete faster.

    Off - Sandstorms won't occur.

    Hardcore - Sandstorms damage players exposed to it.


    On - Floods may occur in rainy weather. Damages crops and washes away Campfires, Signs, Redstone, Logpiles, etc.

    Off - Floods won't occur.

    Hardcore - Flashfloods have a chance of happening.


    On - Forest fires may occur. Damage is obvious.

    Off - Fires will only happen naturally with lava pools and the player.

    Hardcore - Firestorm. Forest fire spreads rapidly.


    On - Earthquakes may occur. Damages are very obvious. Causes Cave-ins even when turned off, also in supported areas.

    Off - No Earthquakes.

    Hardcore - (Can't think of anything.)

    World Generation:


    On - Monster Dens spawn in the world.

    Off - No Monster Dens.


    On - Random Patches of Quicksand will spawn in correct biomes.

    Off - No Quicksand.


    On - Volcanoes will spawn in the world.

    Off - No Volcanoes.



    Tell me what you think and give feed back as to wha to put in the spots that are empty. Also, tell me if you think of anything else that could be added to this options list.


  6. I agre with giving the undead a reason to exist. I know the point of this mod is to give a harder challenge to surviving and give a skill based experience on it, but nothing says it isn't still minecraft, fantasy stuff can still play a role in here somewhere.

    Nests! Didn't think of it before but you are right, nests do make a better feel than mob spawners. That and the respawn time should be decreased compared to mob spawners.

    Flying mobs might be hard to code but not impossible.(look at the mo'creatures mod for instance) I wish there were more flying mobs in vanilla. Bats, birds, insects(collectible for alchemy if kept or changed), heck even the infamous promised red dragon if you'd like.


  7. Going back to the OP's topic. There seems to be a lot of suggestions here on this site that fit right in with the feel of TFC and there's others that are extreme like torches burning out, food not stacking, and a smaller carrying limit than 64. How about normal mode has the things that fit in well. And hardcore mode Includes the things that are extreme and realistic.


  8. I could try that. The only thing is, from what I heard Bioxx prefers that each idea is in a separate thread. But, I don't know if that's for real.

    For the time being I'm going to expand on the beekeeping in the OP once I wake up. I work late and i just got off so sometime tonight I'll update the OP.


  9. How about dens. A small cave that's home to certain mobs and spawners of the same. And the bigger the den the harder the mob? This way mobs could get progressively harder both in the ground and on the surface. Plus, how about the deeper you go into the biomes the stronger the mobs that appear. (especially since MC vanilla has added a large biome choice)


  10. Hehe good idea! How about a bed that can be made way before those. Like one you'd make before you can get wool and leather. Add fallen leaves to the mod. Collect the leaves and craft with your inventory crafting grid to make a leaf pile bed.



    Sorry for the double post but I felt this should be separate as soon as im done researching I'll add these to the OP

    Uses for beewax and honey:


    --Used on the string of a bow to help the string last longer. A durability bar could be added to the bows and an application of wax will make it last longer or replenish some of the durability.

    --Can be used to give iron a shine but is useless for this mod.

    --Oh here's a good one, if copper or bronze piping and steam punk like things are added, beewax can be used to Perserve and maintain bronze and copper. Can be used along some grease Item to maintain machines and bronze/copper made structures.

    --Used in jewelry.

    --Used to maintain and lubricate saws and drills in metal fabrication.

    --Used I the process to make paper somehow

    --Used in wip making

    --Used in metal threading such as gold threading.

    --Wax is used to flux molten bullets and helps remove impurities, can be used to make bullets or through the smelting of metals.

    --Waterproofing and candles


    --used as a perservative

    --used to treat burns and open wounds

    --used as food. The comb can be eaten too

    --used as a cure for hangover. My alcohol section will be like the tea section but alcohol will give better buffs but also permanent and/or temperary debuffs that can be cured with honey.

    --Honey wont spoil, honey IRL lasts a very VERY long time.



    Now starting on a Hunter-Gather Section that will tie in to the early cooking with just a campfire. I'll edit this post saying its done when I am.

    Edit:Also adding biulds to the items. I will add more, but my computer seems to want to delete stuff as I type. So I'll continue this once I get ahold of my Ipod again.


    Snow can also be used in the Icebox but doesn't last as long as crushed ice.

    Edit2: just saw that Bioxx may be adding beekeeping so I'm gonna have to hurry up my research on them.

    From what I gathered you can have anything from collecting honey straight from the hive, to apiaries that have removable slides that contain the combs. The fact that bees help with pollenation could be used in the mod to produce a better crop. Honey in my suggestion could be used in recipes and candying foods for perservation. As well as using wax for many things.

    I'll look up other uses for honey and wax in more than just for cooking too.


  13. I can see alchemy being a big hit with the chemistry lovers :D Maybe even with a touch of fantasy alchemy in the sense where you use things like spider venom and snake blood with root of bla bla bla. You know where I'm going with that. Witch's brew lol.

    Oh yes! This could be the start of a much better alchemy section the what vanilla has.


  14. My cooking suggestion could start hear. The beginnings of gathering and hunting leading up to early aged meals and then into the full blown fireplace, oven, hand pump and icebox section once you do reach the metal age. Hurray progression!!!

    (my post is half bump sorry. I'd like to see more talk of leather so I also wanted to bring it to the first page.)
