Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by osxvictoria

  1. Trenix's Farewell

    I offered a short while ago to help with the wiki however I'm still very new so there is more code related things I must learn first. I'm very new to the community and not going to worry too much over it I also work a full time job so maybe it was for the best as that sort of thing takes lots of time. However I do feel that when your drowning in work and someone offers to help, you should at least see what they have to offer. Again I am very new here but isn't the point of a forum to allow conversation to happen? Unless I'm just crazy locking a topic shouldn't have anything to do with wheather it has a chance of happening or not. If the devs are so 'immune' to input and " can make anything them want" what's the harm in letting the conversation go? JUst post with "I have no plans to change the current UI" THere see? Simple polite and clearly giving no false hope while still allowing the community to chat about this UI concept.
  2. Please Help Forge Build

    I am still very new so I apologize if this is the wrong place however I'm getting VERY frustrated at the lack of information about how to build a forge. The old way doesn't seem to work and the wiki hasn't been update still. I can't seem to find it on youtube either. Please help
  3. Please Help Forge Build

    I JUST got OMG ive been trying for days and it was somthing so simple. Thanks I feel so silly
  4. How about that gypsum?

    I like the idea of the fertilizer. I have started a lot of worlds and I have never even seen Sylvite in the game yet, I guess I just spawn really far away from it. I find gypsum all the time, I think a use for it would be great. I'd like to think it wouldn't be in the game at all if they didn't have some sort of plan for it though. . .
  5. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Might I suggest a notes format? I found the wiki to be rather. . . tedious to get through so I compiled my own notes namely for crafting recipes I just keep forgetting. I used an old school roman numeral for each step and letters underneath for various notes. I feel that this style will give quick info at a glance while having items in the notes be links. An experienced player and say " Well first soaked hide, then scrapped hide, then prepared hide, " while a new player and click on the items listed under ' soaked hided ' and see " Oh I need a barrel". It may sound weird but I also pictured a sort of recipe card style. On top would be a list of ingredients needed and below would be the crafting process. This again gives long time users faster at a glance info while giving new players a sort of check list. TFC is massive in scope and when I was a new player I would write down in a list the things I needed if I wanted something. The reality is in the beginning I spent more time reading the wiki than playing the game. I know not everyone is like that, but consider and slight restructure to the way the info is presented.