Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jakestadude

  1. Will be Starting Server, Looking for Participants

    my skype is jorocks44 (I Know it sounds dumb I was really young then) IGN: wantsaburger1
  2. Age: 16 Minecraft Username: jakestadude Why would you like to join?: I would like to join this server because I think this mod is incredibly fun even when playing alone in Singleplayer. I can hardly imagine how interesting a mature community trading with each other and coordinating their efforts, without a strict set of rules, would be. I think it would be very cool if I as a player assumed one profession (I find I like using barrels, whether it's pickling, alcohol, etc.) and could buy the rest of my supplies. TerraFirmaCraft actually presents a challenge, and thus it makes so much more sense for players to work together, which, unlike Vanilla Minecraft, ends up being more fun and immersive at the same time. What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I started with Minecraft back in the good old days of Beta 1.6, but since then, things have changed a lot. Although the technical side of Vanilla still remains interesting, the survival aspect has become stale. The magic that was had when playing Singleplayer has vanished. Since then, I have run a Vanilla server mainly for me and a close friend for over 2 years at this point. Then I found TerraFirmaCraft from Etho, and I was immediately drawn to it. For about a month, I have been playing on Singleplayer, and I have learned a lot in that time. Any additional information that would help your case: I will continue the bit about the server I have been running: a little over two years ago, I created a world with a friend in Vanilla Minecraft and used the LAN network feature to play. I then set it up as a full server on my machine, and things have been like that since this last summer. Now, my friend is very busy with school (he is taking some college courses, smart kid), and I generally don't run the server anymore. However, in that time span, I had a vision of a server made up of "kingdoms," in which each had autonomy, where trading, and in rare cases, war, was encouraged. We tried to invite people on, but it got very messy. I tried to instruct people to mark off their own territory by building walls, but this all proved to be a waste of time. Vanilla Minecraft just wasn't fit for the experience I was trying to create. First of all, griefing was far too easy. New players would simply break through the walls set up around our territory to get from point A to point B rather than going around. The same would not be true in TerraFirmaCraft, as it would require a lot of play time and dedication to get a pickaxe to even begin breaking stone in the first place. There was also no incentive for players to organize themselves into groups, because survival is so easy in Vanilla. I am NOT saying that I will do this on your server, but that TerraFirmaCraft makes the player approach the game in a more realistic way: building is harder, living is harder, and this makes it that much more rewarding. After very few months, I realized that my plans would never work, and I abandoned the idea. So basically, I am communicating this: I know the struggles of hosting a server, I know what makes TerraFirmaCraft special to me and so many other people, and that I am a mature player who will be an asset to the experience of the server (like trading resources, struggling through the winter, cooperation, the list goes on...). I will also be active, as I have seen that is important for more recent applicants I will make one final edit to this post: I realize after reading through all of the other applications that you have rejected a lot of them, and age seems to be a considerable factor in your decision. I hope that you will see from the length of my post that I am not just another short-attention-spanned teenager. I'm pleading that you won't say "sorry, not what I'm looking for" because you see I'm 16 Thanks, and I hope you will consider this Application Time zone, location, name(*Optional): My name is Jake, similar to my username. My Time zone is Eastern US, I live around the coast.