Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by puxapuak

  1. Animals!

    Complete with epic death screams I hope! - Who needs a rooster when you can wake up to the melody of a dozen wailing zombies.
  2. Animals!

    Can't get passed the image in my head. I've always found slow-motion chases funny... staple of D-grade horror. Sheep... because sheep are just kind of ridiculous creatures. Cool. We see a lot of plates from down south heading up to the north lands... mostly for hunting and fishing I think, but mushing - that's cool. I don't think we're any more intelligent... our education system is quite a bit better, but that only gives knowledge whereas intelligence is how you use it. I think everyone is about the same on that front.
  3. Oh, no, I noticed this. I'm a total newb to TFC, but I know my F3 key and have made that first giant stairwell down . I was imagining something with some pretty vast vertical spaces though - the sort of yawning underground chasms from literature before the tectonic age. Mushroom forest!
  4. While developing this....Addon

    You could be asking two different questions there. One way or other if those are not already added to the ore dictionary, then the TFC mod would need a (very short) code tweak to register them. So if you are asking whether a user can register them without modding the TFC code, then no. But if you are asking whether it can be registered such that users wouldn't have to later change anything, then yes, it can be done. This page explains the ore dictionary:
  5. More Clay and Reusable Ceramic molds

    Believability vs Realism credibility, credibleness, creditability, creditableness, likelihood, plausibility, plausibleness, validity, validness absoluteness, actuality, authenticity, being, bottom line, brass tacks, certainty, concreteness, corporeality, deed, entity,existence, genuineness, how things are, like itis, materiality, matter, name of the game, nutsand bolts, object, palpability, perceptibility,phenomenon, presence Yeah, so I got the *acceptable* terms mixed up. The differences are... limited in a virtual environment. Nothing is reality there to begin with - except ones and zeroes, so realism is always a synonym for believability. TFC Is attempting to create a "believable" environment in the game by making it more similar to "reality". Regardless of the pre-determined norms of this forum, I don't think there is value in nitpicking semantics..
  6. While developing this....Addon

    Ug, I feel like I need to clarify with an example. If I make a mod that advertises itself as an extension of TFC and says it uses TFC minerals and ores, then that's an add-on and not very friendly to devs. But If I make a mod that looks for a zinc ingot, jet item, platinum ingot, or sequoia plank in the ore dictionary for its recipes, then that's not an add-on, it's just a standard mod that looks to see if other mods installed already implement the base components. It's a really fundamental difference that non-coders or amateurs may not get at first glance. If you don't see a difference, give it some thought and study the coding model forge uses.
  7. While developing this....Addon

    My two cents, "addon" is problematic because it implies a code-based dependency. Iow, you have to hack his code and then write chunks using his implementations/classes. A separate mod that uses the ore dictionary or w/e is not an add-on in the same sense - in the same way Java isn't an add-on to your OS. It doesn't depend on anything in this mod except the existence of those metals. Provided the mod is only using what is already there and clearly delineating itself, there is no issue and the dev team says so right on the info page of the site. I think the real question people/modders want to know is - are gems coded using the ore dictionary? Stone? Wood? All of these can be registered in the ore dictionary to open up for more general use, and although the info page implies an openness in use for ores, it doesn't discuss the rest of the plethora of new generated blocks, nor the names. This is truly the most amazing mod I've ever found for people who want a challenging and realistic survival experience, but what could make it more amazing is the ability to create other mods that work on top of it and don't conflict (and with developers willing to scroll back any recipes the dev team implements themselves).
  8. Squid spawning bug

    I just downloaded it and tried it. Like you said, shortly after loading the FPS dropped to 1/0. But you can get around this... here's what I did: Choose the direction with a straight line of land. As soon as you see the fps drop, hit esc to bring up menu. Fps recovers during this time. Hit esc again to return to the game and keep moving *in that straight line*. Quickly hit esc a few moments later to let it regain. Repeat this pattern for maybe 10-20 metres. Once you've gone a little distance away from that spawn point, the fps drop will reduce rapidly. Another few steps and it won't occur at all. Stay in this safe zone for a minute or so, and then when you return you can do so safely - the squids are despawned and the world recovered. [i have an i5-2500K with a Asus GTX 550. If your system is substantially slower, you may need to be a bit quicker with the esc hits and take more time trying to get out of that damaged zone] PS: That world appears to have some Chunk-sized holes... is that in your version? Your world may have been corrupted in more than just some squidly ways.
  9. This sounds so amazing. Vanilla has End and Nether, Aether is out there floating in eventually-updated-but-buggy-as-hell land... The problem with adding these into the standard world gen would be vertical space and tick lag. Solution is to make a dimension-shift... so like lava or whatever keeps you from going down to 0 depth in most places, but some places have a river and if you're in a boat, you can do a portal shift into a new dimension load. Then you don't have to worry about any of the tick updates from way above and can excuse the realism for a time in favour of a kind of Journey to the Centre of the Earth theme.
  10. Animals!

    Ahh - I had not seen that yet, being so new but that's unfortunate. Would be even better if they crawled out of crypts to hunt your sheep though... Ha - yes, Saskatchatoon. Not often my little underpopulated homeland gets mentioned in Hollywood - even if they did (purposefully) mangle the province and city names together (to say nothing of the northern-Ontario accent they gave the guy... extra funny considering urban SK sounds nearly the same as LA).
  11. Animals!

    I think it would be great if zombies occasionally went after the other mobs too. Would be hilarious to look down from your lofty castle and see some zombie slowly chasing your sheep in circles. Maybe wolves could be trained to protect farm animals, like the golems in vanilla?
  12. More Clay and Reusable Ceramic molds

    Pretty new to TFC (5 days now), but I like this idea too even though I was very lucky with clay in my world. Actually I seem to have been pretty lucky in a lot of ways... my spawn was surrounded by surface copper, tin, zinc, and clay. Anyways, before I discovered TFC last weekend, I'd been spending a lot of my time developing my own mod that was basically attempting to do what TFC already did, so I've abandoned that effort, but one of the things I had added in mine was a simple way to dye clay to use when firing bricks. I think rather than that though, with TFC's awesome world-generator it would make more sense just to have clay be environment-dependent. Like the sand, the clay would appear different colours in the landscape, and when fired into bricks would retain the varying colours and appearance. Not all clay is suitable for ceramics either (or rather some require pre-processing of some sort) so this could easily be built into the game by adding on to existing clay the new types. I think this not only adds to the realism that is the hallmark of TFC (since clay is one of the oldest and most varied building materials) but also opens up some new possibilities - clay ovens or forges for early metal processing and cooking, and also a processed 'fertilizer' to use on crops to aid depleted soil.
  13. No text or messages? = can't use pick...

    Augh... right. *facepalm* Should have tried that before posting. I think it had something to do with my config file - When I deleted the folder Windows said the file was still in use even though MC wasn't running. I had to reboot in safe mode to kill the folder and it said something about multiple entries in the file tables. I'm going to blame the power outage that hit while playing a few nights ago.
  14. So I downloaded TFC three days ago and have been totally immersed in all my spare time since - really love the mod - truly how survival mode was meant to be. But unfortunately, I just finally got my first prospector's pick and discovered that it is completely useless. The problem is that I'm not seeing any messages at all in game So for example, normally if you try to sleep in the middle of the day, it will give you a message. I don't get those messages. I don't see any text at all. This is a clean install, so all I'm running is the bear necessities - presently Forge 303, player api 1.6 client, and TFC 52e. I am also running OptiFine U B3, but I have jars both with and without it and neither gives me any messages. Vanilla+Forge and Vanilla + Forge + player also work just fine as well, so it's something to do with this mod. Anyone encountered this? Is there a simple fix? Patch otw? Mining seems kind of pointless without the pick since ores are so incredibly rare... so I kind of want to hold off on playing further.