Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by pyr0kid

  1. Age: 13

 Minecraft Username: pyr0kid
 Why would you like to join?: this looks like a nice server to play on What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: a lot of minecraft experience and a good chunk of TFC experience Any additional information that would help your case: im friendly and like to help other playersPs is it ok if my friends use my account to make there apps? they dont have any accounts
  2. oh ok. hope i dont kill my mac trying this
  3. How did you find out about TFC?

    youtube vid one of the mindcrackers i think but etho really got me into it
  4. Age: 14 IGN: pyr0kid Why this server: it look like it's a nice server to play on. Edit: I'm checking to see if my friends want to join this server. Is it OK if they use my account to apply? They forgot their user names.
  5. heres a possible fix find map writer 2.1.2 in your mods folder and delete it or move it. just get it out of the mods folder. hope it helps. (im on mac and new to mods so maybe it wont work.)
  6. fixed it. i needed to dump my mini map mod so i can log in :] Edit: Why would a minimap mod keep me from logging onto the server? got a fix for this?
  7. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    I'm getting timed out D:
  8. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    im not online its a bug
  9. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    i think i crashed the server but i can't quite tell. it says it's still online... landslides are bad
  10. how do i breed Stuff HELP!

    the name says it all
  11. how do i breed Stuff HELP!

    To da wiki!
  12. Looking for a build 79 server, ideally running just terrafirmacraft. If they have their own modpack, that's ok, too. No pvp or griefing.
  13. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    Nooooo. now im sad :[
  14. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

  15. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    D: yea you cant really pvp in tfc
  16. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    i would like to join your server. is pvp against the Rules? i hope so IGN: pyr0kid Age: 13
  17. [Offline] Whitelisted Small Community Role-Play TFC Server

    Full Name: me Giving my name away isn't a good idea. Time-Zone: us east Skype: yes or no? No Ingame Name: pyr0kid Age: 13 Experience with Minecraft: a ton Experience with TFC: decent Why you wish to join: i want to join a Friendly server
  18. What is your IGN? pyr0kidDo you like apples? a bitWhat do you like to do in Terrafirmacraft?How old are you? 13Where do you live? (For time zones) US EastAre you mature? Yes. I can get angry when seriously provoked.Tell me about yourself? (3-5 sentences) I'm a gamer.Anything else I should know? Your mod pack doesn't work for me.
  19. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: pyr0kid Age: 18 Why this server?: This is the first white listed server that l saw. 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I'm a gamer from the East Coast. I like playing Pulsar Lost Colony, TFC, Minecraft, and Dragon Warrior. (i have TS i just dont like it)