Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. About TFCII

    At the very least TFC can be used as testing grounds for something.
  2. Технически, перевод такими средствами нелегален, так как требует изменения кода модификации. Bioxx сказал, в переписанной версии мода будут добавлены крючки для нормальной локализации, так что нужно просто ждать. Ну и пока ждём, переводить вики, например. А вообще, я, например, как человек знакомый с джавой, ничего не понял из твоего описания процесса. Ты б хоть ссылку дал.
  3. Forest Spirits/Deku Tree

    I think that the best fantasy weaved with non-fantasy so you can't tell where one of them ends and another starts, so this should be done altogether - crypts, animals, fantasy beings, terrain and the like. Probably that's exactly how stuff works in TFC development.
  4. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    That must be laggy as hell. Looks awesome though.
  5. Curiosity

    So, I assume you all know what Peter Molyneux's Curiosity is. I know this too. What I don't know is WTF is this, IGN, why is this relevant?!
  6. Veteran ideas for better gameplay.

    That thing above probably not easy to read, but oh well.Now. The whole thing with zombies is a placeholder, as alreay said, so there's not much to suggest before true system kicks in. Also, if you make zombies this sentient, you might as well make them to live in villages and to set traps for players.I don't see where you're really going with hen thing, but note that I generally don't see a problem with living off eggs in a game like this - you don't have much in terms of food from the start. Also note, that nesting is an incomplete system in TFC, there's already nesting box block code traces in mod files.
  7. So I found a bear....

    Won't work, I'm pretty sure they will just despawn on you.
  8. Has anyone ever legititetly found Kimberlite?

    Vein of Kimberlite was the thing that brought me to my first Garnierite deposit.
  9. Clay Mechanics for the Clueless Developer

    There's "Better Grass" option in config files, right? Can one just turn it off to get more clear vision of things?Edit: Oh, and
  10. Avatar(s)

    I can see multiple faces there, which one of those you are speaking of? There's even Rorschach himself up top.
  11. Avatar(s)

    Guys, I know that the girl is from Touhou. I will explain myself. Look: And here's what I mean. I don't think it's possible to unsee.
  12. Using Shears to Shape Hedges/Leaves

    Hate to say that, but I'm not really keen on this idea. You generally don't want many detailed blocks around you.
  13. Name Me!

    I kinda don't have a true name at the moment.
  14. Name Me!

    The true name is earned, not given.
  15. You get in a Galaxy, and you get in a Galaxy, and you get in a Galaxy! All get in a Galaxy, get ready to the B®it Drop!

  16. Ores blending in?

    Although I didn't say anything about the texture change. I am fine with how it is look like.
  17. Ores blending in?

    Sphalerite on conglomerate blocks is very easy to miss in certain lighting conditions. Magnetite too, but it's slightly more noticeable.
  18. Villagers

    Lion half of what you want to do with villagers can be implemented on vanilla anyway, and then for TFC you will just expand upon sturdy basis. So I think it's a good thing to start off vanilla.
  19. Star navigations

    The whole point of exercise is to add more relation points to the sky. You can already easily tell where the north is anyway using celestral bodies' movement.
  20. Merry Christmas!

    We have other branch of Christianity, which come to have slightly different religious holidays' dates during the time when USSR wrestled with religion over the prize of stuffing people's minds with itself. Didn't quite work out, but there are quite a few people openly willing to offer their (and adjacent ones) arses to hold up whatever ideology comes downwards from The Vertical and even launch improvised witchhunts over it.
  21. Merry Christmas!

    Now guess what? It's Christmas in Russia. Merry Christmas again, guys.
  22. exp

    You also get additional "thirst points" allowing you to store additional water in yourself. Maybe this works for "hunger" scale too.
  23. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    I don't know about bottlenecks that much, honestly. And of course different tasks make different impacts. True bottleneck happens when you, for example, plug USB3.0 device in USB1.1 slot, all other effects are like WV Beetle with 75mm M3 L/40 attached to it - it's weird, but it's working. I guess, you can - again - look at prebuilt solutions and get one step better GPU than they are using. I'm assuming those guys know how to build computers after all. About one step better - there are sites on the internet about GPU comparisons, or you can tell me starting point and I will be able to tell severall variants of what can be considered "one step better".
  24. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    LED Backlighting is definitely not worth the cost. For aesthetics - maybe, performance - unaffected. Reaction time will definitely help if you like playing games where stuff moves quickly, like Tribes, for instance.I'm not sure about GPU, something like geForce GTX 550 will probably cost you about hundred bucks, but it's not that power imbued to run all games at max settings. I kind of agree with sda about CPU, but it can wait, honestly, especially if you don't want to buy the whole new computer, which sort of ideal. (For computer, you can go in store and look up computer, but buy its parts instead and build it yourself, that way its cheaper). To find out about power supply, you should take off right (if you look at the back) cover and there will be piece of paper on the block - unless this paper is outside, which is unlikely. Additionally, if you bought the whole PC, you can have its specifications paper somewhere.
  25. New Developments

    Delightful. I completely understand why you would rewrite it from the start - sometimes it's just so much code and it's all so much convoluted on itself, that it is much easier on sanity to just dump it all together and go from clean ground.