Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    For a couple of hours of playing I can say that hi-res textures coupled with blocks don't look right to me. I'm not saying this is problem with TP, plain walls look very good, it's just when there's a block sticking out - its' sharp edges look weird. Now I can draw, but not with colours, and I bet I shouldn't post it here and go visit a doctor or something instead, but in case something can be done with textures. Slightly move the pattern, maybe?
  2. Hello! im new too TF craft

    To convince someone to improve is to show him his position on the matter, then point out expected value, negative and positive directions. Now offence has little to do with it as offence is emerged from tone of pointing out, not from the fact that... err... something has been pointed out.
  3. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Maybe this is the thing from Russian language, but I think if you decided to help, you've already judged.
  4. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Well, you will judge someone in real life just because they turned up wearing inside out smelly clothes covered in mud, would you?
  5. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Goddammit. English is not your native language or what?
  6. Soil Nutrients

    Yeah. Except there's like thousand of heat levels instead of 16 light levels.
  7. ingot press

    I can't see why would you want a press in TFC to begin with. Well, I could. Since I'm swimming in zinc right now, I very well could build roads out of it, but still?
  8. These two games has caught my eyes

    I don't think we need another kickstarter thread, so I'll post here. Take a look at this http://www.kickstart...863/sui-generis What is nice - pretty cool physics engine and overall nice thoughts put into work. What is not so nice - I just can't believe they can pull that off with just $150,000.
  9. Vertical Windmills

    You can't construct quern without metal tools anyway, so there's no point in being able to construct a windmill.
  10. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I still can. They aren't regenerating or anything. *wink-wink*
  11. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I don't think a man who can punch cows to death can pass out from a mere glass of toxic beer.
  12. Facial Hair

    That's the only kind of rap music I can tolerate.
  13. Have you customised your Terrafirmacraft forum colors :)

    Arterial or venous?
  14. Lightning rods

    Nope, the path for lightning forming from the clouds downwards, but lightning itself strucks upwards. For lightnings touching the ground that is. And there's also instances when lightning path is also formed upwards - usually from lightning rods of tall buildings. And as I said, I know how minecraft lightnings works - on random loaded block with skylight of 15 with lightning-like animation. What you suggest is to change randomness factor to take in account block height.
  15. Have you customised your Terrafirmacraft forum colors :)

    Dark green. I don't care if I will post less, it means that there will be less useless posts from me.
  16. Lightning rods

    An initial bipolar discharge, or path of ionized air, starts from a negatively charged region of mixed water and ice in the thundercloud. Ionized channels of the discharge are known as leaders. The positive and negative charged leaders, generally a "stepped leader", proceed in opposite directions. The negatively-charged one proceeds downward in a number of quick jumps (steps). About 90% of the leaders exceed 45 m (148 ft) in length, with most in the order of 50 to 100 m (164 to 328 ft).[31]As it continues to descend, the stepped leader may branch into a number of paths.[32] The progression of stepped leaders takes a comparatively long time (hundreds of milliseconds) to approach the ground. This initial phase involves a relatively small electric current (tens or hundreds of amperes), and the leader is almost invisible when compared with the subsequent lightning channel. When a stepped leader approaches the ground, the presence of opposite charges on the ground enhances the strength of the electric field. The electric field is strongest on ground-connected objects whose tops are closest to the base of the thundercloud, such as trees and tall buildings. If the electric field is strong enough, a conductive discharge (called a positive streamer) can develop from these points. This was first theorized by Heinz Kasemir.[33][34] As the field increases, the positive streamer may evolve into a hotter, higher current leader which eventually connects to the descending stepped leader from the cloud. It is also possible for many streamers to develop from many different objects simultaneously, with only one connecting with the leader and forming the main discharge path. Photographs have been taken on which non-connected streamers are clearly visible.[35] Once a channel of ionized air is established between the cloud and ground this becomes a path of least restistance and allows for a much greater current to propagate from the Earth back up the leader into the cloud. This is the return stroke and it is the most luminous and noticeable part of the lightning discharge.
  17. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Leaves are bugging me. Don't know, why, exactly. Other than that, all of this looks nice. I will watch your progress, good sir.
  18. Better Chisel Curving

    Ah, this. It has something to do with block update. I was building mob spawner the other day, and had to fix water after I removed torches from the pads. Not exactly easy when spiders rain on your head from upper floors. But I haven't seen those for quite some time already, the last was on minecraft beta 1.9.
  19. Facial Hair

    Owh. I misspelled that. Will fix immediately.
  20. Would you live forever?

    I'm not. And I'm not muslim as well, so their heaven doesn't want me.
  21. Better Chisel Curving

    It's all vanilla lighting system bugs. New lighting system should've been in 1.4, but taken down untill 1.5 or 1.6.But I didn't see any problems with water lighting, what are you talking about?
  22. Workbench new slots and more

    So, I will need to kill someone to make a workbench. I normally don't kill animals I didn't raise. Except for sheep. They are annoying.
  23. Lightning rods

    But lightning strikes up from the ground, not down from the sky. - It won't ignore armour, it will use it as a conductor and heat it. You can overheat, but you won't actually die from that. Now, if you DON'T wear armour, lightning will travel through your blood as it has higher ion capacity, iirc, and burned blood vessels are of much higher chance to end you. - It won't do any AOE besides hot air wave and sound blast. - Gamemode 2 is Adventure, you're looking for gamemode 1. - Lightning won't crack stone or bricks or cause gravity affected block to fall; it may light something on fire or turn sand to glass, but only blocks it came through. I know how minecraft lightning works
  24. Would you live forever?

    But they aren't mine. I haven't had any virgins ever, nor will I have any.
  25. A REAL Halloween Monster

    Wait, what? I don't even... You mean, movie-russian accent or real russian accent?