Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. See, this "more reasonable" number in Minecraft environment is almost implies you live in direct vicinity of a dragon's lair, if not inside of it. That's just how Minecraft works. That's one of the reasons we don't have flowing rivers that reach ocean and many more stuff in the game.


  2. Java doesn't have pointers, but objects should suffice

    The hell do you mean Java has no pointers, dood? Java is all pointers, all day every day. You'd have to code in distinct patterns to pass by value in Java.


  3. But that means if I accidentally shift-click my fresh meat into a chest with near-rotten meat, I'll end up spoiling my food..

    which, in hindsight, actually makes some sense,(no food comes away clean from contact with bad food) but I'd hate to be getting some fresh meat to sell/give/take long distances, and accidental end up making it bad


    That will be seen as a "challenge" by someone no doubt. And better that than completely unstackable items. In heinsight, we can also make it to check for freshness differences and not allowing it to stack if difference is out of the tolerance value (say, about 16% of maximum freshness for food) — that will also invalidate possible exploit where you can preserve some foods by simply stacking them in the right order. The exact tolerance value is a balancing deal and should (and will) be left for devs to deicde, should they choose to go this route, obvoiusly.


  4. On top of that, with the current way that item stacking and inventory is handled, food items wouldn't be able to stack. In the same way that you can't stack two ingots of different temperatures, you wouldn't be able to stack two foods of different spoilage.


    I will again do what I did in topics like this on several occasions - relate to Don't Starve game.

    It has rotting food that stacks. The way they did it was as follows:

    1. When we stacking two items that both have 100 "max freshness points", but one of them  has 25 freshness points, and another has 75 points, the result would be the stack of two items that has 100 max freshness points and 50 actual points.

    2. When we add to aforementioned stack another item that has 100 actual points, the result would be a stack of three item that have (50+50+100)/3 = 66 points (rounded down).

    3. When we merge two stack of two items each, one of which has 25 points and another 75, the result is (25 + 25 + 75 + 75) / 4 = 50


    So, we have a pretty simple formula for resulting stack's freshness, which is

    (StackOneFreshness * StackOneSize + StackTwoFreshness * CurrentStackTwoSize) / (StackOneSize + StackTwoSize)

    To allow a merge of this kind to happen code-wise, we also need to take corresponding part of metadata out of equals() method for food items.


  5. Wintergreen stuff is not completely clear as to what exactly it is. To me, at least. A picture'd be helpful, to decide if I was correct translating as I did. While we're at it, what is the context of 1647-1648?


    Other than that, Russian localization is about done.

    Though I'd still like to discuss about some of it with other guys that were doing translation with me.


  6. В свете последних событий, поднимаю тему.

    Прошел по файлу, изменения:

    Строки 100-101, 380-383, 393-396, 565, 582, 584, 599, 616, 618-673, 1006, 1035, 1064, 1093, 1228-1230, 1242, 1515, 1532, 1549, 1566, 1583, 1600, 1617, 1647-1648, 1863-1925.


    Если есть желающие - предлагаю осмотреть, обсудить и поправить при необходимости.

    Особенно следует обратить внимание на 673, 1005-1006 и 1920-1921, так как есть сомнения.

    Кроме того, некоторые ягоды - непонятно, что такое именно, и пока я их в игре толком не видел - вряд ли смогу дать точный перевод. Главным образом, это касается брусники.



    No, but I've found Casserite in places there shouldn't -be- any. Also, saw means supports making mining . . . well, a little safer. It also means ladders. 

    Safer, easier, whatever. I replied to the statement that "you're probably break your first pick before finding any metal anyway". Ores spawning in wrong types of rock is a known bug, which supposedly was fixed along with ore distribution (we'll see).


    The little surface rocks don't only check the surface layer, contrary to popular belief. They check for a set number of blocks down, which can be enough to hit the upper parts of middle layer.


    For example, in my current playthrough, the very first tetrahedrite vein I found (and am still using today) showed up in an area with a gneiss surface layer. However, to my great confusion, I was completely unable to find it at first. It can't be that hard, I thought, from the surface samples I found the vein must absolutely gigantic! Yet I still wasted an entire copper pick digging around the gneiss in futility. Only when I made a second pick and a prospector's pick to go along with it was I able to find the vein - in the andesite layer below, about 5-6 blocks deeper than the gneiss went.


    So you finding cassiterite in places where there shouldn't be any is probably just that - a vein at the upper edge of the middle layer, high enough for the surface rocks to pick up on it even though the surface layer was of a type that can't naturally contain cassiterite.

    No, the area's not THAT big. You might dig a fair bit down, but if you were picking the spot carefully enough, you'll end up on top of the vein anyway, it doesn't really matter how deep you were digging at this point. Your exapmle tells just that you weren't thorough enough.


  8. Over a pick, which will more likely wear out before you can find metal. And a prospector's pick, because without a pick to chase the readings it's just a nice wall hanging

    That's not true, actually. If you dig in the area you first gathered nuggets, you'll find the vein itself. Nuggets currently aren't just laying around because of gladioli.


  9. Unlike other ores or minerals, which are often formed from concentrations of trace elements in the rock (or via other means, such as in sedimentary rocks) coal is made from compressed carbon, mostly from prehistoric plants or algae. While a vein of copper can only form when copper rich magma solidifies, the world used to be covered in huge swamps full of plant matter. As the plants died, they'd be covered in silt and sediment and eventually be compressed into coal.



    Bottom line: coal forms easily in huge quantities, ores usually don't.


    You actually might want to think about limiting how low coal can spawn. As you've said - it formed from fossils, and 56 minecraft world height with 145 sea level comparatively would be way too low for coal to be at, unless you count some tectonic magic (which is rarely happens, I might add).


  10. This Underworld talk is exactly the stuff that was discussed in TFC2 subforums. I guess, it is deleted now, which is a shame. Back then Underworld was supposed to take place of underground to allow to have sea level at about 30, so we could have higher mountains on the surface.

    I don't see the point of Underworld if the Overworld is unchanged. Especially if Underworld is just a hotter caves with even less stuff in them than there currently is (no lifeforms, I mean).


  11. Because I have *yet* to get another pig in my save and it's now Late Winter after a fresh start. Livestock is really quite rare, and the chances of finding a male and a female is kinda a limiting factor.

    Really? I haven't once had a problem finding meat-producing animals to breed. Leading them where need be - yes, that's a problem, all minecraft livestock suffers a heavy form of ADHD. And there's already addons that take care of this last thing.


  12. Another thing I thought of is freezing of all of the water, but with a twist - to have an ice tile entity that looks just like the water block that was in its place a moment ago, and shill provides a water flow forwards, and "consumes" the water that flows into it. It freezes starting at a source block (at this point water will not stop flowing, mind you, and progresses at a reasonable pace down the stream freezing it. In the end it will look almost exactly like waterfall that got frozen.

    Melting starts from the lowest point and progresses up to the source. (All this back and forth is to avoid floating ice in the middle).


    You probably had a hard time parsing what I just said. And it's quite a bit of work to do properly.

    The thing is - I saw a frozen waterfall, and there's plenty of those around the world. Though waterfalls might indeed stop during winter, it's not because something froze, it's because something is stopped melting.


  13. --

    Well, anyways, to make a bread you must grind around 2000 wheat seeds, and ingame I find too easy to make bread. At the point that to fill a whole city only a small field is needed.

    So, if making bread will be harder, why would I make it and not breed some pigs instead?


  14. You can't have all metadata required to store the flow on ice blocks without turning them into tile entities, I don't think. Or without complicating the freezing and melting code to the point of no-return (which I personally would do, though I think this is a bad idea in general). So it's gotta be vanilla mechanics, Notch did this for a reason, at the end of the day.


  15. Not completely sure how that mod interprets the config, but I might suggest adding :* to the end of the itemID, since fire-starters have damage values.

    But so does flint'n'steel, right? So that shouldn't be the problem.


  16. Also, quick question, will adding this mod to a pre-established TFC world break anything? The only issue I think I will run into is that I will need to load new chunks to find Kingsblood plants, is that correct?

    That is correct for most mods. You actually can install TFC on top of existing vanilla world, that would work for the most part, except for the smooth gameplay transition.


  17. The problem with the Recipe Book suggestion is the way that the meal system is currently implemented. Whether a meal has an effect on it, and the stats of that effect is a calculation that even though it is based off of the world seed, is done on the fly every time the player hits the "Create Meal" button. The recipe information isn't stored in any specific area that could easily be transferred over to an interface such as a book.


    Could the suggestion be implemented? Yes, but it would most likely require an entire overhaul of the current meal system; and would most likely require removal of the random world seed factor used for decided which ingredients create meals with effects.


    That said, meal system can indeed use some overhauling as I see it, you know.

    About brainstorming part, I really like how cooking in Don't Starve is done, with all those tags, modifiers and item weights.


    It's kind of similar to a new crucible alloy system, when you think about it. I don't know if anyone is willing to implement system of this kind, though, as it is definitely more complex than alloying.
