Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. You need an axe to make the basic planks, then you use some nails with an hammer and you have your station. Or if you don't like this, use a stone, like the anvil.

    We don't know about nails yet. And stone is not perfect for making planks because it will be the main reason you will damage your tool.

    You actually cracking logs on bigger logs with the axe. You don't do it on the table because this table wears out extremely fast this way. To use saw properly with the table you need to attach vise-grip to it.


  2. Yes!

    Perhaps regaining consciousness, and a droopy face (not a pumpkin :P) that takes some time to restore to normal.

    This could be only if the player has a bed and spawns from it's new location.

    This is annoyance, not penalty. Why not suggest to play justin bieber collection for ten minutes with forced 100% music volume?

  3. But how do you make carpenter station in the first place? And if anything, axe is not the tool you using for carpentry - saw and jack-plane are. So, no planks untill you get your first metal tools or what?


  4. You can enable iron recipes in config file. That way you can get vanilla iron by placing wrought iron ingot in crafting grid and craft with it. In SMP recipes required to be turned on both on server and client for it to work.


  5. Is this a bragging thread?

    On our last map just under our keep we struck about 3000 units of bituminous coal and readings of lignite somewhere nearby in the ravine from one side and about the same size of a vein of sphalerite, clustered with strings of magnetite and lemonite. Zipping here and there I catched very diffused vein of tetrahedrite, so we went on a hunt for tin and although we didn't find many, the same evening we were smithing steel - on the second IRL day of the map's life. Other "tribes" didn't seem to made it past tier 0 metals at that point. We actually vaguely swiped around 2 square kilometers to make that happened, but still I find it very lucky.


  6. I've been shamed by Dunk in these forums for suggesting the same, so my knowledge would tell me you are incorrect.

    So where is the difficulty exactly? More complex resource gathering doesn't make the game more difficult. Neither does the requirement to keep in mind additional variables, nor the time needed to perform something.

    Sure you kind of need to scrap most of your minecraft knowledge, but I can tell you for a fact, that back in Minecraft beta 1.5, when I first started playing survival, I actually expected things to be done the way TFC does it.


  7. You play the game and get a ton of iron, so when you lose your iron armor you would rather just make new armor instead of running down into a cave to get your old armor back.

    Like I said, I'm not "efficient" like that. You know how many times I ran back naked dodging arrows and blasts to get my stuff back?

    Well, not that many, because I prefer not to die, but I do this every time I die. But still, now you have the challenge to get whatever the hell you died in less than five minutes. If inventory got wiped, there won't be any of that anymore. And can you explain please why exactly it gets wiped? I know just so many things that can destroy an item and zombie is not one of them.


  8. I don't like clearing inventory too, for the same reason basically.

    Besides, what do you mean when saying I don't care about my steel gear that I lost in accident involving several stupid chains of reaction?

    I guess, I'll try to post some ideas I have.

    This involves corpses mechanic. Let's all have our own corpses, I say (except for zombies, nobody likes them anyway. And skeletons. Possibly creepers as well). So what happens when you kill a cow? It leaves a corpse behind, which you can cut to get meat, that's boring part. Now, when you leave corpses laying around they can walk away by themselves. Or bite you couple of times, whatever.

    But what if you get killed? You leave corpse too. And it can walk by itself too. Although it burns with rage and from anyone it will pick you to get killed first (but if it can't it will find someone else), it won't burn in sunlight. It wears your armour and uses your tools and weapons (if you had one on you) and breaks them Very quickly. If you kill it you can have your stuff back, but you can't destroy a corpse. You can prevent any corpse from walking away by surrounding it with blocks. Although if you will ever try to destroy any block surrounding its grave - it will attack you immediately.

    Now, I don't know as to how good it actually can be in terms of slapping players for dying, but you will be able to build a nice graveyard.

    Sorry, I don't understand this. Can you explain how it would hurt?

    Or do you just mean how it would destroy resources faster?

    Not only it will destroy resources very fast, but losing community pickaxe is far worse than your own pickaxe.

  9. -snip-

    Then we can create our own crystals. What I'm saying is that the whole "unobtainium" thing is not growing on me. There should be at least two ways of getting something. Preferably even more.

  10. With 59, I couldn't make a meal with just 2 ingredients (pork and steak). I had to be either 3 or 4. Not sure if this is on purpose.

    I think it is done so you encouraged to find/grow vegetables and fruits.

  11. Now I remember back when new world height was implemented we were spawning in a cave at about hundred twenty height or so. There was three or four people at the moment. And fighting off zombies and such we clawed our way up to the surface. This was long before bioxx buffed stone hardness though.


  12. you can find Onyx crystals there, which are otherwise unobtainable

    This doesn't make a lot of sense. If it's a crystal, then it should've been growing somewhere else as well.

  13. 4) XP should be renamed to better fit this purpose. More of an aesthetic touch than anything else, really :

    Well, XP->Essence. Sounds about right. And there could be means to sacrifice mage's own Essence (from health bar, maybe even hunger and thirst bars) and let's say that it is more valuable than mob's Essence. Mage's Essence could be also used up if there's not enough mob Es... let's call this one XP for now, but in case you aren't willing to sacrifice it, backfire is much harder. Like, say, 10 XP for tenth of your health worth of Essence if you are willing and fifth of your health for 1 XP if you don't.

  14. But that way it can die. And if it doesn't die, thorns regrow.

    It will die only if I'll break it somehow, but why would I want to break it? It's not like I'm hosting females in my nest or anything.

    And do thorns really regrow? I don't want to test it with my little one, he's not even rooted firmly yet.


  15. XP is now used to boost health, food, and thirst bar max. So, using XP breaks that.

    But maybe not. Want some magic, Teddy Jr.? Give away your life force, or borrow and adopt life force of others.

  16. The problem I see with surface roots, is in the real world roots grow down first. when they cant anymore(stopped by rocks) THEN they grow outwards. THis brings up the issue on generation where dirt layer is MUCH deeper in one spot then another.

    Actually, several trees' roots don't grow down that far - about half a meter or so for Siberian pine trees. I lived in pine forest for half of my present life and fell the withered ones with me hands couple of times, so I saw quite a lot of dem roots.

  17. working with copper for so long eventually leads to understanding bronze.

    That's even worse. That means every time I get pushed off a cliff I should waste ungodly amounts of resources to "understand steel" once again. And not even iron - all tiers starting from tin. You might as well force hardcore mode, at least it's not so frustrating.

    1). When is the last time you went underground and mined ore and smelted it into Iron? have you ever harvested Hemlock? In what part of the plant would you get the seeds from? You can actually eat a puffer fish... but if you dont know what you are doing you could poison yourself and die.

    If I spent all my life mining tin where do I get knowledge about hematite from? Sure, some ores look similar, but this exact thing tells that if I know how ore look like, I know about cassiterite AND hematite. And I'm able to break a hematite just like any other stone.

    Same thing with others. If you spent time collecting roses, do you get to know where Hemlock seeds are? If you catch thousand goldfish, do you get to know that puffer is poisonous? I bet you should try to eat it first or feed it to someone.

    Why is killing any creature in any game going to put more blood in anyone's body (HP) so they can take more of a beating?

    Because you swing weapon to kill it and thus develop strength.

    Now imaging a full set of plate armor. Ever been on the back of a Nisean Horse in metal armor? I would have trouble soiling myself properly in a set of plate armor honestly. It takes work, study, and dedication to not just wear a set of armor, but acclimating oneself to use it in combat (balance, stepping, etc...)

    But do I need to kill someone to learn how to wear plate armour?

  18. Yeah i read about the crypts he intend to add. shortly after i made this thread so might do a little editing on my post there.

    Well if he's looking for a place to put trolls i can happily say that as long as they turn to stone in sunlight they should automatically put themselves right where they belong. a troll under a bridge to me just sounds so nostalgic and wonderfull!

    Will it also try to tax everyone who passes and rebuild the bridge if broken?