Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    • Dries007

      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

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About Ashan

  • Rank
    Freshly Spawned
  • Birthday 12/13/1991

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  • Gender Male
  1. I'd also like to join. Enough of griefers... Hope a whitelisted server will keep them away.^^ IGN: Keyrath BTW: Heyho Flynn, do you remember me from the SSZ server?^^
  2. Is the new TFC version bugged or is it only on the server? 'Cause everytime i try to open the bloomery GUI the game crashes and spits out a java crash report... This makes the game unplayable for me atm. Any ideas what could cause this?
  3. Will there be a central city again? I'd like to see a community center where people can set up shops or permanent houses in addition to their mostly spread out bases. I'd probably improve bonds between the players if they have a common project and also a place to meet up and trade/group up for explorations etc. Most people (like me) don't like to tell the location of their bases to other players because they fear griefers and people stealing their stuff. (Especially metals and the like, that stuff is valuable!^^) I'd also like the old Gem Seller/Buyer NPC's and the like back. It was a good way to get rid of these pesky gems and still get a profit off of it. Maybe create an outer wall and set to zone to a protected one, selling certain building spots to people, dunno which size, depends on the size of the whole city i guess. This way, everyone can build his own house inside the city and it would be a bit of a prestige object since you have to buy the land to build it on. And maybe some smaller spots in the market district where you can set up shop and sell what ever you like. I just wanted to throw this idea in. What do you think?
  4. Did the server get updated again or is it just down? I couldn't connect for some time now and started wondering what's going on? If i remember correctly there should be a new host. Did the IP change?
  5. Did the server get updated or something? It crased yesterday and now there is a new map? What's going on?
  6. Heyho, i'd like to join and wanted to ask if there are other mods than TFC on the server? For example i'd really like to have smartmovement... Since this is a "realistic" mod, the movement should also feel realistic and seamless. It's not required for me to join though.^^ You First name: Phillip How old are you?: 20 Do you have Xfire/Skype?: Xfire and Skype Xfire/Skype name?: I'll give them if i'm asked privately In game name: Keyrath how long have you been on Minecraft?: Since the early Beta. Do you agree with the way I have decided to run my server?: Yes, very much so. Some clear rules are always good. If you had to change or add one rule to my server, What would it be?: Nothing I can think of right now.