Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Parson

  1. Not to be a stickler, bcg17, but I must point out that satiation is in fact another word. It's root word is sate, meaning to satisfy or supply in excess. Although it is easy to see how it could be mistaken for saturation. I will try to take pictures of the wrought iron quest if I can and post them here, if I have the time. That actually seems like a very good way to report bugs. -Parson EDIT: Also, while I like the idea of securitycraft as a mod to protect belongings, it seems to be quite awkward in its protective capabilities. The keypad chest is probably the first thing people can get into, but what's to stop a raider from coming in during the night and spamming codes? I feel like it needs some tweaks, or there needs to be something else. It feels too....sparse to be effective. Just my thoughts as one who has had trouble dealing with raiders finding their camouflage-block hidden base. -Parson
  2. Well thank you very much for responding! It's a healthy trait in a developer to respond, and benefits everyone I think, I was not actually aware that any type of furnace was available. Therefore, I didn't even aim for the infernal furnace. So yes, it probably would be a good idea to have a notification or guide the player toward thaumcraft in the quest book. The specific wrought iron quest was the one where you had to hand in a refined bloom under TFC Advanced. The problem was, for the first part, you had to hand in a refined bloom and a wrought iron ingot, but then the second part mentioned making and handing in the ingot from the bloom, but there was no task to hand anything in for this second part, leading to a dead end. This was in the SSP version though, although I assume the SSP and SMP are the same. And the problem is less of TPS and more of connection issues. I am not the only one, but there seems to be connection issues with others as well, to the point where we time out. I think this is what also causes the occasional block lag: we just aren't connecting to the server very well, and there is a huge delay in updating. It tends to come in frequent bursts, such as the game is unplayable for a few seconds, and for the next minute is fine, then repeat. Other than that, our group is having a lot of fun with this pack, and even caught our first thief! Funny, even with all the troubles and dangers in this pack, people still turn on each other when they could just ask for help. But if you could locate the issues of this latency problem (I believe it is), this is probably the single most important step to making a more enjoyable server. Despite it though, we still play, although having a smooth connection would be the greatest next step for the server! As for the report, not a problem. How are you supposed to know what's going on if we don't tell you? -Parson
  3. Hey CBro, Just a few things for feedback, if you would like tohear. Mod utilization: I understand this is a beta pack, but right now the mid-game feels quite awkward. There seems to be a lot of mods, specifically technology mods, that are in the pack but are largely unusable. Many of the recipes are impossible due to the lack of one thing: A furnace Mods like Electrical Age and Progressive Automation become quite literally useless without the ability to craft smelted items. It really is a shame, for it seems we're (intentionally perhaps?) locked out of a lot of potential content. This makes it very uncertain of where we're supposed to go after we've progressed in TFC. And while TFC is fun, I would like to see the ability to use these technological mods to their full potential. Quests: Overall, I like the style, especially the challenges, but I also feel that there are too many "hidden" quests. I look at the TFC advanced section and see only 20% complete, but nearly all available quests completed. Perhaps this is personal preference, or popular opinion since most other HQM packs have some degree of transparency, but it would be a lot less frustrating if we had at least some idea of where the quest progression is leading. And of course, it may be a consequence of a beta pack, but just to bring it to your attention, some of the quests are flawed, specifically the wrought iron quests. The second part of that quest has literally nothing on it, making the quest impossible to complete. Server: Not sure if this is due to server specs or an unoptimized modpack, but there's a lot of lag, to the point where I get disconnected. I'm sure you're aware of this, but just wondering which one it was: resource-heavy modpack, orunder-poweredserver? Maybe a combination of the two? Overall: Great modpack! For beta, I love the design and concept. Despite the negatives, I still saw it worth exploring. Of course there seem to be parts you have yet to implement, and quests you have yet to create or polish, but I find this very fun and a great challenge! No matter what stage of the game you are in (except for perhaps end-game), there are always threats and danger. The modpack truly lives up to its name. Wonder where this is going to go, -Parson
  4. Hey, I really love the concept of this modpack, especially the foundation for the HQM quests. However, I have an issue when playing. When I die in-game, I respawn with no water, 20 hp, and every time I move, I die of heatstroke almost immediately. I am not sure if this is intended since this makes the server unplayable, as I can't get to any water sources in under 2 seconds of time. Could you please help me with this issue? I really would like to play on this server, but this makes it impossible. Also, how do I obtain the HQM book after I lose it? Other than that, the server has a solid start, but of course could use some development and polish. Hopefully there will be some progressive groups emerging soon. -Parson