Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by grimbug

  1. Double ingot from the blast furnace quest is bugged out, can be anviled into a single sheet but won't work as a sheet and wont stack with other sheets of wrought iron. Skrag had same issue with it.
  2. LAG REPORT We are definitely experiencing world wide lag on any server announcments, if nothing else could we space them out a bit more, i appreciate the grimbug twitch one, but i certainly wouldn't mind you only showing that every 2-4 hours or something, as for the other messages that would be at your discretion. Maybe there is something server side you can look into as to why auto messages would be generating lag like that, it doesn't make sense to me why they would, but the most certainly are!
  4. Good news Cheese Lovers! Animals no longer get wiped by the daily mob despawn ( Well at least with egg spawned ones, haven't had time to go out and test the wild ones yet) So get out there and get hunting to stock up your farms! EDIT Don't know if troll or needed for later stuff, but the cow eggs we get from the quest trees are vanila cows not TFC cows so we are unable to milk and cheese them EDIT Can confirm wild animals have been found and revisted a day or two later and have not been wiped!
  5. new realease you say? ah thats great glad to hear it! Im more than happy for you to use my little picture, if there is anything you need hanged/edited on the image let me know. Glad you liked that TFC lantern addon. I was running a small TFC server for me and my gaming community and we used a few extra TFC addons, one popular one on there was the Leather Water Sac its like carrying two clay water vessels around with you, but doesnt have the % chance of breaking. by the looks of it, it has been updated to take other fluids like the home brewed alcohols and even salt water (drink at your own risk). EDIT I appreciate hardcore is supposed to be hard, but i was wondering about healing. The terrafirmacraft addon Extrafirma adds an interestig heal mechanic that utilises healing herbs, which have to be ground up in a pestle and then and combined with leather strips, cloth from the loom and string/yarn to make a healing bandage. however the mod was last updated to a 78 version so it may well prove to be incompatable. Spice of life Modpack : lunch bag won't accept TFC foods as valid objects. EDIT EDIT Would it be game breaking if the trashcan recipe could be tweaked to use TFC cobble and TFC stone? i just want to throw stuff away rather than /rt place chest full of stange stuff /home!
  6. Suggestion: backpack mod recipe for pouches should work with the TFC yarn as well as the currently working vanilla string. Suggestion: maybe the Lantern Mod would be a good adition to the pack, relighting torches is a nice mechanic and makes survival as a a low tech TFC'er on the, but glowstone can be a little harder to get hold of. I love the asthetic of the lanterns. You could limit them to certain metal types as a reward for progression up to the higher tier metals, and as they are fueled with alcohol you can also adjust the values so maybe give us more work to do along the lines of farming and fermenting!
  7. THE ETERNAL QUEST FOR CHEESE! Myself and Skraginator have both been trying are hardest to get some milk/cheese on the go and we are having a few issues! We have as far as we are aware understood the mechanics of befrending and milking cows ( i now have pixel perfect udder aim)! We have located wild cows and managed to locate females! this is where the issues begin! can feed cow once to make it begin to familiar/tamecan NOT feed it enough times to let us milk themcan NOT feed it enough times before it will despawncan feed cow and then put it on a leadcows on leads STILL despawncan NOT use vanilla name tags ( no anvil to edit name )can make TFC name tagscan NOT use TFC name tags on cows even if you have managed to feed it oncefeeding despawn issue and lead despawn issue also with HorsesSo both me and Skraginator have cow eggs, will these same issues effect spawned cows? We don't want to risk using them to have our fresh spawned cow despawn befor we can do anything with them! Is there something we are missing here? Or is there some way you can make it so a partially tamed/familarised animal won't despawn?
  8. While i hide in my hole waiting for the nights to end i get bored... sometimes things like this happen....
  9. Yeah its the final product, fully wearable, tried with multiple people to hand it in!
  10. QB bug report smithed copper helmet quest won't detect via manual submit.
  11. oh also.. if you get drunk ingame and then try to type in chat you get disconnected from the server!
  12. douglas fir chopping down caused a coffeebreak!
  13. Suggestion, IS it possible to disable the block detecting side of WAILA mod so it only reports mob/players, this is in the interest of the secretrooms mod, it kind of makes the mod a little bit redundant if you can tell by just looking at a secret rooms block that it is a secret rooms block!
  14. geting coffee break restarts when a clan mate is /home into an area that is snowing!
  15. On a side note, we are getting coffee break server crashes chopping down hickory trees atm! especially ones with side branches or big leaf areas!
  16. Dear mr Modpack creator, having a great time trying out this pack on your server. 1 question and 1 suggestion! Question. can you please verify my clan ingame so i can get the full clan options please, clan tag BUG. Suggestion. Was wondering if economy would be a good system to have in the modpack, set it to use the TFC gems as the base money, would finally make them slightly useful. then possibility of setting up some sort of spawn shop/trade outpost where we can buy certain items.. for extortionatly overpriced prices! thanks again for the time and effort on making a fun super hostile balls to the walls hard TFC modpack! edit. suggestion 2. maybe the gravestone mod? the modpack is already super hard, so it might not be too much for us to have a little safety net of not losing equipments on death, its not broken strong like keep inventory on death, but at least gives you a chance to reclaim your stuff after the inevitable deathpile of 50 infernal mobs!