Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ditto8353

  1. (b57 bug) Wrong texture when I restart the firepit

    I got this as well. I saw a suggestion yesterday that it may be caused by the firepit being in an unloaded chunk, but the chunk my firepit was in was, as far as I know, never unloaded. I never wandered very far from the firepit, and the texture change even occurred before I interacted with the firepit. I left to gather a few stones and trees, and came back to find my firepit replaced by a storm drain. I could get the texture to change back by using a lighter on it (with no fuel in it) but when I put logs in and re-lit the firepit, the storm drain texture stayed for good. Edit: Did you know that you spelled tsunami wrong?
  2. B57 dedicated server crash upon player joining

    I am assuming you also installed Player API. And have everything installed for your client.
  3. Day 1 To my delight the climate here is temperate, and the Sycamore grow tall. Not far from the place where I awakened, there is a small cliff leading down to the ocean shore. As I hastily gathered some useful stones off the ground and pulled hearty sticks from among the nearby copse, I was elated to discover an abundant growth of Hickory on the far end. I immediately set to work knapping a stone into, as far as I could tell, something resembling a simple axe head. After taking a few healthy cuttings from the Hickory tree I got to work on the base of the trunk and an hour or so later was rewarded with a bounty of Hickory logs. It was at this time that I realized that I would soon require food, and as the late afternoon crept in from the east, it brought thoughts of a comfortable night's rest. I'll be damned if I'll sleep on anything less than the most luxurious accommodations, so I quickly lashed a knife together and murdered the fist 3 sheep I could find... They looked comfortable. I was far more considerate when it came time to find food. I simply gathered a few eggs from wild chickens as I do not wish for my food supply to die out completely. It was a good day, despite being lost in the middle of nowhere, and lying at the foot of the ocean-side cliff, sleep came easily.
  4. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I have a feeling that the devs have thought about these options before. Why would I care about dying if I just respawn in the same place? Without a penalty for death, it no longer becomes a motivation and is no longer a relevant mechanic in the game.
  5. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Lava, Drowning in deep ocean, Suffocating All cause problems which must be handled. Each situation could be handles separately, but I think it would be better to have death, no matter the cause, always behave the same way.
  6. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    This could be solved with one button. Death Penalties [On|Off]
  7. Perma-death?

    This is a very detailed and extensive mod, and has very little manpower behind it. The 1.4.2 update to Minecraft was used as an opportunity to put a few major changes into place. The 1.4.2 update in general, and these new changes, have created new bugs in the program. Permanent death is one of these bugs and will be fixed when the developers can manage the time to do it.
  8. Bug (Beta Build 56) (Graphical?)

    Thus the easiest way to fix bugs is to write them into the changelog as new features!
  9. Dirt Images?

    Oh wow I must be tired. I was trying to think of how I could render perfectly isometric images of the blocks. Totally forgot about creative mode. Thanks!
  10. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    Download build 56. Also hold Shift when placing new log piles.
  11. Internal Server Crash

    You mean "Good work, Bioxx"As far as I can tell they've been working hard all night.
  12. Internal Server Crash

    This is fixed in Build 56. If you need to quit the game, use the red X in the top corner. It will still save.
  13. Build 55: Mobs take forever to be killed

    This is fixed in build 56, as javelin damage is the only real bug.
  14. Constant damage no cause? (54)

    When you start the game, you start with the default hunger value of 20, despite the hunger bar showing maximum. Once you lose a little bit of hunger you are able to eat and you gain the new amount of hunger associated with the food you eat, but then you can no longer eat until your hunger drops below 20, which never happened. My hunger bar stopped decreasing at about 55%
  15. Build 55: Mobs take forever to be killed

    I was in full agreement that this was a glitch and/or ridiculous until I read here that the knife works great for killing mobs. (If they really are living from massive cliff-dives then fall damage is probably not working properly at the moment, but I suspect that would be considered a separate bug.) The only mob I was able to punch to death was a chicken, and it was very easy. Ever kill a chicken? It doesn't exactly take much effort, you just grab on and twist. Pigs are one-shot with a stone knife. This seemed, well it seemed stupid at first, but Minecraft pigs, cows and sheep are all domesticated which easily noticed in the way they behave. One good slit across the throat, and I doubt that pig will be running away for very long. I have not used the knife in combat, but if it works the same way, then I believe the damage is unbalanced. It should not be that powerful in combat, but as far as I have seen so far, the damage makes sense to me.