Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kortak

  1. Using Build55 Godly zombies

    Went from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 just now yippie and it worked Client Minecraft 1.4.2 MCP 7.19 FML Minecraft Forge Server Minecraft 1.4.2 MCP 7.19 FML Minecraft Forge So i notice the health system is different now.. I start with a dark red bar with fills up slowly bright red.. im guessin i start with 20 life and it fills up to 1000. I jumped off a 4 layer rock and I died.. I came back with full health.. the night fell and the zombies came...euh...I couldnt kill them.. i ran whole night till dawn and they started to burn.. 10 min later they were still burning and i couldnt kill them.. I tried to kill them with my barehands after my shovel broke.. Awesome mod by the way... !! Kortak
  2. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    jezus Use MultiMC..much easier
  3. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    I have optifine and B64 and it works flawleslly
  4. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    Probably your own PC not up to it. or your internet...I dont have any lag on my client or the server i make
  5. Plants don't seem to grow SMP Build 60

    when i set the day to 48000 the monsters spawned during the daytime and not getting killed by i set it back to 24000 ...that was scary when i start server its 1 march 1000 i dont hope the crops grow on months but on ticks..but they seem smaller again now after a restart
  6. Great feedback B60: Spawnmeter no texture Red bell pepper Seeds no texture
  7. Block Heads [0.79]

    oke got 59 version now.. i see most seeds but for example red bell pepper seeds have no graphics
  8. Block Heads [0.79]

    I had this great texturepack for 52e. Now i have updated to 60 I dont see the weeds in my inventory...default textured displays them as colored bags... oke just letting you know...keep up the good work..its very appriciated mmm maybe i have the old texturepack..where can i download the latest?
  9. This only happens when you use a axe that has all his durability gone.. if you make a new axe and chop the placed kapok it just takes away 1 durability.. If you chop down a large tree then probably the whole tree (kapok is swamp or jungle i believe big trees) has so many logs that you use the axe up with that one blow and you see a undameged axe in your inventory but basiccally its already used up.. if you throw it away it will disappear.. if you chop anything it will disappear and it wont chop..
  10. Animals don't move SMP

    yup.. hit them once and they move for a few seconds then they like a statue again.. but i believe i read somewhere this bugged is already known...
  11. Plants don't seem to grow SMP Build 60

    Mine just went up 1 cycle after 6 hours of play..temp 25..near water and it rains a lot.. it was wheat that went up..crops are bigger...but took a long time
  12. More v59 Bugs.

    I delete the TFC config files CLIENT side and SERVER side..then new world and dont have this problem...
  13. B59 Picking up rocks gives me stone axe heads

    Oke...forgot to delete the client side TCF config files... after deleting them it worked..thx man
  14. What the title says.. I made new world B59.. Client and server fresh start. Started picking up the little rocks and all they give are stone pickaxe heads and Rose gold Knife blades.. ?? I guess a bug
  15. B59 Picking up rocks gives me stone axe heads

    it was a fresh start.. not a update so B59 made the TFC config files..but deleting them now to check
  16. 57 to 59 crash in single

    try to see if you crash making a new world
  17. B57 dedicated server crash upon player joining

    Is the if you die your server crash fixed in 57? of does this bug replace it... or do we have 2 server crashers now... server crash bugs are the most important to fix you know
  18. Perma-death?

    You Can donate
  19. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    yup....but dont die !!
  20. I have same... it crashed when someone dies and he clicks Respawn on his client ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I just don't know what went wrong Time: 29-10-12 18:14 Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: TFC.Food.FoodStatsTFC.a(I)V at TFC.Core.Player.PlayerTracker.onPlayerRespawn( at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.onPlayerRespawn( at ge.a( at im.a( at co.a(SourceFile:30) at bx.b( at im.d( at in.b( at hk.b(SourceFile:30) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( at hg.r( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at at
  21. Can we get a subforum for bugreports?

    Well, its because the bug report got redirected to the support forums.... it would be better if he made a seperate bug forums indeed
  22. I used MultiMC...didnt had a problem creating world with build 53,54,55 or 56... It must be some other mod or wrong version of your current. start fresh ..try again ..see where it goes wrong
  23. Perma-death?

    build 52e and minecraft 1.3.2 works fine... the 1.4.2 has issues... you can try new builds and report bugs.. if you wanna play..use 1.3.2 and build 52e.. I can easily switch between all different builds..I use multimc for that..for client and servers... easy peasy
  24. Perma-death?

    are you using build 56? because that has a (hopefully) bug when you die you cant respawn... if not im gonna sit in that corner over there and be silent
  25. A couple bugs in build 56

    When I die its over... cant respawn..when i click respawn the server crashes..? ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // I just don't know what went wrong Time: 29-10-12 18:14 Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: TFC.Food.FoodStatsTFC.a(I)V at TFC.Core.Player.PlayerTracker.onPlayerRespawn( at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.onPlayerRespawn( at ge.a( at im.a( at co.a(SourceFile:30) at bx.b( at im.d( at in.b( at hk.b(SourceFile:30) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( at hg.r( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at at