Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. Would it be possible to add the Merchants Containers jar to the pack? I thought it was being installed along with Merchants, but it isn't.  It adds compatibility with the Cellars storage shelves. 


    I built a test warehouse with a cellar in it and with this installed, it recognized and pulled from the cellar storage just fine. 




  2. I believe the issue is that CustumMainMenu and ResourceLoader are on server. Those are clientside mods. I swear I have those set to not be in the server package, I'll double check and fix if otherwise.


    That was it. We pulled from the wrong folder. lol


    Other than that the pack is a big hit.  We'll be upgrading to build 3 soon.  Thanks again.


  3. Sleeping through the night on a multiplayer server just makes the server time go by twice as fast.  People who aren't online log in to find that 8 days have passed instead of 4.  I think some people forget that this is a game, not a simulation.  It's supposed to be an escape from the real world, not a recreation.  What fun would that be? 


  4. Ah. Odd. I'll test it out, I'm at a loss why that would be happening. Well with 25 release I'll be updating it and hopefully things will work properly. Are the clients working in ssp?


    Yeah, ssp works fine with that version.  I'm wondering, are there any new mod dependencies required on the server end, like codechickencore, etc. that weren't in the first build?  I'll do some more testing. 


  5. We're getting fatal errors-connection terminated using the updated version on the launcher.  This happens even with a clean reinstall and no mods selected.  Both on a local host and a dedicated server.  Going back to Build 1 fixes the issue.  Let me know what you need info wise, besides logs, for this. 


  6. I know the durability of tools increases according to the tier of metal used and the smiths skill, but does it affect the speed of the tool?  I think it would but I can't find anywhere in the wiki where it explicitly states this.


  7. Ah. Thanks.  Since I already had that instance installed, I didn't get to see that.  I'm not used to using launchers, I do everything the hard way. :)


    I've gotten several of our Admins hooked on TFC today.  All part of my evil plan.


    Our semi-vanilla custom server has been very successful the last two years, but everyone is getting burned out.  This looks like it will re-energize the place.  Thanks to everyone who worked on this, especially Bioxx, Kitty, Dunk and of course Bunsun for making it easier to get people started.  Many of them never got into modded MC, because they thought it too difficult to install the mods. 
