Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC] TerrafirmaPack

140 posts in this topic




TerrafirmaPack build 9.0  PACKCODE: Terrafirmacraft
(On Pack tab click the Add Pack button in top left. This will prompt you for the PackCode.)



An ATLauncher modpack for just TFC and any TFC compatible mods and Addons. You can personalize your instance with mods or just have it pure.

You can choose from various utilities, minimaps, client side mods and TFC addons. Just check the ones you want and you are good to go. The only configs provided are OpenEye , CustomMainMenu (a TFC themed main menu is being designed), which are required, and Inventory Tweaks, Better Foliage, Dynamic lights and Hardcore Darkness, which will download their TFC-compatible configs when selected.

Server Owners you can use packshare codes to help your players build an instance compatible for your server. Build an instance that has the base mods that players can use on your server. Once the instance is built right-click the TFC logo image and you can generate a Share Code, which your players can enter to automatically generate the proper instance.

Please report bugs to appropriate developer. Please report any problems with pack or ATLauncher to Bunsan or AnodeCathode on the TFC forum.

Included Mods:


  • CustomMainMenu with ResourceLoader
  • OpenEye


Utilitiy Mods

  • Fastcraft
  • AromaBackup

Information Mods

  • NotEnoughItems
  • TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin
  • Waila
  • DamageIndicatorsMod

ClientSide Mods

  • SoundFilters
  • Connected Glass
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Better Foliage
  • Dynamic Lights
  • Item Physics Lite
  • Hardcore Darkness


  • MapWriter 2
  • JourneyMap
  • Voxelmap
  • Opis

Libraries (Loaded automatically if needed)

  • CodeChickenCore
  • AromaCore
  • liteloader
  • Mobius Core
  • FarSeek


  • Decorations TFC add-on by aleksey_t
  • Merchant AddOn by aleksey_t
  • Merchants Containers by aleksey_t
  • BiblioCraft with BiblioWoods[TerraFirmaCraft] by NucHaz
  • Streams by delvr
  • Animal Crate by TaeoG
  • TerraMisc by Powerman913717
  • Cellar Addon by Saldki
  • Leather Water Sac for TFC by Emris
  • TFC-Tweaks by Dries007
  • TFC-Additions by raymondbh
  • Udary Mod by Bletch
  • Automated Bellows Addon by Sladki
  • BetterStorage-TFC by CopyGirl, modified by TechNode
  • Googly Eyes by Dries007
  • TooMuchTime-TFC by dmillerw, modified by TechNode
  • TerrafirmaStuff by Bunsan
  • Finger in the Wind by Konlii
  • TerraFirmaPumpkins by Peffern
  • TFCPewter by Peffern
  • TFC Metal Index by Peffern
  • TFC Wells by Peffern
Edited by Bunsan

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This is great! Thanks.


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Also it is helpful if you enable leaderboards on your client. This helps the TFC devs know how many people are downloading and playing pack, and how many player hours are invested per day. These stats determine where on pack list it appears and also helps ATL staff decide if a pack should become public.

Edited by Bunsan

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This is exactly what we need for our new private server.  Much appreciated.


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Let me know any other mods that would be appropriate. My basic criteria is that they work out of the box with TFC. No config changes or tweaks needed. There are some exceptions, the inventory tweets, dynamic lights and better foliage, which I mention in OP.


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No it is not gone. We currently are using a custom build to fix a bug. So the thread has been hidden to comply with the forum rules. Best way to track changes with pack is via Twitter @TechNodeMC, on our subreddit /r/TechNode or via our forum


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I've loaded an instance of the pack and created a share code, but where do I put it?  The add pack field gives me an error, "No such pack exists".  I've searched the AT forums, but no help.


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When you go to install or reinstall or even update the window that has all the options will have a button at bottom for the share code to be entered. It is more for you to give to other players so they have the same mods as you easily.


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Ah. Thanks.  Since I already had that instance installed, I didn't get to see that.  I'm not used to using launchers, I do everything the hard way. :)


I've gotten several of our Admins hooked on TFC today.  All part of my evil plan.


Our semi-vanilla custom server has been very successful the last two years, but everyone is getting burned out.  This looks like it will re-energize the place.  Thanks to everyone who worked on this, especially Bioxx, Kitty, Dunk and of course Bunsun for making it easier to get people started.  Many of them never got into modded MC, because they thought it too difficult to install the mods. 


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Nice suggestions. I'll look to add Hardcore darkness and check out the dangerous caves.


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We run that mod in our TNFC pack. It is not compatible right out of box. It requires a good amount of configuration and also recipe tweaks. As such it is better that someone post configs and recipe tweaks on forum.


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I've been trying to figure out the details of how I'm going to update this pack. It is annoying for players to get update notices when there is no update for the mods they use.


So this is how I'm going to try and do this. For mods in pack(except TFC) I will offer up to 2 versions, you will not be able to select both. I will just ninja edit the pack. So I'm hoping you won't get constant update warnings. So you'll want to make sure you are updating when mods or add ons update. To help with this I'm adding version numbers to the mods when there is more than one version. I'll also update the changelog. When there is a new version of TFC I'll do a full update.


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Updated the Options in the pack. Also realized I didn't post the last update. So here they are.


Update Oct 7th 2015

Mods Added
-TFC Scales by Chogata,AcidMaker
Mods Updated
-TFC Misc 0.6.2
Update Oct 3rd 2015
Mods Added
-Udary by Bletch
-TFC Additions by raymondbh
Mods Updated
-TFC Misc 0.6.1

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Update Oct 8th


Mods Added

-Automatic Bellows Addon

Mods Updated


TFC Cellars Addon 1.010


Also added Journeymap as the recommended minimap if you hit select recommended.

Edited by Bunsan

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This is the preferred launch option for our server now.  Thanks again. 


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I thought folks would find this interesting. These are the statistics of the TerrafirmaPack (no they aren't big number). The launcher provides me with similar data, but it isn't public so I've been manually updating that doc. Also you can see the ATLauncher Leaderboard for the pack.


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WTH, where are the statistics on the TNFC pack? Inquiring minds want to know. It's not like it's disappeared (well except from these forums).


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We're getting fatal errors-connection terminated using the updated version on the launcher.  This happens even with a clean reinstall and no mods selected.  Both on a local host and a dedicated server.  Going back to Build 1 fixes the issue.  Let me know what you need info wise, besides logs, for this. 


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Ah. Odd. I'll test it out, I'm at a loss why that would be happening. Well with 25 release I'll be updating it and hopefully things will work properly. Are the clients working in ssp?


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Ah. Odd. I'll test it out, I'm at a loss why that would be happening. Well with 25 release I'll be updating it and hopefully things will work properly. Are the clients working in ssp?


Yeah, ssp works fine with that version.  I'm wondering, are there any new mod dependencies required on the server end, like codechickencore, etc. that weren't in the first build?  I'll do some more testing. 


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