Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. I'm not saying making a mod pack isn't work.  I'm learning that myself right now.  My complaint was about the lack of gratitude given to the original mod developer vs what's heaped on certain pack makers.  Seems unfair.  Just a personal observation. 


  2. I came across it 5 or 6 months ago and was not impressed.  It's all part of a dimwitted pattern I see on the Internet.  People who put mods together in a "Mod Pack" get tons of praise, while the original mod developers barely get a nod. The sense of entitlement people have these days is absolutely mindblowing. 


  3. Not bad.  Quite a few people joining.  Despite the BS of Mojang's server inadequacy yesterday.


    Edit:  To start a town, it takes 20 dead bushes, which are crafted from rotten flesh and chipped gems.


    As per update by RJ.  Dead bushes and rotten flesh are the currency of the land.  Giving those and gems a use.


    Found a jungle biome and built a treehouse.  :)


  4. To me the waste of materials is what really hurts.  I don't think it's even possible for me to feel shamed by a mistake in a video game.  However, if that's a desired game element, then I would recommend that instead of just dumping it into nothingness, it forms the material into a plaque, which reads "Dumbass".  You can then hang this above your forge as a reminder.  :D


  5. -1618904285


    My friend Zuty found this.  First time I've ever seen Peat in a seed.  It's on the border between claystone and rock salt geomes.  All animals within 1k and lots of iron, but not much copper. 



    Interesting.  It stacks like Coal, but you use it in a fire pit like logs.


  6. Plant Oil

      - This is going to be a tough one. Probably going to have to set up pressing recipes for various veggies to press into plant oil (soybeans and corn come to mind) based on a weight to mB ratio to be determined. However, IE is balanced on plant oil being extremely easy to obtain, and TFC much more harshly restricts this, whatever I do. Also, that requires a heck of a change to how the Presser works that probably won't actually work.

    + Barrel recipe? Would have to watch out for conflicts. Also possibly stretching verisimilitude to the point of incredulity.

    ly overpowered.


    I'd think using the existing Olive oil press would be the easiest route. 


  7. It's a bug with the latest version of KCauldron, which is needed to be compatible with the latest version of Forge, in order to run the latest TFC versions.  The KCauldron dev has been notified and is working on it.


  8. The new version [] is available without the unzipping error, but now I'm getting a crash when knapping a tool.  When I attempt to remove the tool from the right hand slot, the game shuts down. This is a fresh install with no added mods and none disabled.



    Edit:  aobarbosa posted a fix on the FTB forums a few hours ago.  "I performed some tests and managed to solve the problem by downloading the version of the TFC to current version"


  9. That is a  bug on FTB's side. I have notified them of this issue, and it should be fixed shortly.


    NP.  From looking at the FTB forum, they've had this issue before with other packs.  I'm stuck at the crafting grid stage, but looking forward to checking out the rest of the mod.  I'm a big fan of Electrical Age.  :)


  10. I agree, it would be great for TFC2.  You would have to gather the materials to craft it first, of course. Perhaps giving boosts to those within it's influence.  Perfect for villages. 


  11. I've been playing on this for about a week and it's really great.  Lots of metal ores, plants, pigs and sheep are nearby, chickens to the South and cows to the far South.  Marble nearby also, with exposed Lapis and Cinnabar. :)


    This would make a great server map.


  12. We "beat" that challenge with modern technology. If TFC went past the 1400 AD current cap, then yes food could be preserved much better as things like Sulfites(1868) and other chemical additives and materials were introduced.  I was a child in Northern Idaho in the 60's and we farmed and hunted for a majority of our food.  We used the latest preservation methods, but still did not expect things to last forever or to not lose a portion to decay.  After a time, even if there is no decay, it loses some of it's food value.  That grain may be edible, but lacking in nutrition. 


    Personally, I have no issue with the food system in this game, because it is a game.  Maybe one of the best I've ever played.


  13. I think those are oil rigs. 


    Check out the difference between N and S Korea. 


    It's a sad thing that millions of kids today have never seen the Milky Way with their own eyes. :unsure:
