Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Fairawen

  1. The New Music - Thoughts?

    What do you guys think about the new soundtrack? I have to admit, the sun started going down and I heard the song with the drums... and for the first time since I started playing Minecraft, I went "Oh shit oh shit I'm gonna die so scared ;_;" Something about this music is eerie, inspired, and sometimes inspiring. I climb to the top of those notorious TFC mountains, new song plays, and feel like I'm king of the world. Or that a creeper is gonna blow me up any second. Or both. Fantastic stuff! Whoever wrote this music, kudos to you.
  2. Finally gathered enough ore in my new 1.4.2 world to go about making my first pick. One problem - no clay. I'd hunted around my local rivers, not a bit to be found. So I gathered up my meals and miscelaneous foods, chucked 'em in my bacpack (I consider that mod almost essential alongside TFC ) and headed out. I walked all day long, headed north, and at night I would make an outpost with crafting table, bed, and firepit. For weeks I traveled like this, once or twice in circles. Seeing amazing natural skyscrapers, stumbling on even more ore, new types of trees, all sorts of goodies. But getting more and more frustrated at the lack of clay. I went 1500m north, without a single scrap of clay to be found. Two-three weeks had passed, and I was spent. One morning I hightailed it out of my current outpost, picking up some rocks and sticks along the way for a spear or two to fight off the left over mobs from the previous night. Suddenly HISSSSSSS BOOM. Sneaky Creeper. No biggie, I started gathering up the dirt he'd exploded... when three more came out from behind the nearby tree. I panicked and ran. I heard one explode behind me just as I jumped in the nearest pond. All three went then. I turned around and there, in the hole they'd made, was a whole load of clay. I don't think I'll ever be so thankful to Creepers.
  3. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    Thanks, really helpful as a reference. Quick question - is everyone having this issue, or just some people?
  4. Animals make no sound/sheep invincible, build 53

    Example of sheep taking forever not to die, BUT the knife works fine. Odd.
  5. Build 55: Mobs take forever to be killed

    The swords make sense, yes. How about spears, axes, and shovels? I did a short video on it, me vs. sheep. The sheep almost won.