Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. Lies! You spew liiieeees! We are all the same. You are me! I am you! We are one! I have no choice but to call the Grammaton Clerics now! Your individualistic viewpoints must be purged!
  2. Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

    And I keep thinking of Frank Caliendo doing George Bush going "gobble-gobble".
  3. Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

    Lol. Yea it looks like it could be a fantastic game, and the script might be to keep creative aspect under control during the alpha phase. I think it could definitely get a boost if they make their kickstart. Cool premise anyway. .... mmm... Thanksgiving dinner!!!
  4. Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

    This is true, my friend. That's why I don't ever expect too much from people, that way i never get disappointed. And I always try to remember that no matter how good something is, there will always be something that sucks about it. ... sorta like tacos...
  5. Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

    Remember her mom is in cahoots. And we all know what happens when $ signs enter the female equation. Agreed you don't need 22k o make a game on RPG Maker. Lol
  6. The game I'm Making.

    Strange bugs? Like Lady bugs wearing plaid? Cuz that's not as strange as potato bugs wearing denim.
  7. Planet Explorers Needs YOU!!!

    It is to an extent, but I get a kick out of watching kids use their get up and go to get what they want... legally... It shows that today's youth still has hope and that they aren't all standing there with their hands out. I am glad she is getting this oppurtunity to learn about business and responsibility. Kudos to her mom. That said... damn I want to play Planet Explorers! I wish I wasn't such a poor bastard struggling with his own creations... I would pledge... I look at people like Bioxx, Dunk, and the plethora of people out there with fricking talent coming out the wazoo, and wonder how much cool shyte we would have in this world if money wasn't an issue.
  8. Sandboxing to kill time

    I think I need to get out from under this rock... Starbound looks awesome. Is it from the maker of Terraria by any chance?
  9. Sandboxing to kill time This looks like a damn good time. Sandbox, creation, and plenty of time-killing-goodness that makes for a great weekend buzz! I just have to wait for their upcoming port to MAC to try it out.
  10. Terrafirmabeast

    I have read this thread with interest, and in hopes that some sense could be made in regards to whoever wishes to do whatever they want with the TFC mod. It has been made clear by BIOXX that he does not condone the use of TFC in Technic, or on any other front without his consent, unless of course it is for private use, and I back him 1000%. I would also like to point out that another key aspect that sets this mod apart from others is that this mod includes 5 pieces of music that are under Copyright Protection and are indeed filed with the United States Copyright office by yours truly. These pieces are not for distribution nor are they for use by any person or persons without written consent by the author and owner of said copyright. With that in mind, there are only 2 people on this planet who are allowed to use this music as they wish. The first one is myself, the second and only other is Bioxx. Any other use or distribution whether free or by monetary gain without his consent or mine is a violation of the U.S. Federal Copyright Law. I am not up to par on Computer Coding and the copyright legality regarding such works, but I am most definitely familiar with Music Copyright, as I have been doing this for a better half of my life. This music is a part of a work. And whether it is distributed solely or in conjunction with this Mod without the consent of the author is illegal. Bioxx has not asked for anything from any person in regards to the use of his Mod. He has poured himself into this creation for the FREE enjoyment of others and asks only that he is approached and asked for his permission. This is asking very little in regards to the time and devotion invested in this Mod by himself. I also take great enjoyment in knowing that others enjoy my work (what little I have contributed to this mod), and want only that it is treated as this mod should be. I ask for nothing in return other than proper protocol be followed in regards to this Mod by ALL! Just show a little respect! Thank you, Menoch
  11. The game I'm Making.

    /em stands back as someone's head grows to immense proportions....... "It's gonna blow Jim! It's gonna blooow!!!!!! Confuscious say: Man who claims to know all has much to learn. ALSO!!!!! Confuscious say: Man who stand on toilet bowl is high on pot!
  12. Please, someone perform this!

    John Stump's Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz.... the POSSIBLE version... The IMPOSSIBLE version....;_ylt=A2KLqIAqi0BRiEAA3PP7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBvbGgza2Q0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVjExNg--?p=john+stump+faerie%27s+aire+and+death+waltz&vid=c640de2df310bbd4286974f6131b4060&l=3%3A13&
  13. The game I'm Making.

    Here's a question for ya, Leo. Will your game be PC only? or will it be Mac compatible?
  14. RPG- Good, Evil, and the line between...

    I had put my feelers out to a few friends and acquaintances and some artists I know, and while a few were interested, it would seem their interests quickly waned and I have not heard from them. I don't like to have to chase people down regarding such things. If they are interested, they are interested. If not, no biggie. They too have their own lives and dreams. This has not discouraged me however. In fact I do realize that it is very difficult to get others interested in a vision that you are too careful to immediately share for copyright purposes. I have a very good friend, Comic Book artist Robert Taylor and founder and creator of Inspired Viewpoints ( ), who I have had the great pleasure of revealing all that is the grand scheme of the game. He is almost as excited about the project as I am. Next month's edition of Inspired Viewpoints he will be interviewing an incredibly talented novelist whom he will approach about writing short stories based on the characters already developed as well as the world in which this game is set. As for the art, I have been an artist all my life, dabbling in various mediums, and have already done a vast chunk of the game... though in totality it is about 20% complete. My web designer (lol... my sister) is coming from Chicago this weekend to discuss the overall website layout and animation for the site. Pretty exciting!! Once the website is up, the game will be outlined, art showcased, and the story revealed. Playtesting comes after the copyright and then Patenting and then Kickstarter. In the end though, it comes down to the people that will be playing the game. That is why I try to reach out when I can to get feedback regarding various aspects of what the game will be, and to see what people look for and what they identify with. I feel your pain though, in not having people to play these types of games with. I have lots of people here that I can play with, but I am usually too busy to find the time outside of work and this project.
  15. 13w09a snapshot

    Sorry, AliceinGame. I didn't mean to insult you. I don't ever mean to insult. I tend to be a bit sarcastic and silly at times. I too have seen animals eat straw, growing up in Upstate NY, we have our fair share of cattle, horses, and the like. I do know the difference between straw and hay. But I have seen on two separate farms (one farm in Red Hook NY, and Stables in Philmont) Where straw bales (Square, not round) were utilized. I figured I would skip the "I seen it" and just quote the Wiki. It kinda skips the whole UFO/Bigfoot phase of "I once saw..." But I digress. I am most definitely not an expert, especially in farm animals, but I have seen livestock eat straw... however bad it may be for them. And I have seen goats and pigs eat much much worse. >->. YUCK! So please forgive? GAME ON
  16. 13w09a snapshot

    And I will quote you.... "I don't think it would be realistic to feed animals out of bales of staw." But... people do. Therefore it is realistic... "---Straw may be fed as part of the roughage component of the diet---" Diet = eat Dye it = What you do to your hair... if you have any... Whether it is of low or high whatever is moot. You can still feed it to animals. People still feed it to animals. Straw is fed to animals. Animals eat straw. Straw + Animal = Poopie. Your dad doesn't feed it to animals. I don't eat it... but I'm an animal. Remember we are talking about a game too... a game with Zombies... and Square People... Animals.... Straw.... Poo.....
  17. Name Me!

    That would be incredible. But then again, it might scare MANY people off...
  18. 13w09a snapshot

    Straw - Wikipedia Animal feed Straw may be fed as part of the roughage component of the diet to cattle or horses that are on a near maintenance level of energy requirement. It has a low digestible energy and nutrient content. The heat generated when microorganisms in a herbivore's gut digest straw can be useful in maintaining body temperature in cold climates. Due to the risk of impaction and its poor nutrient profile, it should always be restricted to part of the diet. It may be fed as it is, or chopped into short lengths, known as chaff.
  19. Information neded

    I install the mod old school. Always have, always will, until TFC goes FTB. Then I will just use FTB, since I already have it. Not to mention MultiMC isn't available on Mac, just an FYI.
  20. Information neded

    Ssshhh... go to sleep....
  21. The Communist Cafe

    Ham and Cheese with Mao-naise?
  22. Information neded

    When you put Forge in the minecraft.jar file, don't forget to delete META INF folder. VERY important or it wont run.
  23. The game I'm Making.

    If you can make the buildings near you generate first, and then all of the other buildings out of sight generate after, can't you do that for the interiors as well? The interiors don't have to be mapped until the player comes within a certain perimeter of the buildings, right? If all interiors are going to be generated randomly, then it isn't important for them to be generated at the beginning of the game, but only when they are needed, and then after they are generated, their design can be saved (as some sort of magical code-stuff maybe?) so the graphics can be unloaded when the player is no longer near. That way when the building is re-entered later, the design remains the same per seed? I am just talking out my ass right now, but that is how I "envision" it being done.. though that is probably the reason I am not a programmer. LOL.
  24. TFC Build 76!!!

    You mean you didn't know what you are doing? Oooohh... sounds like old age setting in.
  25. 13w09a snapshot

    On the aesthetic standpoint, I think they look pretty sweet. A little variation goes a long way. But what purpose do they serve? Are they a visual stack aid for wheat (holding 9 wheat like iron blocks hold 9 iron)? Do they "feed" animals? This would be very useful in the breeding of cattle and horses. Inquiring minds want to know...