Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. The game I'm Making.

    Welcome, Mike. Leo is a very very talented and intelligent individual. I only say that because he pays me 10 bucks every time I do. KIDDING! Seriously though I have been following the progress posted here and it is amazing to see what is becoming of this game. I too am in the throes of creating a game I have been working on for over a decade now, but it isn't computer. It is a board game/ccg/rpg. I am anxious to see what you guys do and hope you have fun doing it! Menoch
  2. God-tier songs

    ...... >_____> .... <_____< …… I want a frickin Space Walrus!
  3. Suport beams and their chandge

    Support beans are the beans that back up the main beans in a bean casserole. Navy beans are tiny legumes on a boat. String beans are what children used to tie shoes with back in the olden days. Chick peas is what my girlfriend do when she drink too much beer. Holendaise Sauce is for everydays... not just Holendaise.... I like the support beams. There was actually a mod called Frames that let you make window sills and support beams, though they never served any purpose other than visual.
  4. Spawn protection

    That is ok, Lexx. At least you try.
  5. Brewing and beverages

    Heck yeah I remember that awesome thread! I love those ideas, and still think fermentation included would rock!
  6. Spawn protection

    As I gather... Lexx runs a server in which his protection meter is acting quirky. Earlier, it used to work like it says on the wiki... but now, if he leaves the chunk and goes too far, he comes hack to an empty protection meter... I think. My English is a bit rusty. Lol. ;p
  7. WARNING!!!

    Ooops.. didn't realize I double posted. FOR SHAME!
  8. WARNING!!!

    I just contracted a virus from My entire computer screen went grey whie downloading. 1.4.5 and it will not let me do anything or restart in safemode. I am writing this on my ipod but i would be careful dl'ing anything from there or the minecraft forums. My brand new pc is shit now until i can figure something out. You have been warned.
  9. .minecraft

    My friend, it is going awesome! Much artwork done, the entire board is done, almost an entire deck completed. I have a well known author interested in doing short stories based on my characters and world.. very exciting! I will have a web site up soon...
  10. Name Me!

    Thread: I don't want to go on the cart! I'm not dead.... Menoch: Shut up man. Youre not fooling anyone...
  11. .minecraft

    ... META INF deleted? Oooooo! Yeah dude. If I can do it, anyone can. The only problem i now have is trying to get tfc to run on my Mac.... dunno how to install it. Lol. I got the FTB launcher though... so at least I'm not completely out of luck... though I needs me mah tfc fix! I guess not being able to spend hours and hours on it has kept me more focused on my own game development though. That's a plus..
  12. Skating on Thin Ice...

    Dem dars be mah poin all long, mang. Ain't gots no reezun be talkin all prop'r like te gitcher poin craws... I rekon. I like the idea of snow and sand slowing your movement. Makes your heart pound when running from mobs and you have to turn and fight for your life lest you be overtaken...
  13. Brewing and beverages

    Well... you could always make it so you can increase a farm animal's blood sugar by feeding it sugar cane. Ooor... mix sugar with the blood. Either way, sounds pretty damn disgusting...
  14. Brewing and beverages

    I think the major reason why private stills are frowned upon comes down to money. You take away from tax revenue by making your own at home. Not only that, but if you don't know what you are doing, you could very easily make something that could make you very sick.... if not kill you.
  15. WARNING!!!

    Dooooooood! I am very sorry to hear you got that assinine virus. Trust me I feel your pain. I hope you get it fixed with a quickness. ------------------------ Not to keep a dead thread incessantly active, but.... I'M BAAAACK! With the Mac Mini running at full swing, it took a little looking into, but I finally figured out how to mod all up on MC and get 1.4.6 chugging with the one and only, super awesome TFC mod! I am stoked and hope anyone who has gone through what I had gone through with that God Forsaken virus never has to experience that again. And for those of you that have gone through it or that are, I hope your problems get remedied quickly and again, you never have to experience that again. I went through some rough spots, and had to get rid of some music equipment to pay bills and rent, but I should be back in shop soon. More Music coming in the near future!! GAME ON! Like ThisQuoteMultiQuoteEdit
  16. My Dream Game

    Lol. Have you tried the terraria mod? Wasn't impressed, though kudos to anyone who can mod. I really liked KoA also. I remember playing the demo over and over before the game came out. I think the side quests were fantastically written, though I wasn't too fond of crafting... it could have been done better, but overall the game was a gem. It cost soooo much to make though. Regardless of having big-leaguers in his court, Kurt should have went the Indie route, saved money, got feedback after people actually played his game, and then chose his path. 38 studios would still be alive. I remember saying that when I heard what he was doing. It really is a shame....
  17. My Dream Game

    Well then I'm a moron that likes his shaken, not stirred. I played SWG for about a week. :/ I miss the mmo communities of old. Even Dark Age of Camelot brought the communities together. I had such an awesome guild there. We stayed friends even years after we had all stopped playing. GIVE US A GAME WITH NADS.... Oh what's the use. Until I have the cash, I may never see an mmorpg that I actually want to play again (GW2 Aside... not sure what it is about gw2 that I like so much...). Even so, one mans vision isn't always a winning recipe. Look at 38 studios. What a kick ass team. Wtf happened there was a shame.
  18. My Dream Game

    ...... feel you should probably head.... What the hell of how much have you been drinking, man!? Lmfao!! Nice wall if rambling. Personally I have lost my taste for mmorpgs. Nothing will ever beat EverQuest when it comes to bringing community together and offering one HELL of a challenge. I do like Guild Wars 2. That has kinda rekindled an interest, but only slightly. My opinion is that gamers (for the most part) want everything handed to them on a silver platter, with anything requiring work labeled "tedious" or "grinding". What ever happened to the days of consequence and elbow grease!? More game companies need to grow a set of noo noos and produce more games with grit and in your face rawness like Demon's Souls and EQ and stop littering the market with "0 to 60 in 2 days" mmo's. There are already more than two barge loads of that crap out there. Personally, I have thought about reverting back to the good old days of board games (Runebound and Talisman) and pen and paper (Rifts and Cyberpunk). If this upcoming breath if new life being pumped into Shadowrun fails, I may have to go on haiatus from video games altogether! And on that note... 2013 promises one hell of an addition to boardgame rpg's by your's truly. Keep an ear out! GAME ON
  19. Three Word Story

    the nether regions
  20. Three Word Story

    That I made.
  21. Name Me!

    Ahha! You have blundered fatally, my deconstructed friend. Firstly, you can not take a thing with only your thoughts, secondly my musical skill is my SECOND most prized possession! The first.... My remote control socks! Muahahah! *switches on the Plaid Ray of Mezmorizing, deeming all future posts a figment of everyone's immagination...*
  22. Name Me!

    *But as the nano-decunstructors hum a plethora of vile downtown Tokyo Karaoke Toto songs, Killster realizes that the Behemoth is actually powerless and that he has absorbed what is referred to as Boxsters Idyllic Retoid Fantasticality, or wat Menoch refers to as Clown Fantasia Requiem 13. And as Killster lashes out, little does he know it is all in his mind, and that he has been deconstructed.* 3...
  23. Name Me!

    *Unflinching in the face of subzero temperatures, the phantom Behemoth waves its tale, leveling Jupiter and Saturn, and striking sharply at Uranus! Words echo through the Splendorsphere...* "Read my lips... No new taxes!" *Worlds collide in a Rainbow of Death Monkies.*
  24. Name Me!

    *dark matter, from the far reaches of the cosmos, converges at one point in a single moment. Earth moves, dust coagulates, life stirs... unlife... ... There is a ryhtmic beating... an echo in time... from a heart long gone..* SCREEAAARGH. Phbbbbt Graaaswrargh! *something scurries through the shrubs... a wave through nebulous reality, and all that is logical ruptures. The "stuff" that should be, is now that which once was thought to have not been any longer. Menoch glares through the prismic fabric of infinitum.... Justin Bieber explodes....* Throoooowooorwr!! *A vast army of protein based nono-deconstructors sprays forth from the gaping maw of Ughonos, the Guatamalan Land Barnacle. In a split second, the Fabric Infinitum begins to unfurl at an atomic level, threatening good and evil with a silence so deafening, that only nothing could comprehend its meaninglessness. All that could have once been is now threatened with the unreal possibility of a lost thing that is found... but the finder looks on.. clueless to his findings... Menoch takes the reigns of Ughonos, the floating Guatamalan Flying Land Barnacle, and etched a path of destruction into the Everythingness it is.* Tally, Ho!
  25. Brewing and beverages

    A vampiric Manhattan anyone? Puts a new twist on a Bloody Mary, eh?