Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mathias Ademar

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Posts posted by Mathias Ademar

  1. 6 hours ago, Iwitrag said:

    And does it work properly? I've heard that some time modifying mods can break TFC mechanism somehow.

    It works fine for me, crops grow and seasons pass perfectly normal. All it does, that i know of, is extend or speed up the rate which ticks pass. I can even set it to go to system time. (If you do that though, NEVER set it back as it will break stuff.)


  2. A few can mods achieve this. I myself use the time scale mod (the actual name is in russian i think, but the file is b3m or something like that. Just look up "time scale mod" and it should be easy to find)

    In the end its best to try a few on a ssp world to test and see what wprks best for your needs.


  3. Hey. Not sure how many of you still use my seed, but i finally got around to finding fruit trees. I only saw a cherry amd lemon tree. But more are possible.

    You are best looking in the shale biome in the south. It will be roughly around 12000 to 11500 and will be after the chert biome south of the basalt one you start in.


  4. sorry for the double post, been a few days, so im not too bothered lol.

    any one ever had an issues with the sky on this pack? not sure what i did to break it, but now the sky only shows the proper color/ texture around the sun/ moon after a couple in-game hours after said celestial orb rises. hopefully the vast intelligent community here knows what i did and how to fix it. ^_^;




    (using the latest versions of optifine and nyssa's for the record)


  5. this issues has been debated long and hard by a lot of the community, and i cant remember the exact issues, but if i recall correctly (its been a year or 2, so dont quote me) the issues seeemed to stem from the fact that the end overwrote the overworld when you traveled there (hence why you cant get back, even if you die) and the nether doenst properly hook onto the loader or something like that (which is why it works part of the time, but most the time it crashes you) and all other dims use a codebase similar to those two, so until they work, nothing else will completely.


    tldr: the way TFC handles its world gen and other "behind-the-scenes" stuff, makes it not like to play well with other dims, period. most of us have just accepted that and modded the hell out of TFC's overworld to make up for that slight loss. lol. hope this was helpful.


  6. considering how often leti goes silent then randomly pops back up with a content update, i would assume she is still working on it and will put out a new post/ vid when she feels like her progress is deserving of one. best to just be patient and let her work. :)


    edit: also, anything you need a barrel for early on (ie. leather and booze) you can do in a large clay vessel , just in smaller amounts.


  7. 28 minutes ago, StrayWolfe said:

    You need to find your .gradle file on your computer. For me, it is in C:/Users/[UserName]/.gradle. Once you have that, you need to select the file containing the mcp conf dir for the version of forge you are using: C:/Users/[UserName]/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/[forge version used]/unpacked/conf. You need to have that version of forge installed to use it.

    looks like this was what i messed up on, works perfectly now. ^_^ again, thatnks man. ^_^


  8. "select an mcp conf dir for the deobfuscator." keeps popping up and no matter what folder i open they are all empty (as in it doesn't show any contents, even if there is any) then it says that it needs me to attach a source "CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-".  (im running eclipse btw)

    admittedly i only have a basic understanding of java, so i dont know exactly what this means, or more specifically what source i have to attach. (i already thought it was asking for me to tell it where the jar itself is, but when i specified the exact folder where the jar was located in, it still wouldnt work) 

    This is my first attempt at making an addon, though i did make a few simple regular mods before. any help would be appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read this.


    TL;DR - i could use a little help with my dev setup and the guide Bletch made doesnt say how to fix this.


  9. In regarding the wasting ore from not using multiples of 11, i see that as more of a feature than a result since it could be seen that some material is consumed to fuel the conversion. Thats how i see it anyways.


    (Note: i set my ores to nuggets still being 10 each and the rest maxed out to where rich = 350)


  10. Peritot i think. Ruby and saphire are covered by the gem drops, could be nice to have geodes or something but hey. Lol. Mostly just needs the plants and to makes the stone for the recipies compatible. Oh there was an ore called electrine or something like that (basically blue redstone.). A few things use it.

    And i discoved that eldritch detail myself. Lesson learned. XD
