Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by killster550

  1. ok 26-30 XD


    and how about you do the reverse guessing?


    and itsa JRPG (which is why i call it anime-like,) and kimm, thats the BASIC standard fight OST, playing in nearly 50% of the fights :D ITS SO FUCKING GOOD *cries* and the story was really likeable too


  2. the lyrics in the SAO main theme are japanese, but they sound like someone chanting food in english :3


    also SDA, i'd reckon you to be about 16-25


    and eternal sonata is a game with anime-like story, cutscenes, epic music, and CHOPIN PIECES! (massively renowned pianist) here's the main battle theme:

     (itsa RPG)

  3. well it was indeedly more fun when you just had a proper suggestion topic and someone like srgnoodles and jag went absolute APESHIT on the stuff they posted until dunk/crysyn had to slap em around a bit (although eventually people got hostile, which spawned the off topic in the first place, which effectively confined everyone not 100% new to that, feelingwise)


  4. SDA, you're a tier 3 veteran, im tier 2, and people like JAG and srgnoodles are tier 1 veterans :D i actually remember contributing quite a lot before something just died and no one was around anymore)


  5. now i always wondered if more words = better story.


    rules: keep it to a max of 7 words, and minimum 1 word, try to keep a story going without derailing TOO far in 1 post.


    (examples 3 word and 5 word story threads on these forums)


    ill start:


    once upon a time there was a


  6. *dances to the songs of the guitar of time* no matter how crazy you get, there is only 1 thing that will ALWAYS be there, no matter how much you take away :) ME


    *goes redlight green light with existance of the universe again* god i love this


  7. sda, one didnt really use stone in the same sense as cobblestone, they used flint. flint can carry an edge to such extent that you can make axes or spearpoints out of it, via knapping (or in case of an axe, bifacially knapping) it. All you do then is create a stick heavy enough to supprot the head, tie them together, and voilah


    (these tools didnt last long you know, only enough for a few trees, and the knapping process is a LOT more extensive than one would think from TFC, here its just 2 rocks, wheras they used parts of animal to increase the control they had over a piece of flint, like punches or antlers to hold the rock in place. (flint knapping alone could easily take 10 seperate tools to improve, the first axe was probably just a very sharp piece of rock one banged against a thin tree for whatever reason, to see it fall over)




     maybe not weird enough, certainly painful :D


    poor idiotic robb stark, named his child after sean bean, curse of sean bean kills the child, his wife, himself, his mother, and every friend he brought to the party save one.


  9. *stands next to the popped universe* DO IT AGAIN, COOL! havent felt such a surge of power since the big bang!


    (for the record, im just some extradimensional being who can just literally 'sidestep' any event if i choose so)
