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Posts posted by killster550

  1. hah, the hell? 90% of the city names are from my own country, the netherlands ( assen, terschelling, texel (my rear names birthplace stavern) 


    anyway, thanks for the tactical information, should be able to use this to strike at the core of the empire, and you've shown me a very interesting weapon they have *highlights the launched spear-type projectiles* if you hit these warheads with sufficient range and power, they should explode in the hands of the wielder, thus incapacitating enemies around them.


    *niftly slices a bullet in half* but it looks like they got a weapons upgrade, these are real guns, with real bullets, i must assume the vampires decided to roll out the second tier of weaponry *massive roars in the distance sound out* ah.....fuck.....ehm, how about for now, we all retreat and clear up the allied border, thus allowing reinforcements to join us? you do not want to tangle with whatever is making those roars, every skill in me is going on high alert.


    i agree, we should fall back, get reinforcements, and then engage the enemy ~but i dont~ *seras victoria rushes at the enemy camp, butchering thousands upon thousands of soldiers* well, she knows what she's doing so lets go.


  2. as far as i can tell, heres whats happening now: your emperor was never a real human to begin with, he somehow triggered this merge of universes, im not sure WHAT he is but it spells trouble.


    and as far as the war goes, me and asuna could easily mop up at least half of the war front by ourselves, if we have some food to sustain us. and with the hellsing organization's reinforcements here, pretty sure this war is already won.


    *massive explosion in background*


    ok now what the hell deserves our blades THIS TIME? *rushes at it annoyed as hell by the interruption*


    dont worry about us commander SDA, ill make sure my husband stays in line and alive to help you guys out. *rushes after Kirito-kun*


    *screams on both sides echo back to SDA's location because of the onslaught the vampires unleashed on this warfront*


    right, looks like the first artificial vampires have arrived, simple rules of engagement, dont look em in the eyes, they are superhuman, speed, strength, reflexes, everything, so dont engage unless you have at least 5 humans as backup. oh, and they do use ranged weapons to much larger ranges as we do so dont ever, EVER leave cover while you know theres enemies ahead, instead signal us with a flare or with these *pulls out the yondaime hokage's special teleportation kunais* now not sure if you know what these are, but if you throw them at a location, i will get a signal and be able to teleport over to it within superfast time


    where did you get thosethey arent part of the SAO equipment, i know asuna, but this world is actually a mix of several worlds, and ive noticed more and more naruto influences in my own skills as well, for example, *hand seals* *teleports towards the kunai he planted on the other side of the vampiric lines* *decapitates the lot of them* i can use these things pretty effectively already.



    to take out such vampires, completely destroy them, not just the head or heart, absolutely disintegrate them and make sure even the ashes dont touch human blood, or they'll regenerate faster than you can imagine (although alucard can finish em off permanently, together with seras victoria, they arent exactly the most reliable of reinforcements, they are after all pretty insane themselves)


  3. *bands up with the renegade general* sir, we could help you overthrow this empire of yours, just say where we need to go and what to do.


    "back over at the battlefield" `ah, my master has arrived` *alucard bows*


    ~hi there master of master~


    -my vampires, you have done your job well, and even found an interesting human, we will watch this one, maybe he could be recruited into the hellsing organization, what was his name again? Kirigaiya kazuto AKA kirito. ah, the young man responsible for liberating 6 thousand players trapped in that horrible death game Sword art Online, ive heard of him, didnt know he could be that good in this world as well-


    *Sir integra turns towards squad 8* well done warriors, i must inform you that this empire you are fighting is headed by ex-nazi's under the control of a man known as the Colonel, a very dangerous ex-nazi scientist trying to create artificial vampires, no ordinary human can fight these vampires, they are as fast as seras victoria, not as strong but still very strong- *she whistles, massive cars bearing weapons of every kind show up* all of these weapons belong to the Hellsing Organization, designed to fight and destroy said vampires, and they will be extra effective against regular humans too, if you want to win this war, you must work for me, including AFTER the war. WHAT SAY YOU~-



    *back at Kirito's location, enroute to Jaeger Kingdom*


    ah, ok, i will take care of the enemies north of the kingdom, by myself and you guys take care of the rest


    *deflects a sword stab* what the? ASUNA? what are you doing here, its too dangerous! *gets slapped by the woman he's married to* you idiot, do you think i can feel safe while you are in danger! well no, but i see you've augmented yourself like i did, lets team up like the old days, ill take front of the squad.


    general, change of plans, you take the north, me and asuna will mop up the rest and show you people the power of the Black Swordsman Kirito and Lightning Flash Asuna in full glory *kisses his wife*


  4. *i think he's RP'ing shikamaru from naruto combined with some other powers*


    *wakes back up in a cart of cabbages* hmm, this reminds me of some cabbage guy....oh well


    *stares back at the valkyryr* its not defeated, its hp meters indicate you only barely scratched 5% off of it.


    but fortunately for you, i just received another upgrade *slaps hands together in a series of complicated hand seals reminiscent of Naruto* *draws a sword made out of the matter of the core of a black dwarf star, the densest material in the universe* nobody, not even the hulk or thor could wield this sword, but me, thanks to my game-like superstrength and my countless of years of experience in said game*


    *touches the valkyryr slightly, creates a gigantic crater through its core*


    there, it is dead. *hears the sounds of not one but 30 valkyryrs revving up* oooohhhhh boy....time for some fun *glares at them with some bloodlust thats uncharacteristic* *snaps out of it* what the?....alucard did you alter me? `no, i just unshackled your base emotions` ~master you werent allowed to do that to humans remember?~ `but this isnt a normal human, Seras` 



    *charges the valkyryrs with his sword, deflecting the flames and lazers they are casting with it, slices apart 5 of them before the rest of the army even realized they were there*


    this feels GREAT! i feel like im invincible `you arent` *sees alucard rip apart several more with his bare hands* i guess you're on our side then? `no, but these things are a hindrance, cant have my master hear such noise when shes trying to talk` ok then vampire, lets have a little competition `now we're talking`



    *rest of the army sees me and alucard rip apart 15 valkyryrs each in record time* right then, now for the real enemy *points blade at Imperial-controlled territory* WHO'S WITH ME? *rushes off at full speed, which approaches the Flash's level due to my high dexterity stats


  5. *uses superior detection skills to identify 4 seperate weak spots located near the irises,*


    now for a way to deal with that flame, and that material....wait....seras victoria, how many lives do you have at the moment? how long can you keep that flame focussed on you without being permanently destroyed? ~10 whole minutes~ well that there is *BOOM* ~5 minutes~ goddammit, lets get to this, ill deal with the material later.


    *gets inside the flame surrounding the valkyrur and forces a shield bubble outwards, dispersing the flames to the edges of town* (we are still isolated, no more new guys until the flames are gone) as for the material, what my sword cant cut, it can still pierce. *engages dual wield mode with dual Rapiers styled after Asuna's sword* *engages star burst stream 16 hit combo with twin rapiers* 


    *enemy valkyrur's weak spots have been destroyed, it topples over and falls into the river*


    well, that deals with tha *swords break in hand* ah....guess its too strong after all *collapses from using his skills too much*


  6. wait a minute.... *perceives a massive threat incoming on SDA's location* this is clever bastard



    *runs over to Seras victoria* seras, sorry for slicing up your master, and not recognizing this threat earlier, but what are your orders on this threat?


    ~search and destroy~


    that simple huh? very well, i will assist you against this threat. *allows seras to access his inventory of specialized swords*


    sda, all other allied forces, we're about to turn this war into one hell of a shitstorm


    *sees cracks appear in the sky* because Aizen and his entire army of Hollows, Arrancar's and Espada's have arrived


    (hollows are just spirits that have gone mad from some attachment tying them to earth, arrancar's are those same spirits fused with the powers of the shinigami, the guardians of spirits, and the espada are the most deadly among them, Bleach universe)



    everyone that isnt capable of supernatural perception and high speed combat with expert swordsmen, i only got one word for


    *ensues massive combo with seras victoria to wipe out the majority of the enemies, so that only Aizen Sosuke, Gin Ichimaru, and the top 4 espada are left*



    me and seras will attempt to stall aizen, you lot deal with the 4 espada, theres a young gothic looking guy, a old man, a lonely regular man with a little girl, and a woman. their powers are enormous, but watch out for the old man foremost, he represents DEATH, if he touches you, your bones will rot in place, even im not sure how to counter something that rots anything and everything that gets close to it.



    good luck...*sees a giant burst of power, all the Bleach enemies have disappeared* uuuuuh......what? 


  7. eeeh, 1 thing, dont ever say anything insulting about the french, you will be violently torn apart (her first love was french and he got killed and she had to absorb all his blood to preserve his life, kind of twisting up her mind on that subject) and dont threaten her either, (dont look em in the eyes either)


    anyway *ensues massive duel with alucard, merely amusing him because hes surprised a mere human can put up these skills* i know you like to kill, my lord vampire, but why are you here? theres only humans killing other humans like always, no supernaturals involved (cept for those ghouls you took care of)


    *manages to completely dice alucard in 1 inch bits* that should buy us a few minutes


  8. *sees alucard give no fucks about the shadow* what did i just tell you guys? YOU CANT DEFEAT HIM, LEAVE HIM BE AND PRAY HE DOESNT TURN AGAINST US


    *sees seras victoria join alucard* guys, something big is going to happen here if the 2 most powerful vampires ever have joined us here. 


    *sees alucard tear apart a set of tanks, both imperial and gallian*


    goddammit, ill go and distract him, you guys keep fighting. (oh, and i wont need to know their weak point, my current skills are capable of even this *swings his sword at alucard, slicing apart every building on the block* that should get his attention. guys, keep fighting, seras victoria can be reasoned with, shes just a bit crazy, ill distract alucard until their master, Sir integra fairbrook wingates hellsing arrives and can explain what is going on.


  9. its unpredictable this thing is a madman, a creature that lives for killing, he'd much rather just kill everyone and be done with it *uses perception skill to scout out the indicated house* fuck me, its a Elite from the Halo universe, in its typical blue armor......i wonder what its doing here, and what side its on.


    *sees alucard going berzerk on ghouls* well at least thats normal, for now, stay out of its way and no matter what dont cross its path


  10. *arrives in the nick in time to slice apart the tank shells midflight* steel is no match for someone like me


    *slices apart the tanks into tiny tidbits, and rushes off to find SDA*


    *finds SDA surrounded by a ton of ghouls from the Hellsing Ultimate universe*


    wth is going on here? a mix of universes? *switches to a holy element sword and exorcises the ghouls*



    wait, if they're here then....*turns around in the nick of time to block Alucard's bullets, although the sword breaks*


    ah is the time to run guys, this is an enemy well above anything any of us can muster (as far as i know) this guy exists by willing it, as long as he identifies himself as Alucard, Alucard exists.


  11. *sees the 2 of them take down a semi-boss monster with 2 shots* right, lets go to the next layer of floors, you must have some sort of external exp boost to help us fight through this.


    *takes them up to floor 70*


    now go ahead and try these mobs, and be very careful if your hp starts falling, switch out with each other at a break in the fight (for example after you stun them with a harsh blow) or, if you are both getting hammered, switch with me.


  12. its quite simple, im going to help you guys grind up to a appropiate level, and give you guys some gear, and we'll beat the last 25 floors (be warned, we've been lozing a lot of people on the boss fights, we've resorted to a rush all in the boss room tactic, else we loze even more squads, so DONT solo a boss


  13. i am Kirito, a person trapped in this dreaded game called Sword art online, in which people die in real life when killed in the game, and ive been fighting for 2 years to get out of here, although ive fallen in love with this amazing woman of mine, Asuna.


    care to join me on my fight? or are you just another trap of the game?


    *hand draws closer to his sword*


  14. (after which the obelisk would crumble) that d balance out said obelisk :D


    but yeah, a really nice idea, but what about mobs? if you drag yourself away from a bear its only going to eat you, sure you can bandage that *sarcasm* how do you account for the point where you have a monster that killed you standing over you (also, you should instadie from a fall as well, no jumping off mountains only to drag yourself back up the mountain safely :P)
