Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Buczkowski

  1. [B69] Vegitation?

    I know things like tomatos, squash and peppers also spawn. Fruit trees are rare but should also be around somewhere.
  2. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I don't object to the inventory idea in the slightest, I just see no benefit to the hotbar suggestion. I doesn't make the hotbar more believable than it already is, and adds nothing over the hotbar setup as it is. I'm not saying the whole idea is a waste of effort, just the hotbar expanding/contracting for no reason. The idea, in general is a good one, and I support it.
  3. RSS feed for the changelog page

    I just revisit the page periodically throughout the day. Admittedly, I've never used an RSS thingy before and don't even really understand what it does, or how much hassel it is to set up.
  4. Coke out of coal.

    Circumstantial evidence, (the best kind of evidence), suggests that this is either planned but not yet implemented, or was an early idea that was ultimately rejected and bioxx just hasn't gotten around to removing all the stuff from the files yet.
  5. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    Well, according to the poll in this thread the best you can say is that a close pluratiy want NPCs of some sort.The results of this poll are utterly meaningless, however, as it has been made quite clear that NPCs are never being added, no matter how many players want them.
  6. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    That makes no sense.A hotbar that always has nine slots will always be able to hold exactly the same number of items as a hotbar that starts with one slot, and then adds another slot whenever something is added to the hotbar, up to a limit of nine slots.
  7. NPCs?

    Support, or no, the question is moot. NPCs will not be added. Period.
  8. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    As a single-player mode player, I do not want NPCs. I too would like to see where you get that the majority of ssp players want NPCs?
  9. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    But I still see no difference between a hotbar that adds a slot every time you pick something up, up to 9 slots, and a hotbar that always has 9 slots.
  10. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Exacly my point. Why change the hotbar? What does changing the hotbar in this way add to the game?
  11. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I still don't see why this should happen. Just keep the hotbar static. What are you adding here, cetainly not believability.
  12. Conquests of Epicness

    Great, another new adition to TFC: cannibalism.
  13. Please Lock....

    NPCs arent a bad idea in general, but as I pointed out, they're too much hassle for what they're worth.
  14. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    Perhaps translate the whole post in case others have this problem?
  15. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Why would the hotbar need to change at all?
  16. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    Isn't that kinda/sorta what the hotbar already kinda represents?
  17. Please Lock....

    The problem with NPCs is not that some people don't want to play with them, and thus want nobody to play with them. The problem is that somebody has to write the ai for the NPCs, taking time away from further development. The more complex the ai, (and everyone seems to extremely complex ai, even if they don't think it's complex), the more it distracts from more impotant things. I also get the impression that neither Dunk nor Bioxx want anything to do with attempting to write a 'human like' ai. This suggestion does nothing to alleviate the real problem with NPCs. I don't really think anything is capabale of doing so.
  18. Food Prep Suggestion

    I never questioned whether gold was edible, I asked what, presicely, the gold contributed to the meal outside of a hefty bill. It looks as if the answer is 'abolutely nothing'. No reason to bother adding that to the mod then. That might actually make for a decent salad dressing in the right proportions.
  19. Food Prep Suggestion

    But what does the gold actually add to the food irl aside from a few hundred dollars?
  20. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    Yes, this seems odd to me. I'm pretty sure jumping up and down should work on a vanilla dirt block at least, but doesn't on a TFC block.
  21. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    No NPCs means no NPCs.
  22. Horse Cart and pole drag

    Has anyone actually seen deer outside of creative? I've seen a few bears here and there but never any deer. Also, antler tools would be a great addition, though I doubt we'll get any.
  23. [B66] Impossible metalsmithing plan?

    Because he can, or as the case may be he can't but you know what I mean.
  24. Horse Cart and pole drag

    Believers are resources in a way.