Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hunting and world generation.

    Hi friends. I am very anxious about TFC 2, i do not comment too much in the forum and i don't know how to mod. I will put the ideas i have here. 1 - About world generation. I am a little sad about the world functioning in slands. I have playing Kingdoms and enjoyedm but i don't think it's would be nice in TFC, but put 2 options intead, one with the old world generation and one with the new. Please. 2 - About hunting. I really love to hunt, But i don't enjoy the spawn system of minecraft to some more rare animals like deer for example. Would be nice to create and system that trigger the spawn, a system that work with tracks and after you meet some tracks requirements the animal apawn near as specific object, similar to assassins's creed 3. The tracks must be triggered to spawn, that will use less memories than letting the tracks being created in real time. And you can make use of the plants that animal feed or in case of predators they spawn near an group of cattle that they usually hunt. It would be nice too to create an generation system like this with the prospector pick, simplifiing the ore spawn system so you will have just different soil and rock types but the tracks will guide you to what you are searching in an chain of 5 to 10 tracks steps for example, or even more in rare materials. This would create an feeling of adventure and the inovative landscape that generate new structures while you play would create some signaturelandscape with rare materials or animals while you play the game. I think that is more fun than the isle system. But again, i can't program and i would not make an nice mod like TFC, so excuse me my arrogance with this suggestion. Also. The trigger can work like this. The grass and some bushes with berrys can be used like tracks creator, also some animal footsteps and even trail of bloods were they push the fallen carcass, if you use fallen carcass, you will need to make an provess of field dress and the carcass go in the back backpack slot or in the horse to bigger animals, or you need to camp near to do the field dress... But about the tracks agains. You also will need to create an line layer that create the direction of the tracks and an system that rotate the objects in minecraft and put the facing the direction the animal run, you don't need to use 8 cardial orientation points, you can use 4 instead so it work in minecrart square system. Would be very nice to collect animals and to hunt rare animals and plants, at least for decorations, but later some people can do mods that will compliment that system, so leave some plants and itemslots to them. Them someone can make the magic mod separated from the TFC so all the work won't fall in your back, also. Make an collective item with an old rock with the name of the mod developers so we can pay our respects to you in game. hehehe. Hugs. Thank You for the attention.
  2. [B69] Vegitation?

    The Only vegitation I've found are two Barley, one Maze and three Wheat. There is no other vegitation from the mod appearing. No Bushes, Flora, Fruit Trees or Herbs. I'm on day 92 (late winter), on a medium sized island. The island is Rolling Hills Biome, surrounded by Beach and lots of Ocean. I've completely explored the island many times. Is this a bug? Will more vegitation generate? Do I need to explore for more biomes (probable long swim) or possibly start a new world? The mod is computer resource intensive and lags a lot on my poor dual core netbook. I'm Enjoying the mod mechanics, even if they are a bit tedious. Charcoal pit, Firepit, Sluces and Bloomery are up and running well I've managed Tin Tools, Swords and Armor. Also have mined plenty of Copper Ore. I did cheat in Flux and Ceramic Molds with NEI, as I've not found thier resources yet. I have managed to get sixteen crops seeds, breakinging tall grass. Now for some farming. Great Mod so far, Rog3rd