Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About aluc24

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    Wood Cutter
  1. Boats and Ships

    Not that my opinion matters a lot, but...I agree with most other players here who said that the portal system is a really terrible idea, and it just doesn't fit in with this kind of mod. Boat/ship based transportation makes so much more sense. If you feel that boats would make the game too easy, allowing players to go to the other islands too early, then there are ways to make it more difficult... Like increasing distances between islands, adding "storms" that would make it risky to go far offshore in a small ship, making navigation difficult without high-tier items (compasses, maps), etc. Of course, boats aremuch more difficult to implement, so it is understandable why the developers want to do portals instead. But I feel it would ruin the game. I think any alternative solution would be preferable toportals. If TFC2 developers decide to go with portals in the end, I guess I'll skip on TFC2. Not that it should matter to the developers... Just my 2 cents. I really hope there is a way to make boats work.
  2. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Well, I actually spent some time at the -16,000 line in creative mod (left MC running overnight) - even through several summers and winters, no tall grass grew past on the North side of that line, and grew perfectly fine on the South side. I think it has something to do with average year temperature. Somewhere around -16,000, it becomes negative. Maybe that's the hard-coded thing that prevents tall grass from growing when the average yearly temperature is as low as -0.01°C ?
  3. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    It is strange that none of these things can be found on wiki...
  4. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Well, yeah, but why the hard limit at 16,000?
  5. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Speaking of which, grains also don't appear to be growing past 16,000 or -16,000, irrelevant of the temperature. 15,999 they grow fine, 16,000 they don't grow at all. So I can't tell...
  6. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Okay... I see. So there's no way to progress beyond knapping in these extreme latitudes? P.S. I just noticed, through experimenting, that no long grass grows beyond 16,000 or -16,000 Z axis, irrelevant of the temperature. It is a hard line.This is quite surprising, because I never saw anything about it in the official documentation.
  7. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Temperatures are about 5 to12°C, and there's grass blocks and sunlight everywhere. Tall grass still doesn't grow. Are you sure -10°Cis the limit?
  8. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Okay, my temperatures in summer are definitely way above that. Even crops are growing. But tall grass doesn't. Why? Does it not grow in Plain and Rolling Hill biomes?
  9. Getting straw in extreme latitudes

    Yes, I know that. No crops so far. So, what temperature does tall grass need to grow in TFC? Will it ever grow in my latitude?
  10. Hi, I decided to start TFC over again, but this time, far in the North to make things extremely difficult. My latitude is -25000, meaning that growing crops will be very difficult. So far, I love the challenge. The problem is, I can't find tall grass to get straw. Wiki says "it regrows during warm season when the conditions are right". What are these conditions? Do I need to wait until the middle of summer or something? My biome is Plains/Rolling Hills. There's a forest nearby. It's Early Summer now, but I can't find any straw on the island I'm on. So, will the tall grass grow in my latitude? If not, is it possible to progress without it?
  11. Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

    All right. I'll test as much as I can and forward reports to Cuchaz. Hopefully, he will cooperate. Thank you again. If anyone else has something do add, please do!
  12. Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

    So, you're basically saying that no one would work on compatibility of those two mods. After all, both are gonna be updated sometime, and new bugs will arise, with no one to fix them again. Maybe this is a lost cause? Maybe it's better to wait for TFC devs to implement movable ships, as this feature is in high demand (I gathered that much from browsing this forum)?
  13. Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

    Your point is sound. I wasn't asking of server owners nor devs to test this compatibility - just thought I'd ask how (if) they solved already known problems. I will try testing it as you suggested. Not sure where can I submit crash and incompatibility reports, though. Officially, no one is working on this compatibility, so, no one is interested to check it out.
  14. Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

    I'm sorry if I offended you. But it doesn't make sense to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already found the solution, that's why I'm asking. I tested enough to see that the problem exists, but I know too little of modding to determine why. So what's wrong with asking?
  15. Including Ships and Boats Mod by cuchaz

    Well, what about chests? How did you manage to get them working?