Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Almechik

  1. Archery Overhaul

    *digs* oh whats that? *digs deeper* Hello everyone! i think we should revive that thread because its an awesome one! I think that those 2 stone age bows are enough for stone age, better wooden bows and then composite should stay in metal age. Perhaps highest tier bows would be composite compound?
  2. We all know archery is a thing that isnt really changed by this mod, and it should be! After all bow is the best hunting weapon in the wild (Even in real life if you have good knife and paracord you can make a bow that'll be enough to kill small animals). My suggestion is adding new skill called archery (duh). It would be increased by shooting bows (either to mobs or special targets), crafting bow strigs, bow limbs, bow maidans (not sure if thats the right translation, its basicaly your handle part that you attach string to) and whole bows. Now lets talk about possible bows: -Primitive bow: You need to throw 4 sticks on any block and then use wool yarn/string on them with shift, this will drop you Unstrung Primitive bow. To use it you need to string it first -Primitive bowstring: combine 3 string in 2x2 craftinting. Its the most basic, crappy string that loses durability quickly and can snap while aiming which will break it, damage bow and hurt you. now that you have unstrung bow and bowstring, all you need is to combine bow and string in crafting grid and voila! You just made your first crappy bow! Bows would have 2 (or more depends on how many parts are they made of) which indicate durability of each part. Bow's bar depletes when you keep it strung (you unstring it by placing it in your inventory again) and by holding it drawn (just like in real life). String's durability depletes with each shot. After some time gaining some experience and becoming bored of crap bow you''ll want new bow right? My idea is that by right clickicking on natural tree that is at least 2 blocks wide you'll chop off "wooden rod". After that you probably should cut the tree else it may fall on you! (a little joke but also idea for wounded trees to fall sometimes, presenting a danger to player and mobs) What can you do with wooden rod? at this point nothing big, you can combine it with string to get a bow that is slightly better than primitive one but still bad. Or you could improve it using carving knife (knapping/mould same as with normal knife but with longer tapering) and cutting out shape (each level of archery will let you be more precise). Bows made from wooden rods and carved wooden rods would have durability, speed and damage dependent on type of wood used (im not expert in wood so i dont know which will be the worst and which will be the best. After that of course there would be composite. compound and other weird bows but i sadly didnt came up with too good of an idea for them, im up for suggestions. But before we stop i have an idea for another item Shooting target: hay in the middle, 4 leather vertically and horizontaly and 4 wool cloth diagonally. This target gives you archer skill points based on how far from the target you shot it and how close to its center it hot hit. Thats it for now guys, i hope you like my idea!