Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Konlii

  1. 2 hours ago, Darmo said:

    Feet need to be single boxes.  Keep it simple.  Those humps are both way too much.  Looks like he's got a tiny temple fortress on his back.   Let's try to keep it to 3 boxes at most.  I really think a layer-cake design will look best.  Ditch the teeth, they don't really add anything to it.  I'd make the body thinner, in order to bring the legs closer together.  A camel looks tall and slim from the front, and I think a lot of it has to do with how close together their legs are.  It appears that in general, the distance between the legs is 1/3 to 1/4 the distance from their chest to the ground.  The current model, the ratio is nearly 1:1.  I don't know that we can go totally accurate, but I'd get as close as possible.  The neckupper also needs to be lowered to where it meets the bottom front corner of Neckbase, so it looks a little more natural.

    I'm attaching a gridded camel photo, with each square approximately a foot.  I think this will help a lot with the proportioning.  

    Note that the front and rear haunches fall about 5 boxes apart, and they are also about 5 boxes above the ground.  Your model has them further apart horizontally.  I'd bring the body length down to bring this proportional box more in line.

    I like the head design and proportions, I just think it's too small in relation to the body.  10 pixels in minecraft is about 1 foot, and we can see in the photo that the camel head is around 1-2/3 feet long.  You can also check this against camel skulls for sale on the internet, which seem to range from 18 to 20 inches in length.  As modeled, your camel head is only 10 pixels long, so 12 inches or so. 

    Overall good start, just simplify it, and work on the proportions.

    I agree the body proportions need some tweaking, but if 1 block (16 pixels) is 1 meter, then 10 pixels (10/16th of a block) should be 62.5cm (10/16th of a meter).  Doesn't that convert to 24.6 inches?  That would put the head on this model at a pretty good length.

    Also, shouldn't 1ft be about 5 pixels (a bit over 30cm)?  This is why I always try to stick to metric measurements when I'm doing anything in Minecraft block-lengths.


  2. 11 minutes ago, Th3A1ph4D0g said:

    When it comes to the hump, then I think that the slanted boxes look better than the "step pyramid"-esque style. The mix of the two styles makes it even more jarring. 

    Quickly put together all-step and all-slant versions for comparison.



  3. Before I get serious with the texture, I want to get some feedback on this Camel model.  In particular, what do you guys think about the teeth and the hump?  I like the teeth, but they do push the camel a bit towards the derp end.  For the hump I tried to combine the "wedding cake" style with slanted boxes, though I'm not sure if it works.





  4. MCModelCreator v1.06 has crashed on me multiple times.  It always happens when I have the TEX pane up and I am setting UV values by click-dragging the numbers.  I don't know why it decides to crash that one time, but not the hundred other times I did the exact same thing since it feels like it waits for me to get almost done setting up my texture mapping before crapping out.

    If you need the error.log or crash.dmp files, let me know where to send them.  They look like they collect a lot of info about my PC, so I don't want to post them publicly.


  5. Overview

    The purpose of this mod is just to add a little more life into TerraFirmaCraft.

    Current Features (alpha build)

    • Butterflies spawn on grass blocks during the day and flutter around
    • Moths spawn on grass blocks at night and flutter around

    To do

    • Change from vanilla-bat-style movement to custom AI tasks
      • Make butterflies attracted to flowers and blooming fruit trees
      • Make moths attracted to light sources
      • Stop everything from wandering out over the ocean

    • Create dragonflies that spawn on fresh water blocks during the day and eat butterflies

    • Create actual nocturnal bats that spawn on leaf blocks at night and eat moths
    • Maybe create some birds, possibly American Robins (just because I'm partial to them)
    • Figure out something that would be good to spawn in the winter
    • Clean up everything I don't use from Bletch's template (first time I've tried setting up my dev environment this way)






  6. On 5/1/2016 at 0:32 PM, Kittychanley said:

    Actually, it was an issue with the permissions not being properly transferred when we updated the forum software. It should be fixed now. In the future, please report these issues on the homepage announcement that was created explicitly for them:


    You know what's really funny?  Following that link gives a permission error.

    Sorry, there is a problem

    You do not have permission to view this page

    Error code: 2T187/3


  7. On 5/9/2016 at 4:02 AM, Miner239 said:

    Why the barrels? I thought what a granary is was a silo for grain storage. 

    Some traditional granaries are silos, but others are simply small elevated buildings.  That is why I mentioned previously that it would be useful to lock down which one we are actually talking about.

    Silo style like a bloomery?

    Or walk-in style like the Cellars mod?

    Personally, I think I'm leaning toward the walk-in style just so that my rat-spawning idea has a chance to get implemented.


  8. 18 hours ago, Kittychanley said:

    No. We expect players to install other mods alongside TFC, and other mods require the crafting grid/bench.

    So we definitely need some method of opening a crafting grid for external mod support.  For the sake of discussion, let's say TFC has a specific item/workstation/whatever that brings up a standard crafting grid GUI just for mod compatibility.

    But what if nothing within TFC itself uses this?  What if literally everything in "vanilla" TFC is either crafted by interacting with it in the world (like scraping hides in TFC1), through minigames (like the anvil in TFC1), or by using a specific crafting interface (like is being discussed in the Crafting Table 2.0 thread and is already used in TFC1 for alcohol, limewater, and such)?


  9. I was thinking about having an actual rat spawn in and eat your grain if it is not elevated.  The concern with that is the possibility of exploiting it for rat farming... but thinking about it some more, if you have enough grain to waste as rat bait that might actually be a viable way to do it.

    Assuming the granary is a multiblock structure that must be built in a certain way, it could perhaps check that there are no blocks touching it (including tangentially at the corners - so no permanent "staircase" blocks) other than support beams on the bottom to be considered "elevated."  If it is not elevated (and the granary contains at least one grain item), there could be a random chance to spawn a rat inside the granary every so many ticks.

    You could also remove the ability to store refined grain in chests.  That leaves you with either storing your grain in:

    • clay vessels (not a scalable storage solution, but perfectly adequate for the Stone Age or as local storage in your kitchen)
    • wooden barrels (though larger, provide no decay modifier)
    • a granary (scalable, long-term storage, but vermin must be managed)

  10. For me, limiting a granary to a single type (of threshed grain) is the most *believable*.  Since this suggestion has the entire thing made of common materials, building a separate granary for each grain type should be trivial.  The question I have is: should it be walk-in-able (similar to the Cellars mod) or should it not (similar to the bloomery).

    Just got an idea!  My googling has informed me that granaries are often built raised off of the ground to keep rats and other vermin out.  Is that something that could be brought into the game?


  11. Mods are  fun.

    Honestly not trying to promote myself here, but I made a mod for TFC specifically to address temperature and rainfall information, which was all I was really using F3 for anyway.  That being said, most of the thresholds for my mod are based on what I pulled from the wiki about animal spawning instead of plant growth (which is why it ignores EVT).

    Also, I've never used MineTweaker, but I know that you can make custom recipes with it, so... I could imagine maybe creating a recipe for the Antique Atlas (from the Antique Atlas mod) using burlap instead of paper?

    Personally, I just use Journey Map and literally turn everything off except for the big map.


  12. On 4/26/2016 at 8:03 AM, TonyLiberatto said:

    One of the points is that we should only be able to make vinegar from wine and never from vodka.

    So... literally all you need to make vinegar is alcohol and a colony of acetobacter.  You actually can make it from vodka.  And beer, for that matter (see malt vinegar).  Without proper sanitation, acetobacter infections are not uncommon in homebrewing.

    I like the idea of distinguishing between distilled spirits (a lot of real world stills are made out of copper!) and brewed alcohol.  And everyone knows that beer is one of the most nutritious beverages known to man.


  13. Opinions may differ on this, but I actually enjoy the 1.9 combat.  There's a natural ebb and flow to it that is just more satisfying than wildly clicking.  You have to take the time to aim so that a missed swing doesn't leave you open to counterattack.  You develop a natural rhythm of attack - block - attack.

    Unfortunately, the whole thing falls apart if you don't have a shield.  You're left backed into a corner desperately hoping that you can survive long enough to make another strike.

    I assume that TFC2 will have a corresponding shield for each metal armor set.  I just wanted to suggest pushing shield progression all the way down to the stone age.  Wicker shields and wooden shields are a thing, after all.


  14. Sorry, I haven't been checking these forums at all.  Also a bit of a GitHub noob.


    So if anyone wants to make changes to this mod so it works again, let me know how I can help to make that happen.


    -- EDIT --

    I don't even remember what I was planning on doing with that applyTemperature() and applyTemperatureFromHeatSources() stuff (which came out of the Core TFC code anyway).  Maybe I was planning on displaying body temperature as well...?  Regardless, somebody mentioned that a change in the name of the TFC lava block broke this mod, but that whole section can be deleted since I am not actually using that code for anything.


    -- DOUBLE EDIT --

    Fixed it, tested on TerraFirmaCraft-



  15. Thanks, Djakuta.  Since I'm new to TFC I've been trying to read through a lot of old posts on the forum and I have read your Make Stone Age Longer thread.


    I thought it had some really good ideas, especially on making straw more useful.  However, I pretty strongly disagree with adding any artificial limits on game progression; if you have the materials you should be able to progress as fast or as slow as you like.  The devs spend a lot of time trying to balance that stuff, and unless I find something I think feels broken, I would rather not mess with it arbitrarily.


    The mod I am creating comes from the viewpoint that you shouldn't have to scrap a world just because you spawn in an area with no clay.  Clay is very useful, and I don't mind it being required for primitive ore smelting, but TFC as it stands right now does not have any pre-metal gameplay that's worth anything if you don't have access to clay.  And even with clay, before you start making metal tools, there's still not enough content in the stone age to make staying in it worthwhile.


    More than that, there's a lot of stone-age technology that's still around here in the 21st century because it just works.  Straw hats and basket weaving are pretty ubiquitous throughout the world.  Dugout canoes have not changed in pretty much forever.  Sledges have mostly been replaced by wheeled carts, but there are still people who rely on them, especially in places where it snows enough that they are actually more mobile than anything on wheels could be.


  16. Every time I have to hit F3 to check the temperature, I feel like I am pulling a digital thermometer out of thin air.

    So I made this mod to display the ambient temperature and rainlevel in a line of text at the top left-hand side of the screen.

    The text is written without any numbers, so you might get something like:

    "The air feels cold and dry"
    "The air feels nice"

    Downoad here

    I am totally cool with anyone doing anything at all they want with this mod.  Reuse the code (though honestly there's not much there), throw it in a modpack, whatever.


  17. Thanks for such a quick response!


    I already am registering my block, though.  Am I doing it wrong?

    @Mod(modid = SACrafting.MODID, version = SACrafting.VERSION)public class SACrafting {    public static final String MODID = "sacrafting";    public static final String VERSION = "0.1";    public static Block chippedLog;        SACraftingEventHandler events = new SACraftingEventHandler();        @EventHandler    public void preinit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)    {    	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(events);    	    	chippedLog = new BlockChippedLog();    	    	GameRegistry.registerBlock(chippedLog, "chippedLog");    }}

  18. I am working on a mod to add more content to the Stone Age, with the stated goal of making all crafting as manual as possible to try to make it really feel like you're building this stuff by hand (plus there's not much you can do with a 2x2 crafting grid).  And hopefully some of this could remain useful throughout the rest of the game, as well.


    The first part of this project is adding in a way to make a canoe through the following process:

    • Place three logs down end-to-end
    • Right-click each log with an axe to strip the bark off (which replaces each log with a "chipped log" block)
    • Place a layer of charcoal on the top of each log (this will form the three logs and connected charcoal into a single multiblock structure)
    • Light the charcoal (actually the multiblock structure) with a firestarter
    • Once the fire burns out, I'm thinking 8 hours later, you have a canoe
    • Once you put the canoe in water, you can't make move it forward or backward unless you have a paddle in your hand (in your actual hand, not just in your hotbar)
    • During heavy rain/thunderstorms, you will have some chance that your canoe will capsize every so many seconds, maybe a 25% chance every 5 seconds

    Unfortunately, making everything a manual process makes the mod quite a bit more complicated and I still have a lot to learn about how TerraFirmaCraft works under the hood.  The upshot of this is that I am stuck about halfway through step 2.



    I have a chipped log block that I can place down by hand just fine.

    I have an event handler that checks when the player right clicks with an axe on a horizontal log.

    My event handler uses setBlock to replace the horizontal log with a chipped log.


    But that's not what happens.  Every time you click a horizontal log with an axe, it gets replaced by a Quartzite Cobblestone Wall.


    If I change my code to replace it with a TFCBlock (thatch, for example) instead of my new block, it works perfectly.  And like I said above, I can still place my new block down by hand all day long.


    I'm sure I am missing something important to make this work, but I just can't figure it out.  Can anybody help?




    My block code:

    public class BlockChippedLog extends BlockLog{	public BlockChippedLog()	{		super();		setBlockName(SACrafting.MODID + "_" + "chippedLog");		setHarvestLevel("axe",0);		setHardness(0.5F);		setStepSound(Block.soundTypeWood);		setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock);	}		@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	protected IIcon[] icons;	@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	@Override	public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister par1IconRegister)	{		this.icons = new IIcon[2];		this.icons[0] = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("terrafirmacraft:wood/trees/Oak Log Top");		this.icons[1] = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("terrafirmacraft:wood/WoodSheet/Oak");	}	@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	@Override	public IIcon getSideIcon(int metaD)	{		return this.icons[1];	}		@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	@Override	public IIcon getTopIcon(int metaD)	{		return this.icons[0];	}}

    My event handler

    public class SACraftingEventHandler {	@SubscribeEvent	public void UseAxe(PlayerInteractEvent event)	{		if (! && event.action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem() != null)			{			if (event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem() instanceof ItemAxe &&, event.y, event.z) instanceof BlockLogHoriz)			{			Block oldBlock =, event.y, event.z);			Block chippedLog = new BlockChippedLog();, event.y, event.z, chippedLog);			}		}	}}