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Looks like MobProperties is configured with a reference toTerraMisc, but you do not haveTerraMisc installed. I would say either installTerraMisc or remove the tfcm:item.Chain_Square_Bronze entry frompigZombieTFC.json.
I've got a copy from 2016 for anyone still on the hunt for this:
- 167 replies
- texture pack
- 32px
(and 1 more)
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Mechanics that can be sourced from other mods
Konlii replied to ShneekeyTheLost's topic in Discussion
I know a lot of effort was put into tree schematics, but...Dynamic Treesis a wonderful mod that grows trees/forests dynamically instead of just popping into existence. As a bonus, it already has a ton of compatibility for other mods built in. -
Making this thread here so that we don't fill up the pre-release thread with stuff that doesn't directly concern pre-release testing. Since Bioxx hasdecided not to reinvent the wheel, it seems that some of the things that were once core to TFC are going to be handled by companion mods instead. The biggest example we have in pre-alpha right now is the use of Pam's HarvestCraft for crops. Some of these (like HarvestCraft) are probably going to end up on some kind ofofficial list from the devs and have special compatibility written directly into TFC2. Others (like Chisels and Bits) will provide functionality that Bioxx has decided explicitly to not include in TFC2 and I assume will end up on some kind of unofficial list that floats around this forum. This thread is a fledgling attempt to start building those lists. So far in the pre-alpha, these are the ones I am running and would consider companion mods to TFC2: CraftTweaker/MineTweaker RecipeMaker (though there's not enough content to actually need any cross-mod recipes yet) Pam's HarvestCraft (obviously) Simulated Nights (simulates the passage of time when sleeping through the night by ticking entities and/or randomly ticking blocks proportional to the amount of time skipped) Tomb Many Graves 2 using my personal "antique" resource pack (I don't like losing everything when I die, but death waypoints and keepInventory are too cheaty)
How far from real-world animals is TFC2 going to go? Will it have beasts from mythology, like trolls or unicorns? Beasts from folklore, like jackalopes orDwayyo? Not all mythical creatures would match the flavor of TFC, but some would fit right in. For example, we have here the innocent-looking Drop Bear. It would spawn only on natural log blocks and hang out inleaf blocks when not aggro'd. Obviously, its preferred method of attack is to drop onto the player's head and gnaw their face off. DropBear.MCModel
What is this? An addon for TFC2 already?! Well, technically it's an addon for Pam's HarvestCraft, but I only ever use HarvestCraft with TFC2, so there you go. Overview This mod adds angry bees toPam's HarvestCraft,as well asa beekeeping suit complete with gloves. Breaking beehives will release a swarm of angry bees on anyone nearby. Equipping every piece of the beekeeping suit will protect you from their stings. Leather boots and hardened leather boots will also work with the beekeeping suit, but if you even take off a single glove you are exposing yourself to the wrath of the bees. Opening any container that holds a queen bee also has a chance of releasing a small swarm of angry bees. Thankfully, you can safely store a queen bee by keeping it in a glass bottle. The only way to get rid of a swarm of angry bees is to jump in the nearest lake. Otherwise, you will have to wait until they lose interest in you. Crafting A bee in a bottle can be crafted simply by putting a queen bee and an empty glass bottle together. Beekeeping gloves are crafted from leather and woven cotton. All other pieces of the beekeeping suit are crafted from wool in the standard armor shapes with the addition of woven cotton. angrybees.cfg Download Source
MCModelCreatorv1.06 has crashed on me multiple times. It always happens when I have the TEX pane up and I am setting UV values by click-dragging the numbers. I don't know why it decides to crash that one time, but not the hundred other times I did the exact same thing since it feels like it waits for me to getalmostdone setting up my texture mapping before crapping out. If you need the error.log or crash.dmp files, let me know where to send them. They look like they collect a lot of info about my PC, so I don't want to post them publicly.
I've had this problem, too. It seems like something in world generation, or perhaps the sudden appearance of gravity-affected blocks (like all of the sand in the nearby ocean),is chewing up cycles and lagging item drops hardcore so I end up sitting on the beach twiddling my thumbs for a while before things start happening. Dropping my render distance seems to help, though.
I've messed around a bit in 1.12 and I don't know if I'm just not used to it yet, but I'm not sold on the vanilla recipe bookeither. I ended up installing JEIanywayfor recipe lookups. Idolike thejson-based recipes they introduced, though. TheRecipe Manipulatormod exposes that to the user, but I would be surprised if that functionality doesn't find its way into Forge itself somewhere down the line. I would love to see TFC crafting interfaces using json recipes, either way.
Since Bioxx's original thread on encumbrance hasn't had any new posts since last year, I'm going to put this suggestion into a new thread specifically aboutwalking away from the idea of assigning items individual weight values and movingback to a tiered weight system. Internally, each tier is worth a number of Encumbrance Points, but instead of showing the user raw numbers they are shown a gauge and/or percentage of their total encumbrance based on what they currently have in their inventory. In my examples, I am going to assume that a player can hold a number of items worth 1152 Encumbrance points before becoming encumbered. This is only my initial stab at this idea, so obviouslyit can be tweaked, tiers can be changed, and items can be rearranged, but I'm thinking something like the following: Tier 1 - Featherweight Examples: feathers, straw Encumbrance Points: 1 (64 unstackable) Max carried: 2 inventory rows (18 stacks of 64) -1152 items (18 unstackable items) Tier 2 - Lightweight Examples: "snack" foods, thatch, leather chest armor (unstackable) Encumbrance Points: 2 (128 unstackable) Max carried: 1inventory row(9 stacks of 64) -576items (9 unstackable items) Tier 3 - Mediumweight Examples: "full meal" foods, wood blocks, empty barrels (unstackable), chain chest armor (unstackable) Encumbrance Points: 6 (192 unstackable) Max carried: 6 stacks of 32- 192 items (6 unstackable items) Tier 4 - Heavyweight Examples: stone blocks, full plate chest armor (unstackable) Encumbrance Points: 12 (384 unstackable) Max carried: 3 stacks of 32 - 96 items (3 unstackable items) Tier 5 - Burdensome Example: anvils (unstackable) Encumbrance Points: 1152 Max carried: 1 item (burdensome and above are always unstackable) Tier 6 - Immobilizing Example: bloomery blocks (unstackable) Encumbrance Points: 2000 Max carried: 0 items - max encumbrance, player is immobilized EDIT: Yes, you read that correctly. In this example, wearing plate chest armor eats up a third of your unencumbered carrying capacity. This is by design, as you shouldn't expect to be able to carry much more than your weapon itself when fully equipped in plate armor. Perhaps there could be a weight-modifying spell you could enchant it with, though...?
- Here's a very interesting video of three guys outfitted as an armored knight, a modern infantryman, and a present-day firefighter each running an obstacle course with and without their full kit. I would say the infantryman is basically light armor plus heavy chest (ballistic vest) and full inventory (rucksack), the firefighter is medium-heavy armor plus partially filled inventory, and the knight is heavy armor with completely empty inventory.
I think if you make that change, barrels should still be useful for long-range transport by loading them onto carts.
Thanks, I kind of just threw that image together off the top of my head. I'm worried that the way I set it up there relies too much on leather, though. I feel like there should be more variety in containers.
Just for fun, I made a mockup of what that might look like. Obviously, there are about a dozen other ways you could go with it.
My original idea (and why my system treats unstackables the way it does) was to combine weight and size into the single element of encumbrance. The way I look at it, stack size is how Minecraft alreadyrepresents the size of the item. Larger items have smaller stack sizes. Of course, there are exceptions like potions (as Darmo pointed out) and any small items that take damage. I am actually cool with a certain amount of illogical container-holding for gameplay purposes as long as there is consistency to it. I'm going to have to disagree with you that the container doesn't care about weight, though. You can stuff a pillowcase full of feathers no problem, but try the same thingwith bowling balls and the pillowcase is going to rip apart at the seams. Get rid of the inventory altogether? Uh... no thanks. That's going to be a hard sell however you try to do it. Personally, I don't foresee minecartseverbeing useful for actual mining unless the resources required for them are dramatically reduced. Or if we can make minecarts/rails out of wood. But that's a different discussion. I can geton board with this. I went with weight tiers instead of pure encumbrance tiers just because I thought it would be more intuitive for players. I'm trying to get my head around your hotbar suggestion. Basically, the entire concept of encumbrance is thrown out the window and instead you are classing items based on what part of the player inventory they can be put into? That has a lot of potential. I only have limited experience modding inventories, but there's noreasoncoding-wise that the player's inventory has to be a single undifferentiated block of items. Internally, I think all Minecraft really cares about is Slot ID and in your GUI configuration you tell the game where each Slot ID exists on screen. So I think it is doable to code it suchthat specific ranges of Slot IDs cannot hold certain items, then you would need to change the inventory GUI texture so that each "section" of slots is visually distinct. Hell, you could evenincreasethe total number of slots available to minimize the number of general purpose slots eliminated due to conversion to specialized slots.
I made a pull request on github that implements Forge BiomeDictionary biome types. Without that, Forge was setting all the TFC2 biomes to the PLAINS type. The Paths dimension still needs its own biome, though. Like how vanilla has a "hell" biome just for the nether.
The main goal of this system is to add a layer of abstraction between the raw numbers and the player. Unless we are all carrying a triple beam balance around in our pockets, how do we know the precise mass of everything in the world? Secondly, on the dev side, it stops devs from wasting time trying to answer the useless question of "how much does this item weigh?" and gets them to ask the real question of "how much encumbrance does this item give to the player?" since it is split up by Encumbrance Pointsinternally. The main disadvantage I think is simply that it is a new system and is pretty much guaranteed to need some rebalancing and testing before it really starts to work smoothly. Absolutely, carts should be able to carry items that would otherwise immobilize the player and if more weight classes make that function better, I'm all for it. In fact, I'm thinking maybe the jump between Medium and Heavy is a bit much in my example and we might be able to slide another one in between those two or make Heavy less restrictive and add something else higher than that. And yes, the way I'm trying to balance this, a player wearing a full Heavy armor kit should be right at (if not slightly over) their unmodified encumbrance threshold. I am envisioning a significant buffer between the threshold at which encumbrance starts causing penalties and the max encumbrance level at which the player is immobilized. Want to keep your mobility in heavy armor? Get on your mount, of course, or drink a swiftnesspotion (or TFC equivalent spell/charm/rune/blood sacrifice/whatever). Otherwise, you can expect more agile enemies to dance justout of your reach. Also, maybe if you eat your greens and push your max health up you can increase how much you can carry, as was discussed in the other thread. Or we could use this to incentivize the use of pouches, sheathes, and other encumbrance-reducing accoutrements. Also yes, I expect anyone looting a dungeon to bring at least a wheelbarrow along with them. That's only common sense. Plus, Medium probably sounds about right for most loot items, and (though I haven't done the math) I think even if your armor kit brings you right to your encumbrance threshold you should still be able to hold well over 100 (stackable) Medium items before you hit your max encumbrance level.
The changelog says "Willows are now only allowed to be swamp trees" in 0.2.0, but I've got a deciduous forest full of them. And since willows are natural mob spawners, it is a forest of death. World Seed: [8237175597278424075] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1233, y=64, z=-6904}] EDIT: We also have here the majestic tree-elk, which appears to be building a nest with its mate at the top of one of the willows. World Seed: [8237175597278424075] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1897, y=114, z=-6597}]
Last I heard, real-world weight measurements are probably going to avoided and things are going to be a bit more abstract/relative. I think it might be more useful to simply say that a particular weapon weighs X number of ingots worth of it's base metal, then everything scales automatically depending on what Bioxx sets an ingot to weigh. Edit: This would make intuitive sense for the player, as well, since they would expect a finished item to weigh roughly the same as the materials that went into it.
On the subject of trees: I still like the "better" leaves (especially since each tree type has its own leaf shape), but having them at exact 45 degree angles means that there is constant z-fighting on corner-adjacent leaf blocks. Also found a spot where two rivers meet, but the new wider river they form is one block higher than they are. World Seed: [2756979600781297601] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1453, y=79, z=-6404}]
What do you think about shark implementation, and my own shark model?
Konlii replied to Darmilian's topic in Suggestions
With laser beams strapped to their heads? Honestly, you would be better served with a bear in a pit. How do you plan to transport a live shark?- 13 replies
What do you think about shark implementation, and my own shark model?
Konlii replied to Darmilian's topic in Suggestions
Personally, I quite like the v2 shark, and I think out of all of the sharks you could have picked, theblacktip reef shark is probably one ofthe best ones. Tropical-only, small, "timid and skittish" (non-aggressive),and preferingshallow, inshore waters (not deep ocean).- 13 replies
Yes, that's what I said. Cotton is definitely a "snack" in vanilla HarvestCraft. The strange part is that TFC2 isn't adding anydecay to it. I was thinking that might have been on purpose and there were plans to remove the edibility of cotton?
I think this has been mentioned before, but cotton is (for some reason) edible in base HarvestCraft. I notice that TFC2 doesn't add decay values to cotton, so I assume that TFC2 does not expect it to be edible? However, I can still eat it in 0.1.11.
I don't know if it's the eye to head height ratio or the set to its jaw, but that looks like one angry deer. Maybe also the screenshot angle. It doesn't look so severe at other angles.