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As far as I read in the Magic (link bellow)thread the consensus seems to be the idea of having to research for spells and magic techniques, but I haven't read any pro and con of each system (research and innate knowledge). If magic is still on the table, what is the consensus from the developers about how we get it? Is it too soon to ask this? From my point of view, I see that the Innate knowledge is better than the research one, mainly because I feel that it is usually used to extend gameplay where is not needed. It is like wanting to research metallurgy before you start working with metals in TFC1. It makes that the progression stagnate and the actual usefulness of magic is diminished. For an example in the offensive side of magic, Thaumcraft, if my memory serves me right, you can start using "magic" as soon as you reach iron, but you can start to shoot fire after you reach and "beat" the Nether... where everything is immune to fire... where Ice magic would be an asset in dealing with the Nether (and you get Ice magic after you get fire, so). It feels like magic in Thaumcraft is a reward from defeating X objective instead of a tool to defeat X. Don't get me wrong, I like Thaumcraft, it is an amazing mod, but not a useful mod. Not after a lot of time and research (golems, for example). In this regard, and with the island progression theme in TFC2, I would rather have magic from Island 1 that would help me in defeating Island 2 than as a reward that would hadbeen useful to defeat Island 1 but kind of pointless in Island 2. Therefore, I think that Innate magic knowledge would be better for TFC2, or at most, a fast research system to encourage** the research of magic before dealing with the next Island/problem. What do you think? ** A system that encourage the use of it: As an example of a system that does not encourage the use of it would be World of Warcraft professions. At the moment, WoW has a professions system where you are encourage to train after you reach max level, ratherthan while you are leveling up. This is due the fact that in WoW, leveling is too fast for the profession to be useful at every level. In the similar fashion, thaumcraft magic system seems more like WoW profession, in which the progress is too fast for the research to be on par with it. As an example of encouragement, if thaumcraft had ice/water bases magic before reaching the Nether, it would encourage the research of Ice magic because, well, it would be useful.
- 16 replies
ADMIN EDIT: The official discord is here: Helloyou, what's up? I started playing TFC about 2years ago, it's one of my favorites mods. I was reading the TFC2 session and then thought, why not make a TFC discord server? Here you can talk about TFC, ask questions about TFC2, and talk. I created this server today, so, it's not the best. But i hope you guys like it.
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- tfc2
- terrafirmacraft
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Why did you create the portals that allow you to navigate with some fantastic measurements at large distances, that would not overcome the problem with water travel? Add multiple ships(something like what was in Archimedes' Ships), which will need a lot of resources and for travel between the Islands the player will have for a long time to stock up on food and drinking water, also overcoming other difficulties. If you need to reduce the aimless journey, add instead of portals card, which will indicate the location of the Islands.
When is release date?
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- best mod for minecraft!
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Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you a question that has been in my mind for the last day. Right now TFC 2 is dependant on Pam's Harvestcraft for its food items; without it, the player will starve. Is this a permanent choice, or is it only a temporary mean of getting food? In other words, will TFC 2 implement food items in the future or will it rely on other mods for that?
Now, when you start knapping, you get a "perfectly square" stone - from the knapping UI view. But what if some of the side bits were already randomly knapped, rendering 30-50% of stones unusable? Unusable for the recipe you wanted - but maybe worth making a knife from it. And also, knapping should deplete hunger bar -I tried knapping once IRL, and it depleted mine pretty fast. And, you know, the shift-knapping is very convenient... butthat's not how the it works. P.S.: I watched this video: What I understood - in the stone age you have to findyourself a worthy stone to make a hachet from.
Being well aware that the game is not finished or nearly set up for survival, there are still those who will undoubtedly try, myself being one of them. So to all of you out there who have given this a go, what are your strategies? Personally, I eat mostly rotten flesh and any garden contents I come across, following rivers as long as I can.
Well, here it is. Textures and model: blacktip reef shark V2.MCModel
What do you think about this pretty dude?, i don't know if i should add slopes to the shell. Textures and model: Snapping Turtel V1.MCModel
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- snapping turtle
- tfc2
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What do you think about shark implementation, and my own shark model?
Darmilian posted a topic in Suggestions
Hello, everybody. I've read about mob implementations in TFC2. What do you think about includingdiferent types of sharks for havingmore dangerous oceans?. In minecraft vanilla, deep ocean biomes are boring, excluding sea temples. I know that water mobs are a little derp when they arein small lakes and beaches, butmobs like elder guardiansin deep oceans,have great movements. Sharks can be enemies that attack you usually, when you go to deep in ocean, or could destroy your boat. According to the biome could spawn diferent shark species. I've done a blacktip reef shark according to real size ,and MC creatorforum rules' The model use 0.xwidth for the fins and eyes, butthere's no textures isues, because the boxes use the samecolour in a uniform way. I'vedecided not to add theeth because, the model size it's toosmall. Here isthe model andtexture:blacktip reef shark .MCModel, Please, give me your opinion, and tell me if you want to see more shark models.- 13 replies
- sharks
- evironment
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The purpose of this thread is to keep an updated log of topics covered in the suggestion pages, to help people find topics, andhelp keep information together. There is already one by Kittychanley but it hasn't been updated in some time. To find something, go to the category and expand the spoiler. The categories will be in alphabetical order and some may have sub categories. Some topics may find themselves under more than one category which is fine while others may not be included due to it falling under another topic. Topics will be evaluated by content on first page. It can be hard to know if your idea is close enough to a topic to be added to that idea. When indoubt skim closely related topics to see if it would fit in with the flow and then decide. If it fits into multiple categories your idea may need refining. A new topic should have no less than around 200 words. If you can explain it in less than there's probably already a topic it could fall under. If you can't find your topic using this directory then do a search by going to the suggestions directory, navigate to the top right of the page and select "This Forum".As always thank you for being polite and follow the rules outlined in this forum. Aesthetics(mostly), light, and sounds Crafting, Carpentry/Wood Working, wood and earthen building materials,and Glass Containers, weight, size,inventory, and transportation Magic, chemistry, gems, and Supernatural Mechanical, electrical, and steam power Pain, injury,illness, and fatigue Plants,bees, food/water, and Mobs Player skills, stats,professions, and progression Smithing,metals, mining, ore's and ore generation,processing, tools, weapons and armor Temperature mechanics Water management World Generation, weather, and NPCs Miscellaneousstuffthat doesn't fit in the other categories or really low interest
I'm wondering if an API will be made for this mod, as I, Elucent, and a few other mod creators have been following this mod for years and are interested in developing addons for it that fit the theme in our minds.
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- development
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Hi all, here's a short* Longlist of ideas based around desert survival i wanted to share for tfc2. Yeah anyway, short disclaimer just below. Deserts have always been blan and boring. The idea here is to make deserts a functional part of tfc2 unlike in tfc1. Not only making them a real obstacle but also making desert survival a real possibility. [Wells] Alternative source for gathering water. Suggested uses, an alternative source to gather water besides collecting rain water or if you aren't near a water source. Effects, similar to a quern. The well is placeable but once placed unmovable with out destroying it. Using the well will result in a waiting animation before the water is shown in GUI. Item Details, Circular in shape. Two blocks high, the base being cobbled bricks and the second half being the bucket and wooden pools to left and right holding it in place. With a visible black hole in the center of the well. [Recipe -Well-] [Dowsing Rod] Used to locate an underground water source. Suggested uses, an early age tool used for searching potential water sources. Limited to certain lengths *Chunks/Meters/Blocks* Like 40-60 blocks down or a couple chunks down. *Potential future uses, locating gems/oil, this part i only mention because the wiki mentions it, so yeah =/. I Can't say it will work or is even feasible in a practical sense* [Turban] Protection from the heat Suggested uses, used while in the desert. Wearing any metal armor will effect the turbans usability [Recipe -Turban-] [Landscapes/Biomes] Desert: A generic variation of desert. Containing a bit of everything, Hilly outcroppings of sedimentary stone with scattered tree life/bush life. Extreme Desert: A mostly barren desert with large sand dunes and small outcroppings of sedimentary stone. Shrub Desert: A generic variation of desert. Containing abundant shrub life/cactus life with plentiful small and varied tree life. Mountainous Desert A mountainous desert similar to the American South West Grand Canyon. With variations of similar mountainous terrain found in deserts around the world. Medium shrub life, medium tree life with a low chance of possible rivers. [Weather/Climate] Windy: Deserts/Extreme Deserts Sand Storm: Deserts/Extreme Deserts Dry Storm: Deserts/Extreme Deserts/Shrub Deserts/Mountainous Deserts Flash Storms: Shrub Deserts/Mountainous Deserts [Effects] Including but not limited to. General Moods like feeling good or bad. Buffs/Debuffs and Weather/Climates. [Moods/Satisfaction Meter/Effects] [Animal Life] Desert Edition] Coyote: A source of food and fur Wolf: A source of food and fur *Wolf Rework, including other varieties like brown/gray. That are larger in size and more threatening. Jack Rabbit: A source of food and fur Quill: A source of food and materials Roadrunner: A source of food and materials Owl: A source of food and materials Snake: A source of food *Poisonous* [Food Stuffs] Desert Edition Prickly Pear Cactus: An eatable cacti Agave: Harvesable and fiberus cacti Honey: Harvesable from bee hives found in deadfall or trees. Seasonal all year long unless already harvested. Refresh[Unknown] Pinyon Pine Nuts: A nut grown from a pinyon pine tree.Harvestable while in season. [Tree Life] Desert Edition Mahogany: Pinyon Pine : [Items] Plant Fiber: Collectable from certain plants. Uses, making rope or string. Fur: Skinable furs from animals. Used in crafting fur armor for protection from cold weather.
Made this a couple days ago, but didn't have internet. Remembered it again today, so here we go. The teeth are currently made of boxes, but if it is deemed necessary I will make them into planes. I am pretty happy with the shape of the body of well, but of course I am always open to critique and suggestions. Crocodile.MCModel
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- big lizard
- crocodile
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I realize TFC2 is a from-the-ground-up reworking of TFC1 and that many mechanics will not carry over from 1.0 to 2.0. However, I assume you're still going to make ore veins relatively large but scattered sparsely. As such, I am simply writing to say that I enjoy the prospecting mechanic and hope it will carry over into the new version more or less as it is now. : )
Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. Let me preface this by saying KEEP THE IRL RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION TO A ZERO. I remember how quickly the last religious thread turned into a crapshoot over psuedo-intellectual bs. Okay, so I'm super glad to hear that there's going to be a little more wiggle room for the fantastical in TFC2. So my proposal is a very basic animistic style of religion. I'm not sure if I fully understand the new hexagonal worldgen, but perhaps if multiple hexagons happen to be, say, predominantly forested, perhaps in the middle there would be a special tree, or statue possessed by a god. Now again, these gods have nothing to do with real life religion, and are more like the old gods from GoT. The gods are merely primeval protectors or spirits of their territory. Now, TFC could scan how much of a good, wheat perhaps, you have in all of your possession (including inventory, vessels, chests, or any other container that's in TFC2) and if you brought a large percentage, maybe a minimum of 25 or 33%, of that good and sacrificed it to this statue/tree/monolith and you'd get a buff in return. Hopefully, these rewards would be balanced and proportionate: give half of your harvest and your soil is depleted half as quickly, or your crops can survive in wintertime. I'm not talking "give a little and gain a lot", I'm talking "give a lot and gain a little". Perhaps there would be different castes/classes of god that had jurisdiction over different types of livestock/crop. Perhaps also the sacrifices have to be performed by the winter or summer solstices. Gods that offered greater benefits, but greater sacrifices, reside on islands further away. That would make for a cool adventure, trekking over dozens of islands trying to make a specific due date on time. It would be even cooler with the implementation of a punishment system. See, these gods are fickle, and offending them or forgetting to sacrifice to them on time can lead to some nasty effects. If you had already entered into a covenant with a god, and didn't give the god the amount it required, the opposite effect could occur, i.e. crops consume twice as many nutrients, or your crops start to die of cold in the peak of summer. Or, say you started harvesting wood too close to a god's sacred grove, and it summons a small army of forest sprites to attack you. This is just an idea I've been thinking about for a while, and I don't think that would offend the sensibilities of any players, or be too sensitive of a subject for a developer to deal with. Thanks for reading, and feel free to add input!
So I have been playing TFC for quite some time now and was thinking about features to be added in the new TFC2, since I always liked the mining industry irl (find it interesting) and mining in theoldTFC, suggesting something based on mining is not ilogical imo. So since I like mining and I heard that there will be some majorbiome updates (have seen some of the dev screenshots from bioxx and they look amazing already) I was thinking of combining the two. My Idea comes down to this: In TFC2 there may be bigger mountain biomes that are home to more ores. The idea of stone based ore generation always attracted me and I assume this will be the same in TFC2 (correct me if im wrong) and since in real life mountains are most of the time home to more ores and more complex veins i thought this was a good idea. To be clear: Bigger mountain biomes, not biomes with giant mountains like the craig from BOP just a hilly like biome with rivers and stream and pine trees, what big about it? not as big as an ocean but bigger then your average biome, why? Well if more ores can spawn there closer to the surface and in bigger quanteties this may attrect players to venture in to the dangerous mountain areas you most of the time avoid. not quarry like mines because well these are mountains, but hardrock mine deep into the mountain rock, Mines that may house a copper vein so big (horizontally please) you may even find traces of lets say bismuth! an mining dream. Because these are mountains a good road may be contructed to make it more easy to transport the ores by donkey or by foot. if someone wants to go mad even a railroad may be contructed to haul the massive amounts of ore out of this hilly area to a more flat place where they are processed. Mining towns on servers between to big mountains may become a thing and this willcompletelychange the way you live, the village has to be contructed in a way it makes sence, a road system will be forced to go trough valleys and over rivers because you can just go anywhere. Inspiration: ATG mountain biomes seem perfect for the biomes, just bigger (not taller mountains) biomes and not just ridges. If anyone has any questions regarding this idea please ask in the comments, English is not my native language and I may not have made everything clear.
Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. I looked through a couple of pages in this suggestion list and didn't really find anything like this (plus if I did, this doesn't just copy it, I had completely different thoughts about it) so here is my list of things that I think should be in TFC2 -Cavemen: the mobs in minecraft are dumb to me really, I think they aren't realistic or believable so instead of having zombies, skeletons, creepers, etc; we should have randomly spawned hostile cavemen tribes that come out at night and spawn in abandoned villages *also on this page* and also have friendly cavemen that you can use to have different abilities like hunters, farmers, fishermen, shaman, etc;-Villages: in normal minecraft there's plenty of random things that spawn around but none in TFC like villages or abandoned mineshafts, but I think 1 you should be able to find hostile ones that aggressive cavemen tribes spawn around and friendly ones that you can claim. The way friendly cavemen would work is they spawn in the wild occasionally and if you find one you can trade it something to get him/her into your tribe. I also think you should be able to build houses in it similar to how that very old mod that let you have your own kingdom (I forgot the name, I think that mod was even before Forge came out)-Mobs Spawning: I hated in TFC1 that mobs were unable to respawn and wild wolves would kill them and you had to go miles from your house to find an animal and it was really hard and boring, since you had no way of protecting them in early game. I think you should let them respawn and be common enough to find with ease because in reality they wouldn't be SUPER rare, especially when tribes didn't breed them until thousands of years later... maybe you could have a system so that the game checks the chunks around you for mobs and if 2 of that animal are left then it can spawn more until... a max number? That way it doesn't lag out your game with mobs and it still lets you find them somewhat easily.-Ages & Abilities per age: It seemed in TFC 1 that you had a stone age but after that there was just metal and nothing came after that. I think you should have a system like a classic empire game where in the stone age you can have a tribe with up to 20 people and need like a hut for 4 people and then once you start planting and domesticating animals and get your very first metal tools (neolithic age) you can have basic farms and ways to breed animals but all the animals still look wild (bulls, not cows, bores, not pigs, etc;) and you still have cavemen and stuff but then you can move to the bronze and so forth and your livestock and people evolve (I'm no historian but you would have things where it would look Greek at some point and other cultures and there would be an Iron age and Ice age and so on...) and then you can have cities and tons of people and it grows and grows. Maybe eventually there can be guns and more advanced recipes and better medicine and armor and tools so that it still feels like there's something to do instead of TFC 1: Mine mine mine hammer hammer hammer build build build farm farm farm etc;-Building: in the early game of the original you didn't get to build anything except a whole in the ground and have a hobbit house but I think you should be able to have like stick buildings and evolve your materials as you go like sticks (paleolithic), stone & stick (neolithic), marble (Greek), stone brick (Roman), wooden & stone brick & metal & plaster (medieval)...bla bla bla... eventually modern. Also instead of hand building everything (yes I know that's Minecraft, but it gets old and its pointless) and just being able to look at it but it has no real use, you would have builders in your tribe/town/city/empire that build it and it looks good for you and looks cool and is "used" be the people in your settlement.-Servers: I know that empires sound a little overkill for single player (which it is...) but multiplayer servers (probably an official server considering Flans mod failed at letting users make servers) could have an awesome towny that forms a big empire like WOK modded servers and factions to have a Hurt-World/Arc feel where you have to evolve as fast as possible to kill people. And even cool mini-games and stuff like collecting food challenges and hunger games. I think this would add a whole new aspect to playing this mod so that its more entertaining and more people will use it.-HQM Mod & NEI Mod: Hardcore Questing Mod was made by the people at Feed The Beast that lets you track your progression and goals in-game. I think it would be very good for this because it works like Achievements and you open it to see how far you are and what you need to do next, which would've been great in the first game because you can actually play the game instead of read the wiki, but in this redo I think it is completely necessary to have some way in-game to see what you need to do. Especially if you do my idea of more defined ages, this mod will help because you can't read ahead of what you're at and it lets you put in more story line/detailed information. Also your new version should have compatibility with NEI, because people hate memorizing recipes or looking back and forth at a wiki, it doesn't feel like playing a game anymore. Pretty much every mod-pack made now uses NEI because you can see how to craft items and making a completely new system is a lot of unnecessary work.-Inventory: this is probably the least important, but I think you should remake your inventory and overburdened system. You should disable your inventory except your hot bar and make primitive bark/skin armor (the bark idea was in another article but this will show more reason to have it) that will give you more inventory space. If you do more protective armor and then armor with lots of pockets then the game will add complexity. So if you get bark early in-game then it will protect you a little bit but wearing skins will help more with heat and have more inventory space. The inventory would lock spaces when you start and unlock them when you wear armor. So naked you have only the nine hot bar slots and when you put on clothes/armor you get more and more storage.-Heat: light and heavy armor plus heat will add to the seasons/biomes so when it's winter you need wool or something but in the summer you wear light things (ex: summer you wear bear/buffalo skins but in winter you wear deerskin) which is pretty self explanitory what does what. This will add more to the armor because orriginally you had weight and no one cared really.-Killing: this might be a little graphic and all but if you think about it you don't need blood and you could just do skeletons instead of cut open animals (again that would be graphic, you just need skeletons that disapear after 5 seconds...) but if you had it so when you kill animals it drops a body on the ground (ragdoll type that disapears) and to get items from it you have to skin it by right clicking with a knife (which would drop skins & meat and turn the ragdoll to a skeleton) to get items and to get bones for other recipies you can just right click the skeleton to get bones. Then the bones could be used for tools and things but it doesn't waiste inventory space with stuff you don't want.
- 10 replies
- Villages
- Suggestions
- (and 6 more)
Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. Since weight is being deleted, I thought of something that could replace it while being easy to use and make (Probably, I'm no coder...) SIZE. In reality you wouldn't just find a bunch of rocks that are identical sizes and you would need a certain size to do what you want to do. Like to make a knife blade you won't just take a giant rock and make it into a tiny knife. And when you kill a fish (or any animal really) you would get different sized meat cuts (which you would get more big cuts the better your skill is) when you kill a bigger animal. You could also cut down something with the appropriate tool to make it smaller. Then crafting recipes would be more complex and things you find are more unique. Also if there was a small tag under the item name that described the size like: Medium Rock (Shale) it's about the size of my hand or Venison (Large)
Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. Hey, I have a simple suggestion, maybe it not looks like ones in other topic, but I hope you will like it. If possible, add as much configuration files for players as possible. I'd like to configure my world setting as many as possible. For me as a gamer that likes to slightly modify almost every game, tfc1 configuration was kind a enough and I was very happy about it. So I'm suggesting to keep it or maybe add more options in TFC2.
I have seen the twitter posts about the new dungeons, they look really cool! I'm curious about the interior. Will there be loot? What will the dungeon be made of? Mobs?
Some time ago (a lot of time ago) the cubic chunks topic popped up in the IRC if I remember correctly, and after some discussion, the outcome was that it would be really helpful with a mod such as TFC. Today I just revisited the page of cubic chunks and was wondering...does TFC2 still use the old chunk system or is it in the plans to change direction and head for something like cubic chunks? That would help I think, especially due to the terrain height and the laggy leaves. Also, when you break a block, minecraft doesn't have to re-render the entire chunk. EDIT: Also, that could increase vertical height, but that's a secondary aspect, at least for me, I never built anything that touched the sky in TFC.
Welp its been a while since we have had this thread and I think there may be something new that can be said about this finally Ancient/Ruined Villages/Buildings From what I can tell it seems that tfc2 is going to be using schematics to generate trees instead of the way its being done right now. If that's the case would it be possible to create very very rarely the ruins of some cabin in the woods or the ruins of a small settlement with about 2-4 houses? It could be coded as a insanely rare type of tree that only spawns in groups of 1-4 that takes from a pool of ruined houses that can be submitted by the players. They shouldn't have anything that can be used to further the tech level of the player such as tools, lanterns or anvils but could instead just have something like some colored pots or perhaps a old chest with a few seeds, some salt or dyes. They probably shouldn't also be built with a large amount of resources as if they contain a ton of bricks or somethings like that they could be sought out for resources instead of them being a cool thing you could find in the wilderness. There could be different pools of houses it could take from depending on the temperature so a colder climate might have different looking houses than would a group of houses on the equator. The houses could be takes from a subform contest like game where people can download and vote for their favorite house to be included in the game as well as give feedback as to if the house is too resource intensive/ contains items that powerlevels the player such as steel armor/ just looks awesome as for rarity I think they should probably be about three times as rare as strongholds are in vanilla minecraft so that perhaps you will be able to find one or two but not before going through at least 20-30km also didn't we used to have a tfc2 subforum somewhere? o.o
With the advent of the new 1.8 Update -- in which, I haven't the chance to play around with all of the new features -- Bioxx has mentioned in the Articles section of the site's Homepage that he will be reviving TFC2, that old project a few years back he abandoned to focus more on the original code, to continue the future of TFC beyond 1.7.10 as quoted here: I am curious: what are to be expecting in this next iteration of TFC? I can vaguely remember from those days that Bioxx once wrote that one of his plans for the project is to overhaul the generation so that the world will be rendered in pseudo-continents -- in other words, smaller islands surrounded by oceans, each island holding specific and useful resources that island only possesses. Is it a similar plan from that old project? Or had the time between the old TFC2 project and its revival diluted his envisioning to where he now has other, perhaps better, plans and ideas in mind?
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- Rewrite
- TerraFirmaCraft2
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Hello once more, fellow TFC users. Now, I am aware that new metallurgy features have been announced in TFC 1. However, I plan to make some additions of my own here that may/may not have been accomplished in previous posts, and some may not be currently possible, so do suggest an alternative or tweak to amend those problems The Current Metallurgy System: TFC 1's current metallurgy system grows stale as you progress with skill accumulating through the different ages up to the blue and red steels. In order to (attempt to) remedy this adversity, I am to be suggesting that a variety of variables, techniques, and the like to be (hopefully) implemented. The New Metallurgy System: Metallurgy Through the Ages: Ancient Metallurgy: Coming Soon... Medieval Metallurgy: Coming Soon... Renaissance Metallurgy: Coming Soon... Industrial Metallurgy: Coming Soon... Modern Metallurgy (Not to be implemented into TFC2, just reference): Coming Soon... -Stone Tools Ores: Before early humans began actual metalworking, ores were sometimes (and very rarely) used as 'chipped' stone tools, which are made of chipped ore. It is also slightly possible to reshape the raw ores, dependant on the hardness of the metal, into usable tools. As you can imagine, the early ways of processing metal ores never significantly affected the early human history. The knapping system should also include ores to knap into stone tools. The only differences are that they are finicky to knap due to the metal the ore contains than using actual stone, and because of that, they aren't ideal for proper tool-procuring in their raw states. Stone: The reason I am putting stone tools into the suggestion is that (I believe) they were the predecessors of metal tools, and that prove to be invaluable to the early humans two million years earlier. Not all stones on the ground can be usable for tool-making. They should have properties such as: -The type of stone. -The durability of the stone. -The size and shape of the stone. -It is isotropic (breaks reliably in any direction the tool-maker desires). Besides the type of stone, if the rock doesn't meet any of the following criteria, it can shatter, cleave into thin plates, breaks too unevenly, or cannot hold an edge. There are some kinds of stones that can prove useful. For instance: -Obsidian: Best used for sharp tools. The right volcano (due to many volcanos having too many bubbles in obisidian or founded in layers too thin for effective use), whether it be active, dormant, or extinct, will provide the right obsidian. -Flint: Closest second to obsidian. They are chemically similar to obsidian. Varieties of flint, including chert, could be useful, as well. -Quartzite: Best used for hammers. The 'best' quartzites have their grains partially fused together. -Greenstone: Generic name for metamorphic rock dark to light green in color, dense, and contains a chemistry of significant amounts of iron and silica. Harder, less pure greenstones are best for power-hitting tools rather than delicate-cutting ones. A new knapping must be implemented to better reflect the properties of stones. Similar to some knapping suggestions, a randomized 3D stone appears as a GUI, which perfectly reflects to the stone that was picked up from the ground. On the top right of the GUI are two slots; the left one will produce the tool after knapping is completed, and the right is for the stone needed to hammer. To knap a tool, hold down the left-mouse button to charge up force to being shaping. Tapping it will just simply bash the stone surface with little to no force. Don't hold it too long - if you do, there is a fair chance the rock will turn into a shovel non-usable stone. Look for areas where you want to pound. The region in which you wish to knap depends on the shape of the rock. To make effective stone-tools, you need the right stone for the right and durable tools. When finishing with the knapping process, you will recieve the desired stone tool. Certain stone tool-heads like shovels, hoes and axes require handles to be usable, whereas sharp stone tool-heads like knifes will do without a form of handles (provided that the user can use it for an action other than throwing). Ores: Copper Copper Minerals: Percentage of Copper in Pure State: -Native Copper -Unknown -Chalcopyrite -34.5% -Chalcocite -79.8% -Covelite -66.5% -Bornite -63.3% -Tetrahedrite -32-45% -Malachite -57.5% -Azurite -55.1% -Cuprite -88.8% -Chrysocolla -37.5% -Tennantite -51.6% Traits: -Corrosion-resistant, though when exposed to air, the surface of the ore oxidizes. -Sometimes rarely found completely unmixed with other metal. -Sometimes founded as nearly-pure nuggets. -Melting Point: 1,083 C. -A relatively common metal in the Earth's crust. I don't have the time to finish this suggestion, so I would like to see your ideas for this post. Have a wonderful day, and see you soon! -Sda209
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