Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bazalisk

  1. Traveling cart

    i wonder if a mincraft world is smaller or bigger then say Exodus on Wurm Online.. anyways, the Carts on pre-made roads is awesome idea the "getting up 1 meter cliffs" maybe solved using the same idea as the sloped blocks found elsewhere (i'm sure you have all seen that mod) but you can make this a chisel mode. i like the idea of better boats, i always hated the boat in minecraft, it felt wrong, at the very least it should be a hollowed out log canoe thing. maybe increase the boats model size and put a sail on it, increase its speed or something(?) may mean including cotton as a grow able resource
  2. Scaffold

    i used to use this mod, was really helpful, will be even more so now that mud uses gravity
  3. Block Heads [0.79]

    how do we set water to dynamic? is isn't one of the options in the menu, only fancy water on/off, clear water on/off and water animations on/off :s my old brain isn't what is used to be, i may need a hand here >.<' nevermind, i think i speeded past it by mistake. silly old sod that i am.
  4. Regarding stone walls

    i haven't made any walls yet but i would have thought that maybe having to involve some mortar would have added to the realism. maybe some mix of Flux+sand+water combo or something then have that in the wall recipe. what say the internetz?
  5. Less meat and food rotting

    ok how about this. instead of a pig popping into pork chops and leather when killed, you instead get one pig corpse. you then have to gut the pig with the knife. (giving organs to do with as you want, maybe food or for making tallow or something). then you can skin the pig corpse to get hide (for later tanning into leather, i read somewhere on this forum that tanning was soon to be coming(?)) then you butcher the pig to get the meat, either with an axe or a special tool. this keeps hunting in line with the feel of realism and means you have to work to get your supply of meat as opposed to just throwing a spear and POP meaty pork chops. which bugs the crap out of me along with pre-carved pumpkins lol just an idea
  6. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    i have had the sound stop randomly since updating to 64, i don't use any other mods so it could be a bug in this release. i had to reload minecraft to get the sound back
  7. Weird axe bug b60

    yea, i like it when it happens with the javelins though, means i always have a weapon drawn and ready have you had the bug where the axe breaks but doesn't vanish? it looks like a new axe till you try to use it? very annoying