Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xenolith166

  1. Ask the person below you

    That would work as well, I am, after all, merely attempting to preserve my own. If we, as the two major powers in this dimension, choose to ally, we will have no more cause for war, meaning that the technological levels of smaller empires will soon surpass our own. To prevent this from happening, I formally suggest a series of war games, to be held every 5 years, involving remotely piloted ships engaged against one another on a mock battlefield. This should provide proper incentive to advance our respective technological levels, correct? Or would additional measures be required?
  2. Last comment wins

    *Shields are too powerful to be affected by Krski* *Singularity canons the battleground, after retreating to a safe distance*
  3. 1up

    /me says: I believe I may have caused a misunderstanding. Allow me to explain the definition of dimensions as I am using it. Mathematically speaking, the 0th dimension is a dot, the1st dimension is a line, etc. Using this dimensional interpretation, we perceive the universe in three dimensions. However, dimensions as I use the term are separate planes of reality, some of which are close enough to our own to be travelled to. Different planes of reality, hereafter referred to as dimensions, can take many forms. For example, one dimension could contain massive amounts of energy, most often in lethal quantities. Another may be composed solely of matter, lacking any amount of energy whatsoever. These are also lethal, as they are completely devoid of heat. A rare few, much like our own, are able to maintain a sort of balance between these two examples. They seem to do this through a delicate cycle of expansion and contraction, alternating between ultra-dense clumps of matter, much like an enormously dense black hole, and far more widely spaced miniscule particles of "cosmic dust". The N79th Dimension is one of these. I don't know what sort of dimensional travel your empire has come up with, but we use a highly advanced Quantum Field Generator system to create a sort of "wormhole" through which we transport whatever it is we feel is necessary to transport. Theoretically, an explosion could travel through said wormhole, but it is far more likely that the wormhole would destabilize, releasing tremendous amounts of energy on whichever side the blast occurred. Therefore, it is, for all intents and purposes, impossible to destroy multiple dimensions with the same device. You only destroyed the dimension you are currently residing in. /wins
  4. Whales and Whaling

    Check the Spoiler at the bottom.
  5. A-Z Foods

  6. Whales and Whaling

    Kyleman, I think the developers are making it so you can have an "island" thing where you can pick the size of it and just have that as your world, I don't know much about it, but if so, they might be able to add that in around it. My personal opinion isthat with all the ocean around in TFC worlds, you should be able to get more from it than just seaweed and squid. I do, however, think thatbefore you start going off on the ocean, you should have toget yourself a somewhat extensive level of land based technology. I could live with any changes the creators choose to make, or with them not adding it at all, but it would be very greatly appreciated if it were.
  7. Rings and things: Chainmail armor and related items

    So with the armor slots you would have the first layer accept only flexible armors and the second accept both types? Or would there be a better way of doing it? I didn't really think about this kind of system, it seems pretty cool. I don't mind what materials it would be made of, but I do think that around the bronze-iron area it should become available. For the scale armor, I got the pictures off of the internet, so I only know that they look somewhat like what I'm talking about. For scale size, 1 cm is pretty small, not to mention the time and work it would take to make them. I think around 2-4 inches (5-10cm) would work better. You know, kind of like Thorin's from The Hobbit. I think it should bea sort of middle ground between the different armors, kind of a plate armor that's more flexible, or a chain mail that's thicker and stiffer. Like you're welding sheets of metal to some chain mail for added protection. Besides, who says we have to exactly follow what history was like? Maybe in the world of TerraFirmaCraft, armor development took a slightly different turn. I, for one, think it would be a great improvement to regular old chainmail to stick some more metal on it. Plus, it looks pretty cool, don't you think?
  8. Last comment wins

    Are you with me or him? Or are you with neither of us?
  9. Counting Thread

  10. 1up

    /me says: I'm sorry, did I say Nth Dimension? I meant N79th. *Explodes all other dimensions, Maximum power to shields*
  11. Ask the person below you

    I do not bully other nations, I simply intimidate them into allying with me, because if they all form an alliance against me, it might get messy. For them. Why don't you join me? You can still rule all you currently possess, AND there are no taxes! Plus, if I die, you have a shot at being elected into my office! Your empire would make up a sizeable chunk of the voters, would it not?
  12. Last comment wins

    *has a mole in your organization who sabotages all anti-missile defenses
  13. Nobody likes Space Whales

    Fear Not, my whale-slaying brethren! I have found a song which will undoubtedly bring recruits flocking to our cause! Behold! The awesomeness of Studio C!!!
  14. Nobody likes Space Whales

    KILL THE SPACE WHALES 'Nuff Said My goal in this topic is to murder it so much that anybody looking at the last 50 posts will have absolutely no idea what is going on. Feel free to random as much as possible. And remember... THE SPACE WHALES MUST DIE!!!
  15. Last comment wins

  16. Ask the person below you

    I am the Supreme Lord Commander of The Foundation! I am all powerful! I can do as I please! Why do you continually question my ultimate power?
  17. 1up

    /me force-initiates the resetting of this dimension, causing all energy and mass in the multiverse to coalesce into singularity clusters, thereby effectively doing a complete reset of this dimension Before doing the above stated, I moved my entire empire into the Nth dimension.
  18. Rings and things: Chainmail armor and related items

    Great ideas, but how would you fit both pieces of armor into the same slot? Would there be new armor slots specifically for these other armors? For the chain mail, my personal opinion is that it should be made of wrought iron or higher. It could also be mounted on leather armor for additional protection. On how to make the actual armor, you could work an ingot into a sheet of mail, which you could then combine with a few others to make whatever piece of armor you want. In addition, you could work a metal sheet into metal scales, which you could weld to the mail to make scale armor. Scale armor would be sort of an upgrade to chain mail, with a 15% higher piercing/slashing resistance, and a 20% higher crushing resistance.
  19. Ridiculous Suggestions

    ^ And ALL the whales die!
  20. 1up

    /me reveals the fact that I am the server admin, resets the map to a time when the only empire is my own.
  21. Ask the person below you

    I don't have mining ships, I don't bother with anything less than 500 miles in diameter. Why are your ships so big? All you need for war is a fleet of small fast ships with lots of weapons. Unless you're one of those primitives flying around in... What are they called? Star Destroyers? Anyway, if you're setting up a base, just use a planet, for crying out loud! Otherwise, just build a bunch of fighters and maybe a transport ship. So, tell me, why do you insist on constructing these great, huge behemoths that are impossible to miss?
  22. Last comment wins

  23. Last comment wins

    *is iron man
  24. Ask the person below you

    nah, I always have an escape pod. Why didn't you?