Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xenolith166

  1. 1up

    /me launches singularity cannon into corki's central galactic hq, destroying everything.
  2. A-Z Foods

  3. Counting Thread

    Approx. 14.456832294800960303488129492728 Squared.
  4. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Add uranium. I want nuclear reactors. And ICBMs. And Space Stations on ALL the planets! And a black hole. If you enter the black hole, you teleport to another dimension where creepers have arms and pigs explode. Also there should be a 0.005% chance that you turn into solid blue steel and only get hurt by melting, which only happens if you stand in lava for 3 hours.
  5. 1up

    /me says Not on MY watch!!!
  6. Last comment wins

    *is batman
  7. Ask the person below you

    I know a guy who tried, when he landed in the spaceport he was missing half his body. The probes seem to disintegrate before entry, do you think antimatter shielding would work?
  8. Nobody likes Space Whales

    The Quantum Nexus is overloading our systems, and the emergency power stores were hit by a proton torpedo in the last skirmish! We tried to jury-rig a power transfer system, but the energy cables must have gotten crossed, because as soon as we threw the switch the wires either fused or completely vaporized! We need immediate backup, there's a pod of Space Whales only a few light-years away!
  9. Counting Thread

  10. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Back to the Ridiculous Suggestions again. I want Space. Give me Anti-Matter Warp Drives, Singularity Cannons, Space Stations, that kind of stuff, and I will give you an internet hug. Also, have an easter Egg where if you go to the moon and dig to the bottom you can get Moon Cheese. Moon Cheese turns you into a Zombie, but don't tell anybody.
  11. Ask the person below you

    Sometimes, but never with Tuna. 5 and a half months ago my Uncle went through asingularity to see what was on the other side, I haven't heard from him since. What should I do?
  12. Whales and Whaling

    Just throwing ideas onto the page, dude. Didn't want to go saying "do this thing, no idea how." I still believe it should be at the very least an addon. I'm dead serious, I'd pay for this.
  13. [79.17] Mediterranean Mountains

    Very nice, I might steal this.
  14. Whales and Whaling

    I see how that would be a problem. For the size we could just make them smaller, but I have no idea how to help with coding. I think Dunk did some work with fish, maybe mess around with that a bit... Anybody else have any ideas? I worked a whole 45 seconds on this, I don't want it to die! XD
  15. Ask the person below you

    Minecraft Was that even a question?
  16. Destroy the picture above you

    EDIT #2: Ok, probably fixed. I'll just post a random picture here. Yeah, that'll work.
  17. Nobody likes Space Whales

    Tried it, didn't work.
  18. Last comment wins

    *Stabs Krski with Quantum Blade
  19. A-Z Foods

  20. Counting Thread

  21. 1up

    I am the most powerful person in the multiverse! Nothing can stand against me!
  22. Ore Config Options

    Ok, thanks for trying.
  23. Ore Config Options

    I wanted it to be harder to get to the iron age in my worlds, so I lowered the max height of all iron ores to 48, but when I generated a new world I quickly found a vein of hematite at about y 120. Is it broken, or does it just work differently than I thought?