Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krom

  1. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Reinstalled the mods. The texture error is still there, but it seems to be confined to near the world spawn. There was another weird glitch on that same island that stopped ice from melting in some areas. Nevermind though, its a small area and they are not serious problems. The fix with Decorations Mod seems to have worked, thanks.
  2. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Ah, yes, I do have decorations mod. I'll try the reinstall now for the texture issue, thanks.Yes, I've had a look at the food post you made, but converting that to a format that mob properties understands is not something I can find a template for, though I think it may be possible. The ID for enchanted books looks similar in MT to the food IDs, so maybe the mod maker has allowed for that format of info to be enter in some way.
  3. Tfc Food Item Id#'s Error (Related to this thread)Ok, I have been trying to configure Mob Properties all day, with some success. I have noticed that the blocks beneath seaweed are now a black and pink texture error. This happened no longer than 2 hours ago. In that time I have been setting up configs for Ogre and Elephant drops, and experimenting with trying to give elephants a thorns effect with an invisible item.I think I reverted all my config changes, but error is still there.Last time I reinstalled TFC to fix a similar bug I lost some data about other Mod blocks from Key and Code mod and Merchant mod, so if I can, I would prefer to not have to re-install TFC to fix this.Seagrass blocks without seagrass growing in them are invisible, the ones with stuff growing show the error texture.EDIT - I also installed Minetweaker during that time, and was messing around with some NEI options. I don't know if those things could have been the cause. My last back-up was 2 days ago, and I don't want to lose my work. Copy pasting the config into a new folder created from back-up hasn't always worked in the past, so I am reluctant to do it if there is another way to fix this.
  4. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    MT is useful thanks. So I should change all the ID# to ID tags if I'm going to put the configs on the server? I can see the food tags now, and maybe there is a way to add them correctly as drops using Mob Properties, perhaps 'list' function or 'compound' function. I am feeling out of my depth with that, and to discover the right way to do it by trail and error would take a long time...Edit - Still having strange issue with gems, even when I use the tag. They have a damage value in MT, but when I add damage value to the drop, the name is correct, but it has a -1 after it and doesn't stack with normal gems of the same type.
  5. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    I see that Kitty is busy updating the Wiki, and it looks as though item ID's will be one of the new sections. I hope so.
  6. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Ah, ok, I will try minetweaker, thanks.NEI config says - "itemIDs=2" What value must I change it to to show the full name?It would be easier if I could see the full ID's in the NEI search rather than doing each item 1 at a time.
  7. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    I don't know how to find those names, is there a list somewhere? That would be so helpful.In the mean time I figured out that using a damage value with the ID number can give me the correct block, or even be used to randomize the type. Here is a working example for anyone who needs it - (note - default was set back to true because it interfered with the drops from spawner mobs for some reason) { "_name": "MoCreatures.Ogre", "drops": [{ "function": "default", "value": "true" }, { "function": "remove", "id": "49" }, { "function": "add", "id": "4254", "count": 0.8,"damage": 0~4 }, { "function": "add", "id": "4254", "count": 0.5 } ],"pre_stats": [], "stats": [{ "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.maxHealth", "value": 120~160, "operator": 1 }, { "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.attackDamage", "value": 110~130, "operator": 1 } ]}Chance to drop a copper, and a random nugget from copper to gold. Plus randomised health and damage too.EDIT - For some reason it doesn't work properly with gems. A flawed Diamond (DV 1) drops as a new item - Flawed Diamond -1.
  8. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    For anyone who is trying to do the same, here is my working config template to make a MoCreatures mob have TFC health and damage, cancel the default drops and have chance to drop 0-2 copper nuggets - "drops": [{ "function": "default", "value": "false"},{ "function": "add", "id": "4254", "count": 0.5 }, { "function": "add", "id": "4254", "count": 0.5 } ], "pre_stats": [], "stats": [{ "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.maxHealth", "value": 100, "operator": 1 }, { "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.attackDamage", "value": 100, "operator": 1 } ]}
  9. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    I've got a few of the mobs spawning naturally now, but I would like some of them to drop random nuggets. In Mob Properties config I can write "drops": [{ "function": "add", "id": "4254", "count": 0.5 } ],To have a 50% chance to drop a copper nugget, but gold is 4254:1 etc. How do I get to add the variant? And can I make that variant random?
  10. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Perhaps it is not possible using the Mob Properties mod, I am open to suggestions. I think I could make it work for a spawner as the spawner accepts the "tag" command with Setblock, but I only use spawners for hostiles and I don't need them to drop food.
  11. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    I got MSC2 working, this is the guy - working on the beef drops though, Mob Properties doesn't recognise "foodWeight", or more likely I have entered it in wrong.
  12. [Solved] MyTown2 for TFC

    Btw, is there an NPC town feature in MT2? The commands list here seems incomplete... am server admin, so I could claim NPC towns myself, but that could create issues with other things I am planning to do... Sorry if this should be a new thread, but thought I'd ask in case one of you guys know.
  13. [Solved] MyTown2 for TFC

    Solved! Thanks
  14. [Solved] MyTown2 for TFC

    Hmm... It must be something to that is needed by MyTown2, because the server and other mods work fine when I remove the MT2 mod. But i saw no mention of any required programs except forge in the installation guide...
  15. [Solved] MyTown2 for TFC

    Sorry, I don't use forums much, not a fan of talking to people, but needs must I shall use the template next time, sorry.Here's the crash report ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----// Hey, that tickles! Hehehe!Time: 02/04/15 12:24Description: Exception in server tick loopcpw.mods.fml.common.MissingModsExceptionat cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.sortModList( cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Details --Details:Minecraft Version: 1.7.10Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1Java Version: 1.8.0_40, Oracle CorporationJava VM Version: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle CorporationMemory: 9405327752 bytes (8969 MB) / 9631170560 bytes (9185 MB) up to 9631170560 bytes (9185 MB)JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xmn6G -Xms8G -Xmx10GAABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) usedIntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.85.1272 Minecraft Forge 18 mods loaded, 18 mods activemcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) UnloadedFML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10- UnloadedForge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10- Unloadedtfc_coremod{0.79.15} [TFC[coremod]] (minecraft.jar) Unloadedcuchaz.ships.core{1.7.10-1.0.2} [ships Mod Core] (minecraft.jar) UnloadedDecorationsTFC{1.0.15} [Decorations] ([1.7.10]Decorations-1.0.15.jar) UnloadedMerchantsTFC{1.0.26} [Merchants] ([1.7.10]Merchants-1.0.26.jar) Unloadedterrafirmacraft{0.79.15} [TerraFirmaCraft] ([1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- UnloadedCraftHeraldry{1.1.3} [CraftHeraldry] (CraftHeraldry 1.1.3.jar) UnloadedMoCreatures{6.3.1} [DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod] (DrZharks MoCreatures Mod UnloadedFastCraft{1.21} [FastCraft] (fastcraft-1.21.jar) UnloadedHardcoreQuesting{The Journey (4.2.2)} [Hardcore Questing Mode] (HQM-The Journey (4.2.2).jar) UnloadedTeNNoX_KeyAndCodeLock{1.4} [KeyAndCodeLock] (KeyAndCodeLock-1.7.2-1.4.jar) Unloadedlwstfc{3.4.B79} [Leather Water Sac] (LeatherWaterSac-3.4.B79.jar) UnloadedMobProperties{0.3.5} [Mob Properties] (MobProperties-1.7.10-0.3.5.jar) UnloadedMyTown2{1.7.10-0.26a} [MyTown 2] (MyTown2-1.7.10-0.26a.jar) Unloadedcuchaz.cuchazinteractive{1.7.10-1.0} [Cuchaz Interactive] (shipsMod-v1.7.10-1.0.2.jar) Unloadedcuchaz.ships{1.7.10-1.0.2} [ships Mod] (shipsMod-v1.7.10-1.0.2.jar) UnloadedProfiler Position: N/A (disabled)Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge'Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
  16. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Ah ok, I thought I had the latest, but I'll look again. Was busy tinkering with mob spawners
  17. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Ok, I skipped forward a year, my health dropped to 50 as soon as i left creative, and the bread i had in my inv did not decay (probably cos I was in creative when I changed the time), but it did not fix my hunger, so I guess the decay was just not showing. The food in the quest did work fine though. I think the HQM does not spawn it until the quest is completed. HQM must copy all the food's properties except the time stamp I guess. Which is great cos I am giving people a little food for the starter quests.
  18. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    That MSC2 looks great, but I can't get the GUI to work in-game, which would be by far the best way to use it for me. Sometimes i get this error - Rendering screenjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution.<init>(Lnet/minecraft/client/settings/GameSettings;II)Vat com.mcf.davidee.guilib.basic.BasicScreen.func_73863_a( Other times nothing happens at all. I moved Twitch off the F6 key. Though in controls it say the MoCreatures GUI is mapped to F6 and I don't have an option for MSC2. EditInGame is true. I think I have the GUI and modloader install correctly. These are the mod I have there right now. Config was reset after I made a back-up from before I started trying. I have removed the quest config files to a safe place for now, I will test the food in quests thing once things are ok again. Game only crashes when I try to open the GUI. Edit - My max resolution is 1080p as I am using my TV as a monitor most of the time. If the GUI consol is a custom resolution it might be the issue... idk..
  19. Mocreatures Mod

    Hi, is there an Addon similar to MoCreatures that I can use with TFC? Or has anyone made MoCreatures work in TCF? I tried to install it on my server but all hostile mobs stopped spawning and no Mo'Creatures mobs spawned. I know that adjusting the mob Damage and Health is a whole extra task that needs to be done, but for now I would be happy just to see some Mammoth walking around. Anyone got experience making this work in TFC or suggestions please?Edit - Is almost certainly problem with Custom Mob Spawner Mod 3.0.3, I guess it interferes with TFC in some way and visa-versaEdit 2 - have adjusted mob health and damage and am working on the drops, but still no luck with CMS
  20. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    I'll check them out, thanks
  21. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Ah, ok, thanks. Still can't make much sense of JSON even with software, but I'm beginning to understand NBT, I will try figure that out. Though if anyone can fix my config file before I can work it out myself I would be very grateful. Though I do hope that these kind of mobs will be coming one day to TFC. At least as an addon.As it is, I have got about 8 new mobs working, and managed to create custom spawners with command block that could make for some interesting HQM quests. So I stil have content I can make for my server that is kinda unique. I could make vanilla beef a repeatable consume quest in HQM that would give TFC beef as reward, but you know, it would still be better if it dropped. I considered trying to configure HQM lootbags for the task, but not figured out how to do that yet either.Edit - My only other major issue apart from that is that I can't configure Custom Mob Spawner 3.0.3 to spawn the mobs naturally. I think I need to configure the Biomes? A small sub-problem there is that it registers 'underground' as below 50, which ofc is way too low for TFC, and I don't see a way to change that. Also, the AI for the elephant bothers me, it doesn't matter how tough I make it if it won't fight back. But I guess I come to that when I have fixed the rest.
  22. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Thanks, I kind of see why those things are needed, though I am a noob at this. I think I made a mistake with the config though, here's what i got after adding what you suggested - { "_name": "MoCreatures.Elephant", "drops": [{ "function": "add", "id": terrafirmacraft:item.Fish, withTag [{foodDecay: 0.0 as float,foodWeight: 0.0 as float,"Processing Tag": {Brined: 1 as byte, Cooked: 0.0 as float, Dried: 4 asshort, CookedProfile: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] as int[], FuelProfile: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] as int[],Pickled: 1 as byte, Salted: 1 as byte}, decayTimer: 663}], "count": 1 }, { "function": "add", "id": "363" } ], "pre_stats": [], "stats": [{ "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.maxHealth", "value": 100, "operator": 1 }, { "function": "modifier", "attribute": "generic.attackDamage", "value": 100, "operator": 1 } ]} I guess I screwed up, if you could possibly get it working then I will have a working template, which will make me very happy, to hunt mammoth with a stone spear I checked the item ID by itself, and that worked fine (except for the original error of it not having any weight or other values), but I must have made a mistake with the other stuff I added. Maybe 'Tag' is wrong label, or I messed up the format.Thanks again,Noob who wants to kill mammoth :DEdit - I'm leaving item 363 (beef) there as a place-holder incase I want to add another drop, maybe 4 large hides, but I think I can manage that part.Edit 2 - I tested Special AI earlier. Added sharks and elephants to neutral, not passive, then made 100% chance of neutral becoming aggressive, but didn't work. At least, that's what I think I did, again, I may have messed up.
  23. Do food items decay in the warehouse? If so, is there a way to turn off the decay for those items? And a way to insert infinite number of items into a server shop would be useful.
  24. Tfc Food Item Id#'s

    Thanks Bunsan, HQM is mostly working fine for food items. It selects full stack by default, undecayed when claimed (only issue is lack of thumbnail in reward section), but you can even select partial stacks by selecting one from your inventory. Using Mob Properties to make the Mammoth drop TFC food is like you said though. I guess it needs more data than just the ID, like time-stamp and amount in OZ, which does not equal a "count" value is seems. Thanks for reply. Maybe Kitty can help when she is on.Edit - Mammoth are actually MoCreatures elephants with brown hue.If I could some how find the way that HQM stores the item ID in the quest and Cut n Paste maybe... Idk, but HQM is working ok for those items so it must be getting the data correct. But then someone who knows the code could probably tell me a better solution.Bonus question - Can I use Mob Properties mod to make the 'Mammoth' use the ZombiePigman AI?