Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by fallonsky

  1. Female Gender Option

    although you have a point theres with gender not mattering no need to be rude. anyway kazahied has a point. there are mods that do this and probably work with this mod as well. edit: aw she abandoned the topic while i was writing a reply. well good luck anyways. if its any help jeb will probably add this to minecraft at some point
  2. Female Gender Option

    just saying that the player model in minecraft was supposed to be gender neutral but people just gave it the name steve. also you can change the skin to be a girl if you want.
  3. Soups

    So I was just thinking about why not have soups and since its not had its own topic since Salads and soups half a year ago might as well. first you should make a cauldron out of tool metal, perhaps bronze, iron or steel, place it above a firepit and open it. the gui could be the same as meal creation in that you can place up to four foods (except perhaps one more spot specifically for buckets of water). one of those should be bones or meat of some kind to, for broth, after which it could use the same system as the barrels. if the fire underneath is hot enough it you can seal the cauldron and after some time it will cook. you can then get the soup out of it using regular bowls. to balance it it should probably give out perhaps 3 or more servings of food that however can not be reheated and give much less filling then a regular meal if eaten cold. if you want to get warm or hot soup you have to heat up the firepit underneath the cauldron that then heats up the soup and then take it out. that way if you want to make meals to go you can make them the regular way and heat them up in a firepit wherever, like in a mineshaft or on a trip. but if you want more food you cook it at home and eat it there and then before it gets cold. sorry if i'm not very clear or its just a huge wall of text not the best at writing
  4. Update Frequency Poll

    well my two cents is that really you guys can just make updates whenever you feel they are ready. its not like its some school project that you have to give a finished build every so often XD
  5. Regarding Feathers and Arrows

    well im all in for this idea XD perhaps the arrows without feathers would fly straight forever like they do already and are good for snipeing/long range while the featherless ones would only be accurate for 6 blocks or so before they go off by a block?
  6. Impressions from a new player.

    interesting ill have to hold you on that. haveing ruins to explore every 100km or so would be awesome
  7. repairing half filled molds

    like the title says you can repair molds with the same type of metal in them and it will give you more metal in the resulting mold then both of them have combined i tried this with molten bronze and i cant be 100% sure but i'm quite sure that i now have some more metal then i had before. i think this bugs been around for a while but its not on the bug list so i thought i might as well bring it up
  8. Gems?

    yay on both. i want my pool of gems like Scrooge mc ducks pool of gold
  9. where did all the evil mobs go

    like the title says ever since i have upgraded i haven't seen that many of them at first i thought that they just spawned a lot less above ground but i found a huge cave and just for fun decided to go and adventure in it with only some torches,a propick and a copper mace. i found lots of useful ore and minirals but i never even heard a zombie/creeper/spider or skelly o.o its kinda eery. i expected to be dead within 5 min because before the update the only way to survive long was full bronze or bisbronze but ended up going a few hours without seeing anyone at all.
  10. where did all the evil mobs go

    ==== i expect that there will be mobs and they will attack me but you dont need a pit to make the zombies weak all you need is any kind of copper or bronze mace/sword and you can cut them down by the hundreds. >.< if the zombies where hard to kill and where an actual threat then i would be ok with so many of them but they are just so weak. every other mob has something that makes it dangerous but zombies just have numbers.
  11. where did all the evil mobs go

    nah i like it that there is some danger in being outside at night but now zombies aren't difficult to kill at all. they hit like kittens but there are just too damn many of them. i kill 20 and suddenly there are more coming out of the woodwork. the only real threats to me are the spiders and skellys / jav skellys as they can actually hurt me. also sleep lol.
  12. Rotting wood and weathering?

    weathering on rocks and trees probobly not since as people said above it takes forever for that to even start to show as well as the lag. moss on rocks though? that sounds like a great idea. perhaps implement it more like vines right now? except perhaps have 5 textures of the moss so its not just one sprite being shown over and over.
  13. where did all the evil mobs go

    if you want to get xp then ya its awesome, but most of the time if im trying to do something outside and a single zombie comes at me i can kill it easily but then thats it for the whole night as then the zombie armageddon starts. so instead of just killing him i have to stop what i'm doing and force him to fall into a pit so that i can return to work. just a pain >.<
  14. where did all the evil mobs go

    thanks but it wasnt suposed to be a trap XD i just wanted a moat but turns out the zombie ai sucks and on purpose avoids the bridge just to fall in on the sides. i think he means that if you punch a zombie every zombie on the loaded map will sudenly see you and path to you and it doesnt matter if its behind a huge mountin it will still attack you. it also then spawns more zombies (normal spawns and also reinforce) that then also see you and charge. in other words if you punch a zombie then good have just toldall of them whereyou are and what you called their mother. worse yet is that they will keep coming because you cant kill them faster then they can spawn.
  15. where did all the evil mobs go

    scratch that i punched a zombie and suddenly over 20 more invaded my town and the game crashed. edit: note to self do not punch zombies unless you want a instant zombie apocalypses
  16. where did all the evil mobs go

    im not playing on peaceful o.o and its not spawn protection ether since i went out away from my home and even then there where only three mobs o.o
  17. well i have been playing and i have found two bugs Hotfix #:17 Suggested Name:molten ingot gui Suggested Category:Minor Description: the first is that if you take an molten ingot and then transfer the metal to a 2nd mold and then use that mold to try and fill a tool mold it will stop at the last percent not major. the second is that if you open the mold gui and then place in stacked molds to be filled it will only fill one and will delete the rest. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?:haven't tried yet but it was on a completely fresh minecraft file will terra firma craft just installed a day ago on the 77.17 release link of the Crash Report:no crash report to send btw just a side note did creepers finally get removed? i never really noticed until i thought to look for them and i cant fi
  18. (solved) two bugs not major at all just a bit anoying

    its not even that annoying XD well i guess thats it. can you please tell me how to edit the title so i can add solved?
  19. (solved) two bugs not major at all just a bit anoying

    ya i was using copper. to clarify if you take a mold filled with liquid copper and open it its gui. then transfer the molten metal to another mold and without closing the gui put that new filled mold into the first slot you will not be able to use it to fill a tool mold. it fixes itself if you close and reopen the gui so its trivial at most
  20. Blast Mining

  21. any way to get older tfc versions?

    ok im not sure if this still works but go to (main download link) and then change the number to be what version you want. i did this a while ago though so idk if it still works. too lazy to try XD
  22. Blast Mining

    i use them when that one vain of the ore i need just keeps avoiding me and iv had enough after 2 hours its a good thing that its so expensive though or else it would be the only way people would ever mine >.< wish we could only fill half/or a forth of the barrels for half/a forth of the explosion though
  23. version 0.77.0 of tfc feature list

    [[Redacted]] If you wish to see the mod update in progress, read the commits at A properly formatted change-log is in progress, and will be posted in the changelogs link for the download once build 77 is released.
  24. version 0.77.0 of tfc feature list

    thanks the whole reason that i made the post was because i thought that most people would be annoyed at having to read the commits and i thought that the list of changes wouldn't be out for a lot longer then just a day XD
  25. version 0.77.0 of tfc feature list

    well nvm guess i cant do this >.< oh well sry for all your time guys