Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by fallonsky

  1. really i think that we should have some kind of tnt :/ its really good for mining holes expressly in this mod. to mine a 3 by 3 by 3 cube takes a lot longer then if you had tnt jest mine 2 blocks to the middle, place and boom.

    also nitroglycerin is really damn unstable as far as i know. you drop that and you are splattered in bits around the hole you jest made o.o


  2. yay so they will be modified XD it would be a good change to make nest boxes and also perhaps nerf the laying time to about a day or two. right now i started out in the arctic circle where no crops at all will grow and yet i can live off of 4 chickens :/ and i still only collect the eggs by accident now as i have over 2 stacks


  3. so jest wondering what everyone thought about eggs. really i think they are a bit op as with a chicken coop of about 3-4 you have a infinite supply of eggs :/ it kinda makes other food useless as you have enough eggs to feed you forever


  4. you know i don't see why this is a bad idia or why people are somewhat buthurt about it o.o i for one really want to find out how the ores spawn and what not so i can find out what levels am i too find them, how rare they are and how big are the spawns


  5. so i have been thinking about redstone contraptions in tfc for a while, mostly on the lack therof. and realised this. this is like the old alpha if any of us still remain where we used water, boats and pressure plates to create great things. we didnt use any of this fancy redstone but we can use it to make it better. why can't we make doors? doors don't work with redstone? so what cant we make the redstone update water that distroys a torch that brings down a stone door? people made calculators in indev with nothing but dirt sand torches and the old infin water. in the alpha we made huge water bridges that use the current of water controlled by signs to exelerate a boat and move us in any way we wanted. so why not now? its been so long that i think people forgot what contraptions you can make without redstone and even with it we can still make the old repeaters that where there before they where implemente. why not look at the old ways of how we built things in the alpha and indev and rediscover these inventions like a minecraft renisance?

    viva la cavemen :D also sry for grammer as mine is awful and for the wall of text

    edit: if you don't know what im talking about the boat exelerator its this exept the one i built in my days was smaller with out and boat collector and without all that redstone but still its the same consept


  6. well so far i have gone to 40 going all though 3 ravines and 2 caves and have found nothing exept a "small" amount of graphite that i jest cant locate for some reason.

    also Kalix whats with the cave ins? i have never had one no matter how much i dig o.o i don't even need to bring supports to go mineing


  7. well for one i like the gems :D ya they arnt much use but in my lan world that i play i use them as a curency. chiped being the cheapest and exquiset being the most valuable

    oh lol i became a caveman


  8. well yes they are storage and aesthetics i guess. like having the enderdragon egg its useless but nice to have jest for braging rights. also i didn't know the press idia was already talked about :/ i looked through the forums a bit but didnt see it. hope the rastapharian god doesnt attack me with his noodly apendage >.<


  9. well since this is the suggestion section i have a idia how to implement ingot blocks. you heat the ingots to welding heat or jest workable heat and then put them into a ingot press. it would be a block that can be heated by coal/logs to keep the ingots at a stable tempature and when everythings ready you can "press" them into a block. its more compact but heavyer and only stacks to 4 insted of the 16 ingots and to get it back you melt it down or perhaps break it with chisle and hamer to get warped 9 warped ingots that jest need to be reheated and beaten with a hammer into regular ingots again.

    edit: you could have this as well as the ingot piles that where talked about in a post a bit below mine.


  10. well all i can say it try going into creative and distroying the chest. if you do that the items will probobly drop out of it.

    also holy text batman did it give you the entire world save file in text form?


  11. first sry for my spelling its not great. I was playing on my world i think it was 66 at the time. the world was made in 65 i think. and so i went away from my base to look for some saplings i heard a cave in and my computer jest died. it went from being jest fine to about 5-10 fps when i clicked f3 or whatever the button is to bring the debug menu it said that there where over 600 entities being loaded. this is odd as usualy there are at most 120 entities whenever i look. it was also in the day so i don't think it was mobs being spawned. it cleared up after a restart but i jest wanted to see if this is a bug or not.

    using vanilla tfc with optifine if that helps all graphics on fast


  12. i don't know what you guys are saying i was playing 63 ish i think and i went to mine some ore and it started to snow on me. ugh if i knew it was that rare i would have gotten a pic felys :/
