Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SnoopyMicrobe34

  1. 2 hours ago, Darmo said:

    Ya, I've seen graphite spawned in mountainsides before.  That might have been a couple versions ago, but I doubt it has changed in that time.

    So I'm running around in schist, hopelessly propicking at ground, just running around like a lunatic, no symmetry no nothing. I was obviously giving up at that point when suddenly....... "Pathetically insignificant, barely describable as traces of graphite found, now you can stop whining you big baby" popped up right in my face on the screen. Words can not describe my UTTER EXCITEMENT!!!!! :DA:SD:AS:{DLAFKDAKLHKDSAHG


    Thank you so much for the tips. If not for them I would be digging underground like a moron.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    There's only really two methods  - run around looking at exposed host rock, or blanket pro-picking.  Don't do exploratory mining tunnels, that's a waste of time.  You need to be able to cover lots of ground fast, and mining is not that.  Graphite is not as common as other ores, but at least it spawns in four host rocks (god help you when you start looking for garnierite - I hope you're taking notes on where the gabbro is). 

    You may have to cover a very large area to find it exposed in a rock face, and be very observant.  Obviously this will work better in hilly and/or treeless areas - I would not bother going for observation in heavily forested areas if the dominant trees have low foliage (like willows).  You may need to cover a thousand block square area looking for it exposed.  I'm not sure where you heard this 115-128 being the best level.  I've never heard that, and its definitely not worth mining at this level for some minor bonus.  It's all about covering ground.

    If that doesn't turn anything up, then you need to blanket propick.  You need to be VERY systematic about it.  Don't just do it every 100 blocks or something.  Since the propick radius is 12, it's best to take a reading every 30 blocks or so, though you'd probably be ok at 50, as veins are very wide (this is just rough, don't bother counting it out).  Make yourself a bunch of propick heads and go camping.  Pick a sector, travel east-west or north-south in scan lines, propicking every 30-ish blocks, and with your scan lines 30-ish blocks apart.  Or whatever you have the stomach for.   You will find it eventually.  It's more efficient if you can combine blanket propicking with observation, but there's probably a higher chance you'll do one or the other less well, because one method you're looking up and around, and the other you're looking at the bottom left of the screen.

    Thanks for all the amazing tips. Ironically, I already found garnierite since the second rock type on my island is gabbro, and I found lots of it. I have a few questions though. In the config files I saw that graphite only spawns below Y:128 (Or maybe I am getting something wrong), so is it possible that I will find some exposed graphite in ravines or mountain sides? Thats why I was mining underground rather than running around and propicking. God wish it was as easy to find graphite as it is to find kaolinite.


  3. ------------------------------useless txt VVV -----------------------------------------------------

    Okay, so I was whining previously about finding rock salt, and how it was driving me insane. But in reality I wasn't looking good enough for it, cause just about 10k blocks of sailing and I have finally found it (Yay :D). But the thing is with rock salt, the process is pretty simple. You're guaranteed that at some point you'll hit the rock salt island while sailing. But then, just as I was starting to have a blast playing with this mod, having a great time and everything, BOOM I realized I need graphite.

    ----------------------------- useless txt ^^^ ------------------------------------------------------


    I am currently on an island where marble is the surface rock type. From dozens and dozens of searching for any bit of info I could dig up on graphite, apparently it spawns between Y: 5 - 128 and is most occurring between Y: 115 - 128. I have mined 50 blocks in every direction at that level, even explored a cave that I found, spent 4 pro picks and 2 bronze picks. I couldn't find any graphite at all, though tons of tetra and even more gold. 

    All I'm asking for is any suggestions on how to find it? I see multiple youtubers finding graphite without a hassle and other players saying it's no rarer than any other ore. I have searched 4 different ravines and oh so many mountains. I feel like I'm just either doing something wrong or I'm just so unlucky. What is the best strategy, how do you know when you should stop looking for it here and look elsewhere? How do you not lose your minds when you are searching for graphite? 


  4. There isn't any special tricks to finding any of the stone types as far as I know. I had to travel 13000 blocks in 2 directions until I could finally find rock salt. One thing that is really annoying to me in TFC is how hard it is to find certain materials. I understand the game is about exploration, but 10k long oceans is not exploration, it's death by boredom. However I can suggest one thing. If you're sailing by a boat, change the "walk forward" button to spacebar and place something heavy on it, so it will "automatically" sail for you, though it is dangerous because if you smash into land, your boat will break and you might end up drowning, so make sure to check every 5 minutes or so.


  5. 10 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Yes, under categories there is explanation, where certain rock types are spawned. Because all rock can be spawned on the top layer, and salt rock as sedimentary ones can be only at the top, it is easy to calculate chance of salt rock, because there is 21 rock types total.

    In case of flux, there is 4/21 of spawning calcite rocks at the top, and additional 1/13 of spawning marble as the middle layer.

    Ah, thanks so much. Sorry for bothering you with so many questions :P. Seems strange to me why salt is so rare when it's not even that valuable. 


  6. 2 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Which information? If you ask about probability of certain rock type, it is explained here:

    BTW, my mistake, not 1/15 but 1/22 of salt rock probability, because all rock types can be spawned as the top layer. In case of calcite rocks, 4/22 i.e. 18%

    Thanks again. About the wiki page, I'm sorry I might be blind but are you sure it's there? I couldn't find the info anywhere, only the categories.


  7. 18 hours ago, ciekma said:

    There is 1/15 chance of rock salt spawned in certain biome, therefore you need travel a lot.

    Or just install Udary mod, in such case you need travel far to south to use evaporation pan.

    Thank you for your suggestion! Can I ask where you got that information? I can't find it anywhere and I was wondering what are the odds that Limestone will be present on an island?


  8. I developed a strange OCD and I HAVE TO FIND rock salt before winter comes. Every single world I start, I quit because I can't find the rock salt. It takes me on average 3 hours of sailing and finding nothing but useless chert until I decide to quit. Why is something so simple so incredibly near-impossible to find? Any tips? Although at this point I'm asking out of being desperate, I know that it's not uncommon to travel a lot to find the specific rock type.


  9. I was wondering, is it confirmed that planks and chisels wont be implemented in TFC2? I know it's a pain in the butt to work with them, as Bioxx earlier mentioned, but I just love that feature so much in TFC1.


  10. 20 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

    Thanks for the coordinates guys! And yes I do mean for you to give me the coords of the portal entrance.

    In the future, the Paths dimension will be a lot more complex than it looks atm so don't judge it too harshly yet :) 

    It's okay. Take your time with this mod. I really appreciate that TFC2 is actually going to be a thing. I thought it was abandoned. Really hyped for a stable release :D


  11. 19 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

    if you are on 0.1.4 and portals are not working, please give me a seed and the coordinates of the portal that you originally entered so that I can debug, thanks.

    Do you mean the seed and cords of the overworld? If so, here they are again.

    Seed:  -3824117009429758600

    Cords (Where I found the portal):  X 2760 ; Y 83 ; Z -7186

    Or do you mean cords of where I get teleported (Which looks like void)

    Cords: X 345 ; Y (Not sure, I keep falling) ; Z -899

    Sorry if I'm getting something wrong, I'm very inexperienced in this.


  12. Not sure what this is called, got a pretty cool combination. Thought I'd share it.



    EDIT: Also, portals don't seem to work for me, just die in void.

    Seed: -3824117009429758600

    Location (Roughly): X 2760 ; Y 83 ; Z -7186

    Mods: Just enough items; Voxel Minimap; Liteloader


  13. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what is the best transport mod to go along with TFC? I am using Archimedes' Ships, spent 2 hours yesterday trying to find Limestone, no luck :P 

    Also, I am looking for some survival immersion mods, such as:

    Temperature management (Too hot, too cold etc)

    Some visual mods that make TFC nature even more beautiful.


    Any suggestions will be appreciated.


  14. Not really in favor of a sleeping feature that would force me to just sit there watching my character doing nothing for 10 minutes. This could work in single player, where at least the nights would be instant, no way it would in a server.

    The concept of doing nothing for hours and hours is so alien that when we sleep our brains create dream to occupy or minds.

    One way that maybe this could work would be to fill the sleeping time with mini games related to the new magic system, as if you would be researching the branches of magic and evolving and/or refilling your mana.

    The issue I see is that unless those mini games are really well developed it would get boring very quick.

    I did not really think through this idea, was just something that came to my mind in the morning after some vivid dreams.

    Eh, I really didn't think that through... I guess it wouldn't really work out in multiplayer. Thanks for constructive criticism though!

    As I mentioned in my previous post, if it's a config, great.  But it shouldn't be a default mechanic.  I think most people play games to do things, not sleep.  It's not going to add anything to the game for most people, imo.

    Yeah, no need to repeat that to me several times, I think I already agreed with you (and with Cakey) that this as a default mechanic is a bad idea ;) . But in my opinion, having it as an option would be pretty cool, because I am sure there are at least few people who want this mechanic present. Although now that I think about it, they really shouldn't bother developing that just because of few people (Or even only one, idk) :( . But yeah, thanks for arguments (Also thanks for previous posts, got some info from Kitty's posts)


  15. This has been discussed before, though I can't find the topic atm.  I'm with Cakey - I'm not interested in being forced into sleeping, or watching my character sleep.  If it's a config, whatever.  But forcing people to do nothing is a bad idea.

    As I mentioned in my reply to Cakey, it would be a good idea to have it as an option. Also, player wouldn't have to sleep every night, but if you stay up for 3 days straight without sleeping, you'll need to find a place to sleep.


  16. Let me put there a little critique.


    I know what you mean by realistic fatigue, but I don't think that doing nothing/watching your character in sleep animation is interesting thing. I frankly think that it would make gameplay really boring. In normal minecraft you don't sleep untill all people in server sleeps and it last like a moment but you suggest to watch your character doing sleep animation for this entire time. I am a player that is active whole 24 hours, so it would be just wasting time for me.


    Second thing. We(They) can add an urge to pee and poop too but I think there is enough options already and adding fatigue would be too much. Maybe It could be vouluntary like it was in vanilla minecraft. Maybe it would stop consuming your food and water so you can last longer without that suppies so it could be useful in winter? That would be much better idea that just making players lost their time and fun watching their character in sleep animation.

    Yeah that is correct. I was thinking that many people would dislike this for that very reason, and just forgot to mention it could have been like an option for players to enable in config if they wish to play like this. As for right now I am using better sleeping mod with TFC1. Pretty much due to inability to skip nights on a thatch bed, it looks exactly like waiting whole night out just sleeping on bed, but I mean I don't mind it because I am not active during night anyway soo.. :P


  17. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes.

    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.

    I was thinking it would make it a great challenge tweak to add fatigue based upon player needing to rest and sleep. This would also make thatch bed a lot, I mean A LOT more useful than it currently is (That, of course, if it will be added in TFC2). Basically, there would be this "bar" similar to hunger bar which would deplete overtime, and to regenerate it, player would have to simply sleep. Now I have completely no idea what TFC2 will be like, and/or if there will be any early-game sleeping items. It is not necessary to give us ability to skip the nights, but instead of just standing in my shack waiting out the night doing absolutely nothing, I could might as well be doing same but sleeping and regaining strength. If player would get too fatigued (Lets say player wouldn't sleep for three days), you would simply pass out (Fall into sleeping animation) which could be fatal outside, where the monsters roam.


    Edit: Even though now I realize this mechanic has least possibility to be added, I might as well add few changes, just so it makes more sense? (Or I might just make it whole lot worse  :P):


    Instead of waiting 10 minutes in a sleeping animation just for the night to pass, something like "Lucid dreaming" would be cool in my opinion. Basically, player could act as a "ghost" or like be in his astral body state, and could walk around the world searching for items. He could fly so that he could see other islands and maybe find useful materials, so that would be helpful when player wakes up imo. However, that completely ruins the "exploration" part of TFC, so yeah. Constructive criticism is appreciated, or just say this idea is stupid and move on  :lol:


  18. Are you trying to cut the decay using the D key, or by actually putting the food and the knife in the grid? When you say "it just does nothing" I need you to be more specific. Does no food appear in the output slot of the crafting grid? Does food appear in the output slot of the crafting grid, but it still shows the decay on the food? Does the food appear in the output slot of the crafting grid, but when you take it out the knife is not damaged and the food still has the decay on it? Please be as specific as possible, screenshots are also helpful.


    Thanks for replying. My apologies, it must have been some kind of a game glitch, I restarted my minecraft and it works fine!


  19. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): Yes


    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.


    TFC Version #: Beta Forge Version #: - 1.7.10 Please note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version. SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SSP Description:  Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes If you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCOptions, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): YesIf yes, which mods? LootableBodies, BetterFoilage, BetterRain, BetterSleeping, FastCraft If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): Yes If you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed. In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and ignored. Hello, I have noticed that I cannot cut decay off of food. I can cut it from small amounts of food, lets say 10oz etc. But when I have food stacked in large amounts (50oz or so) it does not allow me to cut the decay. I simply put it with the knife in the crafting grid, but it just does nothing. Not sure if this is a bug or just a feature that I do not understand properly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  20. Hello!

    I'm SnoopyMicrobe34 and I'm new to this amazing mod TerraFirmaCraft, although, I've noticed that before the new update came, my world generation was fine, but now worlds just seem way too small. I used a minimap mod and even though the world I create seems pretty big it just has a feeling of being on an island because its not big enough for me to find required animals or native ores. My worlds are now usually surrounded by ocean. Is it me or was world generation tweaked in the latest update? Note that I have created several worlds and have not noticed difference (Regarding size only of course).


    Any information will be much appriciated.


    Thank you!
