Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Samishii

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. [B64] New maps do not spawn clay

    I've tried that, it hasn't helped with finding any so far.I went and 'remade' my first game, where I started on a huge patch of clay that twisted under the river. Instead of clay there's was a 'crater' and an air tunnel leading underneath the river, which while cool to see, does not help me find clay. It's like it was generated and then removed, and the world hadn't yet noticed. I've just done a clean install of Java 32 (not 64, it's gone for now) and Minecraft, I'll try and grab forge 354 and the 65 update and see if that helps. I left MAtmos out of the major testing, when I was going to find clay before, took a fair bit of time but I searched the entire starting biome and a mile into the neighbouring ones, no clay anywhere, just gaps in the terrain here and there.The weirdest bit, was that it worked fine, I had a couple of good maps, but then I installed Java 64 and it craps out, only generating river plains with mountains and oceans beside it. Haven't seen a swamp or jungle in close to 70 maps now.
  2. Pre-Stone Age Weaponry

    Rather than Pre stone age weaponry, I'd rather see more stone age items. More wooden and stone weapons and tools. I'd like to see wood clubs, Mere(stone) clubs and stone headed maces, Fire hardening wooden weaponry/tools for extra durability at a campfire, and maybe a Terbutje/Macuahuitl? A wood shaping option/bench using a log/plank and a knife, where we can shape wood into other forms, like sticks or handles for weapons. I'll touch on the Terbutje/Macuahuitl, they look kind of like this: The teeth for a Terbutje/Macuahuitl club/sword could be made of various types of things: Stone, true obsidian, gems, diamonds, flint, animal teeth The crafting grid could be like such: (appologies about the lack of pictures for the crafting box, I'm tired) 123 456 789 1 Teeth 2 Core - Plank 3 Teeth 4 Teeth 5 Core - Plank 6 Teeth 7 8 Handle - Stick/carved wood? 9
  3. [B64] New maps do not spawn clay

    So, got the mod finally after the website went offline. Loved it so far, but it crashed repeatedly until I installed the 64x version of Java. (New OS installed, went from 32 bit to 64 bit version) The problem is, now I can no longer generate any maps with clay on them. I have tried repeatedly, even using the same seed as a my first map before I installed Java64 and it generated a new map without clay, and sometimes large cubic gaps missing from the landscape. I've gone on sojournes trough 4 maps generated so far, 2 days north, south, east and west, sampling soil and silt looking for clay. I've since wiped my minecraft install and reinstalled fresh, did the same for my Java's and still no clay dice. I've also only been generating 3 biomes, The huge, jagged mountains with tonnes of exposed ore (and the odd floating island) and river laced flatlands, both settled right next to an ocean. Generated 48 maps so far, I always start in rivery flatlands or epic mountains. I've used the downloads for Forge and player API off the TFC download page. The only other mod I'm using is MAtmos. So what should I do? I don't really want to uninstall java64 just to generate maps, but so far that looks to be the only way this will work. -Samishii