Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Newper5

  1. 1. Newper5 (though for researching purposes, it was billybob579 until recently) 2. East coast, so one hour ahead of Texas (I actually grew up there! DFW area) 3. I have a Teamspeak account but I don't use them very often. That can change if needed. 4. 20, if I'm remembering correctly that rich ore is 25 units per. I've admittedly been out of the game for a while. 5. Pretty well. I've spent quite a bit of time on it, and know all the basic systems. I can't build well to save my life, though; I've always favored managerial roles. 6. I do not. 7. Right. Always awful at this bit. I'm a high school senior with AP exams right around the corner; I'll probably be pretty inactive (or way too active) on the server in the days immediately preceding those. I moved to the east coast a few months back and have been keeping in touch with some of my Texas friends through video games, so I might drag them along if they're not burned out from past TFC expeditions. Also, if references help,here's an image of something we built together about a year back(to clarify, I spouted ideas and built a hovel while my friend made awesomeness happen). So yeah. Looking forward to playing on Ursine Nation, hopefully. It's been too long since I was in a good gaming community.
  2. Username: billybob579 Age: 17 Location: Texas Why do you like to play TFC? The added difficulty and extended gameplay, as well as all the additional building materials and tools. Why do you want to join? I played on a limited-uptime server a while back, initially because I was concerned about people robbing me in the night. I've had bad experiences with plugins like MyTown before, but this looks like a really popular server and I want to try it out. TFC is infinitely better with other people and you've even set up custom recipes, which is another big plus. What will you add to the server? I have a lot of experience with TFC, and alot of experience leading towns and empires (100+ people) in Minecraft, and there are few things I enjoy more in video games. I'm not a very good builder, but I know the game mechanics and I enjoy rallying people around me to make something awesome. If I get on, I'm -hoping- to set up a settlement in an unexplored area and start growing. I have some friends that used to play TFC and they might be interested in joining as well, but I'm not really sure.
  3. [Offline] Whitelisted Small Community Role-Play TFC Server

    Full Name: James (not fond of sharing full names online. Hopefully that can be worked around) Time-Zone: US Central Skype: yes or no? Yes, in that I have an account. However, I can't used it in at least a year and I don't imagine I'll be using voice-chat. Ingame Name: billybob579 Age:A few months short of 18 Experience with Minecraft: I started playing around Beta 1.4 (I think) when a friend recommended it. I don't recall specifically which version that was, but it was the one where they added wolves. Experience with TFC: I first heard about it on the minecraft forums when it was little more than some different types of stone and the beginnings of a cavein system. Didn't spend much time with it then, but in the time since, I've wasted an unhealthy amount of time on it and have built and led a massive (mostly peaceful) empire on a limited-uptime server called Aquor. Why you wish to join:Ialways look for roleplay servers when I play a game where roleplay is possible, but TFC has almost no such servers. It sounds like you're looking to build a nice community here and I hope to be part of it. Sidenote; I'm hoping you won't object to there being more than one "settlement" on the server. If you'd rather everyone live within 500 meters of each other, I still would like to be whitelisted, but I'm hoping it'll evolve to include some spread-out cities so that travel and roads are possible. I have a very long history of leading cities (and nations) in this game, and I don't know that I'll want to be in a position like that this time, but I just love the atmosphere created by trade-routes and embassies and different cities with their own agendas. I think that's a large part of roleplay in games like this. Second sidenote; I'm definitely in favor of PvP being disallowed, but I'm concerned that that will let people steal without fear of punishment. You didn't establish clear rules above, but it sounds like this is a "No killing, no stealing, no griefing" server. If that's the case, people either need a way to secure their possessions, a way to kill those who take their possessions, or a constantly vigilant admin. I don't think the latter is possible with a small server, and the first is usually achieved with immersion-breaking plugins. Might I suggest that you enable PvP but establish a rule against it except in cases of defending your own possessions? Having it enabled would also make it possible for people to have consensual PvP, like in the case of two different settlements that are in conflict and want a battle to settle things.
  4. Just occurred to me that I've lost my habit of frequenting these forums, and saw this thread upon my return. So I'll just say it's nice to see new and different groups cropping up on the server, but I certainly hope we get some new people soon. Haven't had any new faces in a week or so, it seems.
  5. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Sorry that upset you, Steev, but it is an anarchy server and leaving your stuff in plain sight is a good way to get robbed. I do hope you decide to return, as it is a good community and you were a nice part of it. It has been fun, and we didn't attack you for any reason other than that you had stuff we wanted. That's how the game is played. We waited until you were onlineand at your home, though perhaps stranding you the thousands of blocks away was inconsiderate. At any rate, as Arrow put it in his sorrow after you left, "I thought if you got knocked over, you stood back up." I really do hope you choose to return and build again, albeit a bit more defensively. In regards to the rules you cited, the third is talking about verbal attacks. That's why it mentions banter. We made every effort to "not be jerks about it" in reference to rule five. Made sure you were online and home, shot a few warning shots, and even saw you had armor. The only further action we could have taken was alerting you of the attack or simply not attacking, neither of which would make for very good banditing. So, in short, I hope you see why we did what we did and come back to Aquor. Unless you want to go play on a server that has absolutely no PvP, this is the one with the best shot at defending yourself and certainly the best community in my experience.
  6. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Sting, it also means that people will be less inclined to get on for such a small period of time. Just about every server in the world except for yours (because it's limited uptime) has no choice but to deal with periods of time when no one wants to stay online for long. The trick isn't to make them able to spend even less time on the server than they already are limited to. The more you narrow it down, the more likely people are to think "Oh, I've only got three hours until shutdown. I don't want to start on that new project tonight, I'll just wait to get on." Seven hours sounds like a lot in theory, but the people who play on this server are here for the A) Community, and relative freedom. You're trying to improve the community by diminishing freedom (in more ways than one, but that's not what this post is about), and I fear it's going to backfire. I'll get by with five hours. I have plenty of other things to do throughout the day. I'm sure just about everyone else on the server could say the same. But being confined to such a small window of time that youhave to be on if you want to play... Making sure you're on in time begins to sound like a chore.
  7. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Huzzah! Same hours and all?
  8. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server appears to be down, and there've been no posts here in a month... STING!!!! *shakes fist* If you're dead, I'm gonna kill you. It's summer and I've got villages to plunder -- where is this server?!
  9. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Hello again! Been a while. Just checked up on TFC for the first time in months (its been nice to actually get some work done between 4-10pm here), but with finals closing in, I figured I needed to start procrastinating. How active is Aquor now, on the average day?
  10. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Thought it was worth noting here that there's an up-and-coming dwarven kingdom being built by several newcomers. May their lives and beards be long.
  11. How will PvP and war work if all items can be locked? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
  12. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Been an odd drop in population over the last few days. You people need to get back on!
  13. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Just a heads up, the server appears to be down right now. Don't know if its intentional.
  14. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Sting forgot to mention, a few of us made a brief advertisement for the server. Should link that in the main post, maybe.
  15. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server's down again, unfortunately. Was up for about 3 minutes when it first came online, then crashed.
  16. Im wondering if TeraFirmaCraft has any role playing servers.

    As far as I know, there really isn't. I hunted for a long time for a server like that when I first wanted to play TFC multiplayer. I joined one once, but they had trouble with funding and wound up shutting down a day after I got whitelisted (yeah, I'm that lucky). However, there is a server I've been frequenting lately that is pretty good in its own right. Its not strictly RP, but all the established settlements are very medievally and people who want to roleplay are certainly encouraged to do so. It is limited-uptime, from 2:00 to 8:00 PST every day. Some people might not like that, but everyone who plays there thinks its great because you're able to realistically defend your base -- you don't have to worry about getting robbed in your sleep. Its also anarchy, so you're allowed to kill and raid if you want, but we almost never have players who do that. The server is relatively low in population, but looking to expand. There's about 15 active players, with 5-8 on at any given time. Anyhow, here's the thread if you're interested. The image at the top is of my city, by the way.
  17. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server seems to be down today.
  18. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Don't know how many people read to the fifth page when considering joining a server, but I figured I'd go ahead and say this: There's quite a few different settlements in this world now, some more advanced than others (mine being the most so), and several are looking for other players. There's a fort to the distant north, the beginnings of a cave-city in the south, a dwarven kingdom in the middle of it all... I don't know how to post pics, but there's a lot of impressive stuff to see and do on this map, so join us! Oh, speaking of pictures... Sting, you should take some of the more impressive areas on the world (like McLovin's castle, Miners Tirith, and so on) and post them on the front page.
  19. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Do you at least have a backup version...? I'd like to have it clientside if nothing else. But yeah, new worlds are getting tiresome.
  20. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Just so you know, Sting, the server still says its version 72 but apparently you've updated to 75. Also, not quite sure what's happening with it. I connected and it was just a big void. I attempted to relog in hopes that it was on my end, but now I can't connect at all.
  21. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    I second that motion.
  22. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Now it's supposed to be up... And its not. Hopefully soon.
  23. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    What's the problem, XPr0? Its not supposed to be up yet.
  24. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server just went down, Sting. I'm theorizing its because we left metal in a bloomery that got cold. I say this because the first post on the Roanoke TFC server (and nowhere else that I can find) says this: "Smelted metal that gets cold in a bloomery will crash the server when accessed and will require the bloomery to be broken and rebuilt. So DON'T do that!." So... There's that. We have 3.5 (thats 3 and one half) ingots of native copper in the bloomery, so if/when you do have to break it, please keep that in mind and restore it if possible.
  25. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    It's a shame there haven't been as many people on in the past few days, since this is an excellent server. It was asked earlier if five hours is enough, and the short answer to that is "yes". You don't have to be on for all those five hours, but knowing that you're not gonna wake up one day and find all your Minecraftly possessions stolen can be a very nice thing. Having specific uptime hours makes it more likely for players to be on at the same times, and thus encourages teamwork (or rivalry). This is the only server I've ever been on where wars play out realistically, too. A while back, there was a group of bandits (led by yours truly) that started attacking the main civilization on that world. No one attacked when others were offline, and there was a lot more intelligent thought went into planning attacks and building defenses. TL:DR version; This is an excellent server, and you people need to get online because the population diminished a little bit. Allons-y!